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۞PReTo۞ Dec 27, 2020 @ 5:39am
Can i play on 1440x900 resolution?
Long time ago I bought Cogmind however it looked too small to my eyes...has the scaling of the UI (and of everything...) been implemented? Still got the same W1952TQ LG monitor
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Nakomys Dec 27, 2020 @ 7:52am 
Unfortunately, no, scaling hasn't been implemented as far as I'm aware. The only way to get the game to look bigger is to get a bigger monitor.

You could try changing the fonts in the in-game menu, the game offers a few choices that could possibly be a bit more readable, but otherwise there isn't much to do about it outside of getting a new monitor.
Last edited by Nakomys; Dec 27, 2020 @ 8:05am
whisper Dec 27, 2020 @ 11:57am 
I've played it on my laptop at 1280 x 800. It's 100% playable at that resolution but definitely uncomfortable compared to my big desktop monitor. At first it was really aggravating but after an hour or so I got used to it. The terminus font is by far the most readable to me at that size.
Kyzrati  [developer] Dec 27, 2020 @ 5:23pm 
Terminus is generally the most readable and I'd recommend that one for smaller screens, yeah, although the interface was designed for physically larger desktop monitors, rather than on a resolution basis, since the terminal interface makes use of a 160x60 grid.

A while back I built a sort of "Cogmind alternative" known as POLYBOT-7 which uses a much larger cell size for easy readability even on smaller devices, but overall the mechanics are notably simpler due to the necessary changes.
ZivNio Feb 24, 2021 @ 1:24am 
Terminus is really ugly at CDDA in my opinion. Consolas, on the other hand, is really nice. It's probably also a licensing problem, but there are definitely more in this world than Terminus. Just because it was created for 160x60 does not mean that terminus is a law. There are alternatives. Believe me. Only those who don't want to search think that terminus is the best in the world.
Kyzrati  [developer] Feb 25, 2021 @ 8:11pm 
Note that by saying "Terminus is the most readable" I'm talking specifically about the fonts included with the game, not every font in existence xD

Consolas isn't included with Cogmind, whereas Terminus is. You can technically create custom fonts, but it has to be a bitmap font in the proper layout, so not many people do this. That said, I'm not sure the Consolas glyph aspect ratio would be suitable for the Cogmind cell size in particular, since text cells are a rather rectangular 1:2, and I'm completely sure that it wouldn't be suitable for all resolutions, which is why Terminus was chosen, because as a relatively readable and tall font it can be used at any resolution Cogmind supports, and is therefore a pretty good choice in this regard. Consolas would only work at a subset of resolutions.
ZivNio Feb 26, 2021 @ 1:51am 
Of course. The Unity Engine follows exactly this approach, lol. These are limitations you've given the game to maintain the retro style. Other developers don't make it so easy and still manage to keep that charm and still use the technical possibilities of today. That's exactly what I mean when people say that Terminus is number one when they don't want to innovate. Tiles (animated or not) are not really necessary, but they have to be because otherwise such a game can no longer be sold. If devs claim that with a modern engine nothing else is possible than a bitmap font that was developed in 1985 then that is just not credible for me.
Terminus is ugly in the Cogmind implementation and also in other games and programs. The user should always be given the opportunity to make his own choice according to "today's" standards.
With usertracking and analytics you manage to keep up with the times, which is why people like to use the Unity engine, but a reasonable font implementation is impossible, aha.
Kyzrati  [developer] Feb 27, 2021 @ 4:09am 
Yeah personally I like Cogmind's default font which was developed specifically for the interface style and architecture :)

Though I do also like adding other options that have been requested over the years, which is why Cogmind has so many of them--always nice to have more options! (including a number of semi-hidden ones because otherwise the list starts getting unreasonably long xD)
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