Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

What is tick rate and why we want 128 tick servers
I posted this on another reply to someone and thought it might be useful to share to help the community know what tick rate really is :D

A single snap shot (you can call it a screen shot of 1 frame in game) is 1 tick!
64 tick is 64 snap shots of information in one second of the CSGO world. Think of it as ''64 frames of information in one second'' constantly being sent to and forth from the client to the server. cl_cmdrate is the snap shots that you send and cl_updaterate is the snap shot that u recieve hence theyre both 64 on 64 tick server and 128 on 128 tick servers

If u have 50 fps then your cmdrate will be 50 but you will still recieve 64 snap shots and not get the full benefits of 64 tick like wise if you have 100 fps and play on 128 ticks then you will not get the full benefits of 128 tick. Your fps should be 128 + to enjoy 128 tick optimally and to send 128 ticks to the server. That doesnt mean you will have an advantage of sending less you will infact have a disadvantage as the updaterate will still be 128 hence everyone playing optimally will have an edge over u and see more snap shots.

If the server is 128 tick then it will have 128 snap shots per 1 second

The difference between the two is not about reaction time but I will draw you an example below

| .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | <------ this is 64 tick

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | <---------- this is 128 tick

as you can see the snap shots are more tightly packed together in 128 tick servers hence the gaps are less. The gaps in 64 tick is one variable of many variables why our shots dont hit the target i.e. bad hit registry.

more tick rate is not to do with reaction speed but more tick rate equates to more accurately conveying where everyone is on the map more precisely. The less tick rate you have the less accurate your position and your enemies position and your bullets impact/position will be.

think of it as a flick book animation the more pages you have in the flick book animation the more life like the animation would be without gaps i.e. a flick book with 100 pages would look better than a flick book animation with 50 pages! think of each page of the flick book as a snap shot ;) or 1 tick! :D hope I explained it well enough
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112/12 megjegyzés mutatása
well back in the beta the game was 128 tick, but due many infact dosnt have pcs for it, i assume 64 tick is better to keep the people playing insted of 128. not cause i dont agree 128 tick severs is an good idea, but many people would have to upgrade their hardware if you know what i mean
FluffyPuff™ eredeti hozzászólása:
well back in the beta the game was 128 tick, but due many infact dosnt have pcs for it, i assume 64 tick is better to keep the people playing insted of 128. not cause i dont agree 128 tick severs is an good idea, but many people would have to upgrade their hardware if you know what i mean
That is true but it is now 2016 I would have agreed with you when the game came out 4 years ago but now everyone should be able to run the game at 150 fps with the hardware being so cheap now and also the games software (source 1 engine) being as old as 2003 which is 13 years old going onto 14 years soon!
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Jump In The Action; 2016. okt. 10., 7:51
Good job DOT! Thank you!
If you read a little bit trough the Forum you will see that many Players don't play with 150 FPS.Many Play around 60FPS and there are even Players with 30 FPS.My PC is around 10 Years old and i Play with 80-100 FPS even i spent a lot of Money in the past weeks to buy many new Hardware parts.Its ok for me but on 128 Ticker servers i can not play i try it out on Cevo and ESEA.And to Buy now a new PC only for Play this Game is Stupid many of us Work real Hard for there money and don't want to spent them only to Play virtually a little bit better.So if you want better Servers Play on CEVO or ESEA
DOT eredeti hozzászólása:
FluffyPuff™ eredeti hozzászólása:
well back in the beta the game was 128 tick, but due many infact dosnt have pcs for it, i assume 64 tick is better to keep the people playing insted of 128. not cause i dont agree 128 tick severs is an good idea, but many people would have to upgrade their hardware if you know what i mean
That is true but it is now 2016 I would have agreed with you when the game came out 4 years ago but now everyone should be able to run the game at 150 fps with the hardware being so cheap now and also the games software (source 1 engine) being as old as 2003 which is 13 years old going onto 14 years soon!
I play with about 50-60 FPS
Csgo still has one of the best hit detections accross any games, even on 64 tick.

There were only 2 problems so far with the hit registry;

1. Jump client and server model didnt line up
2. Head hitbox didnt line up when you turned.

2 pretty big problems actually and it took way too long to fix them.

But there were never any other hit detection problems.
CoD, BF and any other fps hit detection are way worse than csgo.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: oldirty`; 2016. okt. 10., 8:39
tried both servers with 60fps and 75fps, still 128 was much better. why? because tick has nothing to do with your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fps, but with your net
Legutóbb szerkesztette: MAJOR PLAYER XDDDDD; 2016. okt. 10., 8:41
Díotóir eredeti hozzászólása:
tried both servers with 60fps and 75fps, still 128 was much better. why? because tick has nothing to do with your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fps, but with your net
Ofc your fps matter.

