Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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FEETlover123 csgoskins Oct 28, 2024 @ 1:40pm
Can we do something as a community to rid of this ridiculous plague? I'm currently playing 15 games in a row where someone is rage-cheating, I've played about 70 matches in the last 2 weeks and vac live only worked twice, of which the second time the person who was targeted by vac live was not vac banned.
I tried to write to Steam support several times, saying that reporting in the game does not help, I said that I would be happy to provide a demo from each match and that I could send over 60 accounts that should be banned but are not. I suspect they didn't even read it because they wrote back to me and told me to report people in the game. this is some kind of joke, how come a company with such a profitable game doesn't give a ♥♥♥♥ about it so much. Really, is there anything we can do?
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Showing 1-15 of 91 comments
Uni (Banned) Oct 28, 2024 @ 1:44pm 
I came to this forum wanting a change also, and I feel like we are more and more that try to voice our concern.

Not sure what else we can do than keep reporting, and voicing our frustration about the current state of things. I wish we could write someone above the support in Valve, but atlass no idea how that should happend.

Is the NA side of things the same? Anyone knows?
Hamless Hog Oct 28, 2024 @ 1:57pm 
Originally posted by Jzson:
well there isn't a huge cheating problem. in reality people only seem like they are cheating due to the known cod gun ak rng bug. what we really need is to get valve to patch/remove the ak
What bug? Can you show us?
Jar Traahd Oct 28, 2024 @ 2:25pm 
I wouldn't bet on Valve making a solution that would end the issue.

Clowns will be clowns. If you're raised in a circus, it just becomes normal.
Maybe there are some sad clowns who don't believe they can become serious performers and that's why they stick to clowning.
I guess the CS community isn't exactly encouraging towards anyone who doesn't perform well, so I understand why someone could be inclined to join the circus.

Anyway, my best advice is to stop playing the game competitively at all.. in any way.
Ignore prem/comp and just play casual for fun.
Uni (Banned) Oct 28, 2024 @ 2:32pm 
That just seems like giving up though? I am not ready to give up, if everyone just gave up when things got bad world would be a sad sad place.

I understand the frustation I do, and I am glad I am not one that is dreaming of a CS carrer. But I do love the game, It is the last of the greats in my eyes. It is getting closer and closer to the CS I know and loved, and while the game improve the community is destroying the scene.. That is completely unacceptable, and someone should start giving theese kids a spanking for behaving like this. Where is peoples manners, did noone get a decent education in threating people in a decent way. What the hell happend to people?
PAZO Oct 28, 2024 @ 2:32pm 
Originally posted by Hogarth:
Originally posted by Jzson:
well there isn't a huge cheating problem. in reality people only seem like they are cheating due to the known cod gun ak rng bug. what we really need is to get valve to patch/remove the ak
What bug? Can you show us?
I haven't played CS2 for 2 weeks and wanted to upgrade my medal today...
Just had 4 cheaters in 7 casual games wtf? One game one of them starts rage cheating and gave everyone headshots with scout and bhop, another game a guy had 32-7 on Italy as CT with obvious wallhack, but his movement was like the biggest silver 1 BOT and ofc low account with only 1 game... And the other games were similar, all completely low accounts with wallhax :buzzed: I haven't had so many cheaters in a row for a long time I don't know what happened to the game, it's not normal and just unplayable :thumbspoop:
Viphyte Oct 28, 2024 @ 3:48pm 
Very match I've played recently there's been cheaters. Even people that vote you out the match for no reason so fast, betting they are friends.
spielen Oct 28, 2024 @ 3:50pm 
very true and sad, as a e-sport game cheating should be fixed the same way valorant did...
JordyyFPS Oct 28, 2024 @ 4:00pm 

These threads are all made by people with less then 5K elo most likely. :steamsalty:
Uni (Banned) Oct 28, 2024 @ 4:03pm 
Originally posted by JordyyFPS:

These threads are all made by people with less then 5K elo most likely. :steamsalty:

Why do all theese cheat accounts fill up their gaming lists with games they dont play?
Hamless Hog Oct 28, 2024 @ 4:05pm 
Originally posted by Uni:
Originally posted by JordyyFPS:

These threads are all made by people with less then 5K elo most likely. :steamsalty:

Why do all theese cheat accounts fill up their gaming lists with games they dont play?
What makes you think that person is cheating?
G666|Norco Oct 28, 2024 @ 4:25pm 
valve create game for cheater. valve sell cheats for cheater. valve f u c k y o u and your game
Hamless Hog Oct 28, 2024 @ 4:26pm 
Originally posted by Norco:
valve create game for cheater. valve sell cheats for cheater. valve f u c k y o u and your game
Why would they do that?
Hamless Hog Oct 28, 2024 @ 4:32pm 
Originally posted by Uni:
Originally posted by Hogarth:
No, im not. Just because other people cheat doesnt mean he does too, your logic is flawed. Using your logic YOU would be a cheater too!

His account looks very legit to me, so atleast he knows how to hide it then...
Hide what? Why do you guys think hes a cheater?
Originally posted by JordyyFPS:

These threads are all made by people with less then 5K elo most likely. :steamsalty:
Defenitely dude you so smart and funny.
are you russian?
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Date Posted: Oct 28, 2024 @ 1:40pm
Posts: 91