The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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xInfidelx342x 15 AGO 2013 a las 18:58
Skyrim Windows 8 Lag
I just bought Skyrim on Steam for my new pc and it lags horribly from the get go no matter what visual settings I use or what compatibility mode I use. Any suggestions?


Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
Memory: 8.00 GB
Video Card: Nvidia Gforce GTX 770M

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Mostrando 1-15 de 15 comentarios
Pozzi27 15 AGO 2013 a las 19:06 
Go see on ( if you have the right specs or ajust your video quality.
xInfidelx342x 15 AGO 2013 a las 19:08 
I can run it and have tried all the video qualities but it still lags.
Praxius 15 AGO 2013 a las 20:12 
Update your video drivers perhaps?

If it's a new computer that doesn't mean it has the newest drivers and Nvidia has put out a number of drivers since Skyrim came out that may better optimize the game for your card.

If they are up to date, go into your Nvidia control panel and disable CUDA. That caused some similar issues in other games for me with my GTX 660Ti Twin Frozr III. I didn't have this problem in Skyrim because by the time I got Skyrim, I already disabled it.
Última edición por Praxius; 15 AGO 2013 a las 20:18
Sturmgewehr_44 16 AGO 2013 a las 20:01 
Lag doesn't exist in singleplayer, its called fps dropping.
Sturmgewehr_44 16 AGO 2013 a las 20:03 
Cuda has to do with gaming, although not as much as it does in 3d modeling.
Praxius 16 AGO 2013 a las 20:44 
Publicado originalmente por Loot_junky:
Cuda has nothing to do with gaming. At least, not in the context you suggest.
It's not something for you to enable or disable and see a result, for playing video games.

I have to wonder where on earth you arrived at this conclusion.

Um I came to the conclusion after it fixed the problem I was having in Red Orchestra 2 with my GTX660Ti and was a known issue between RO2 and 600 series cards. It was suggested by multiple people for multiple players with the same issues with the same series cards. And it can be disabled in the Nvidia Control Panel & there are steps that are easy to follow to do it.

If you want me to link a source I can supply multiple ones.

That's where I got the idea, thanks very much. I don't know how many times I have heard people say CUDA wouldn't cause a conflict but guess what?

In some cases it can.

Wow who would've thunk it??

I suggested it as a hunch based on the OP's symptoms and having an educated guess that 600 & 700 series cards share some similarities.

It's not like it'll kill anybody to at least TRY.
Praxius 17 AGO 2013 a las 8:21

^ here was a worst case situation where some players were experiencing more than just stuttering, but continual crashes. And not just the game crashing, but the entire PC crashing & locking up, resulting in a manual power off at the Tower's power button to get out of it, which I experienced plenty of times, as well as the stuttering and laggy experiences.

A more detailed description of the problem:

and the GeForce forums:

and it wasn't just RO2:

So yeah, CUDA does affect some games on some cards on some systems.... This issue exists.

Google it next time before you go off trying to act like you know what you're talking about. You go on about people not being computer literate, yet you can't even take two seconds to look something up to confirm it exists before you shoot your mouth off.

I didn't pull this CUDA thing out of my arse for no reason. But maybe I and all these other people, including those at Nvidia and the GeForce forums are all wrong, and you're right. Maybe we all just imagined the problem in a collective dream and it never happened. Maybe we're all in some sort of conspiracy against CUDA, grab your foil hats people.

If you're not going to try and help the OP or even try to be constructive, then the door's that way pal.
Última edición por Praxius; 17 AGO 2013 a las 8:36
JhnMcKnn 17 AGO 2013 a las 8:21 
I cant help you
Praxius 17 AGO 2013 a las 8:47 
And I do both & have the post secondary education & working experience to back it up.

Now if you're done with trying to whip your little willie out to see who's is bigger, post something useful, drop the lame trolling attempts, help the guy out with some of that vast knowledge you have stored in that nugget, or move on.

Back to the OP:

Check out the first link in my previous post before this one, follow the steps but switch the game from RO2 to Skyrim and let me know if there is any improvement in your game's performance. You shouldn't have to worry about switching any MSAA, or AA or FXAA around, as I didn't and the problem still got fixed with the first steps, but it may be a good precaution to do so to be on the safe side if you feel it is necessary.
Última edición por Praxius; 17 AGO 2013 a las 8:52
xInfidelx342x 17 AGO 2013 a las 9:09 
well thank you for the post, however nothing iv tried seems to be working. my drivers are fully updated, iv also tried another patch for the game, and just for S'sand G's tried running in compatibility mode.. im starting to think it may just be problem with steam from the dowload. iv googled the issue and itseems im not the only one with the issue.
ShocksVR #AirLink 17 AGO 2013 a las 10:36 
Publicado originalmente por joepbradshaw2:
I just bought Skyrim on Steam for my new pc and it lags horribly from the get go no matter what visual settings I use or what compatibility mode I use. Any suggestions?


Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz
Memory: 8.00 GB
Video Card: Nvidia Gforce GTX 770M
Your LAPTOP is probably using the Intel Integrated graphics for Skyrim. [considering your laptop has switchable graphics]

Go into your nvidia Optimus Control Panel and make sure Skyrim is forced to use the GTX 770m.
Última edición por ShocksVR #AirLink; 17 AGO 2013 a las 10:36
Praxius 17 AGO 2013 a las 15:51 
Publicado originalmente por Loot_junky:
Do you really think you're drawn out sentences with clever grammar with sassy insults make you appear more intelligent? Give me a break.
I stick by my statement. Perhaps if you want to talk about 3d modeling, we can talk about cuda. Or Folding at home.... It has nothing to do with the layman gamer, and it's not something you should even think about, let alone enable /disable.
His problem has nothing to do with cuda.

Well Mr Wonder, you seem to make it sound like you know exactly what his problem is, yet thus far in this entire discussion, you've made zero suggestions or solutions to that problem.

you can stick by your statement all you want, your claim about CUDA causing issues has already been proven wrong. The only thing you proved was that you didn't even read anything provided. You don't even have any decent counter argument other than "it's not that because I say so"

Thanks for the laugh, moving on now.....
DorkDiva 17 AGO 2013 a las 16:26 
I have the same GPU, same processor, but 16 GB of RAM (32 GB next week), win8, but no lag here.
Are you using an MSI G series by chance?
Última edición por DorkDiva; 17 AGO 2013 a las 16:28
xInfidelx342x 19 AGO 2013 a las 18:05 
got it. thanks everyone. my drivers were not installed properly..
Vegirot 20 AGO 2013 a las 11:29 
have you tried messing around with the screen resolution? my game lagged when it was set to my screen resolution, so i played around with it, and boom! it was fixed and runs crystal clear!
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Publicado el: 15 AGO 2013 a las 18:58
Mensajes: 15