Your pc has to receive and send 128 snapshots to the server.
You cant send that many nor do you can display that many if you dont have 128 fps
Gladius Victorius eredeti hozzászólása:
If you read a little bit trough the Forum you will see that many Players don't play with 150 FPS.Many Play around 60FPS and there are even Players with 30 FPS.My PC is around 10 Years old and i Play with 80-100 FPS even i spent a lot of Money in the past weeks to buy many new Hardware parts.Its ok for me but on 128 Ticker servers i can not play i try it out on Cevo and ESEA.And to Buy now a new PC only for Play this Game is Stupid many of us Work real Hard for there money and don't want to spent them only to Play virtually a little bit better.So if you want better Servers Play on CEVO or ESEA

Yes But alot of people don't understand that you don't need a brand new pc to run at around 200 fps even. Getting hardware doesn't mean you need to spend a fortune on it.

Smart buys will get you really good results. As it was said its 2016 and every year new stuff comes out. The older stuff becomes alot more affordable for the average person.

oldirty` eredeti hozzászólása:
Csgo still has one of the best hit detections accross any games, even on 64 tick.

There were only 2 problems so far with the hit registry;

1. Jump client and server model didnt line up
2. Head hitbox didnt line up when you turned.

2 pretty big problems actually and it took way too long to fix them.

But there were never any other hit detection problems.
CoD, BF and any other fps hit detection are way worse than csgo.

You got it the other way around :D Let me explain

The hitboxes are the best accross many fps games infact they could actually be the best of any fps game although there is much needed improvement still to be done cause even though they're the best they're still more buggy than other fps games for example this new discovery one of many to be revealed soon enough is this new bug discovered by spurks

That aside the hitboxes are the best I agree!

HItdetection being the best? I strongly disagree let me explain

CS 1.6 had the worst hitboxes yet the hit registry onto them bad hitboxes was great....but how comes? that is because 1.6 had a far superior netcode and in turn that superior netcode of 1.6 made the hitboxes look great. CSGO has the worst netcode of all the franchises put together....if CSGO had the same netcode as the old 1.6 then this game would feel ridiculously responsive! although I believe that they will update the netcode to something even more advanced and these slow fixes are getting us there slowly but surely.

HIt registry is one thing that is very broken with CSGO atm, yes the hitboxes are getting there but the hit registry is the next thing that needs to get fixed. I think valve is working on a fix right now infact along with them bugs that spurks has discovered above.

Legutóbb szerkesztette: Jump In The Action; 2016. okt. 10., 9:59
FluffyPuff™ eredeti hozzászólása:
well back in the beta the game was 128 tick, but due many infact dosnt have pcs for it, i assume 64 tick is better to keep the people playing insted of 128. not cause i dont agree 128 tick severs is an good idea, but many people would have to upgrade their hardware if you know what i mean
DOT eredeti hozzászólása:
oldirty` eredeti hozzászólása:
Csgo still has one of the best hit detections accross any games, even on 64 tick.

There were only 2 problems so far with the hit registry;

1. Jump client and server model didnt line up
2. Head hitbox didnt line up when you turned.

2 pretty big problems actually and it took way too long to fix them.

But there were never any other hit detection problems.
CoD, BF and any other fps hit detection are way worse than csgo.

You got it the other way around :D Let me explain

The hitboxes are the best accross many fps games infact they could actually be the best of any fps game although there is much needed improvement still to be done cause even though they're the best they're still more buggy than other fps games for example this new discovery one of many to be revealed soon enough is this new bug discovered by spurks

That aside the hitboxes are the best I agree!

HItdetection being the best? I strongly disagree let me explain

CS 1.6 had the worst hitboxes yet the hit registry onto them bad hitboxes was great....but how comes? that is because 1.6 had a far superior netcode and in turn that superior netcode of 1.6 made the hitboxes look great. CSGO has the worst netcode of all the franchises put together....if CSGO had the same netcode as the old 1.6 then this game would feel ridiculously responsive! although I believe that they will update the netcode to something even more advanced and these slow fixes are getting us there slowly but surely.

HIt registry is one thing that is very broken with CSGO atm, yes the hitboxes are getting there but the hit registry is the next thing that needs to get fixed. I think valve is working on a fix right now infact along with them bugs that spurks has discovered above.
Hit registry in CSGO is sometimes near 0.Try it out with easy Bots as they are near always static Targets.I try it out some day ago Dust 2 Bot in the Middle exact where begin the small Wall that divide Middle and short to A me down near the Middle Door.As it was easy Bots he dont move after he see me so i try to use Deagle single Fire.Crosshair 100% on his Head but 5 Hits don't kill him only the last hit kill him.After he was death on the Wall behind him i was able to see that all Hits was in the same Place.That mean 5 Hits pass his Head with no damage and only 1 count as hit.Same you see in many Games against Players you fire on them you see 4-5 times fly Blood you see it even on the wall but then you get killed and the game say you hit only 1 or 0 times.
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112/12 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2016. okt. 10., 7:45
Hozzászólások: 12