Wasteland 3

Wasteland 3

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whippleshuffle  [developer] Aug 30, 2020 @ 3:12pm
Ongoing Support & Technical Help
Please be aware that as development on Wasteland 3 has concluded, we are no longer collecting bug reports as no further updates are expected. A list of some issues that players can still encounter in the game are listed in our Known Issues article[support.inxile-entertainment.com].

This Technical Help forum will serve as an ongoing self-help hub (as well as the Tech Help forum on our website[forums.inxile-entertainment.com]), to find workarounds and solutions from other players, and you're always welcome to open a support ticket and contact us directly through our support portal[support.inxile-entertainment.com]. We'll always do our best to try to help you resolve and work around any issues you're experiencing.

Thank you,
Micah Whipple
inXile Communications Director
Last edited by whippleshuffle; Feb 16, 2023 @ 2:32pm