Cultist Simulator

Cultist Simulator

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AK  [developer] Apr 12, 2018 @ 3:15am
You can expect more patches and hotfixes now as we get closer to launch - we'll put them in the thread here.
Last edited by AK; Apr 16, 2018 @ 5:57am
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
AK  [developer] Apr 12, 2018 @ 3:20am 
v 2018.4.c hotfix!!

- Lazy Time bug is now fixed - Time Passing should grab funds again.
- The Deeds of the Scarred Captain and The World Does Not Weep can now be translated into English
- some unglamorous typos
- Linux save bug *may* be fixed if you launch from Steam; if not, try setting LC_ALL=C %command% in the launch arguments (thanks eraveline for identifying this)
AK  [developer] Apr 13, 2018 @ 2:13am 
v 2018.4.d!

- more content at Glover & Glover. Grapple with the notorious Mr Alden, and rise even higher in the organisation. (You'll see some of this only in new games.)
- buncha tiny fixes to books and languages.
AK  [developer] Apr 16, 2018 @ 5:58am 
v 2018.4.g!

- flickering issue fixed, hopefully
- greedy slots now have visible greedy magnets
- prisoners now decay to corpses, restlessness now becomes dread
- Expeditions and Rites have an extra wide window, to display aspects in a more civilised way
- decks now have descriptions and labels
- numerous tweaks to early-game hints and extra interactions
AK  [developer] Apr 17, 2018 @ 4:20am 
v 2018.h....

- it is possible again to heal with Funds
- upgrading Health, Reason and Passion now works very differently
- it's much easier to gain Vitality
- Skills are available; currently, you can use Strength if you want to work out in the open air
- Opium can now cause sickness and despair, but also bring Glimmering
AK  [developer] Apr 17, 2018 @ 10:53am 
AND ANOTHER! v.2018.4.h.2.

- You now create Cults by talking to an Acquaintance, not by talking with Reputation. Creating a Cult is slightly more involved, and you can't have a cult with only you as a member.
- The Season of Ambitions now inspires clues, hints and restlessness if you're not on the Ascension path yet.
- Quality of life: You can drop cards directly on to tokens with are running, if they have an empty ongoing slot.
- Performance: you should see a performance update from some rework Martin's done on the zoom. Please let us know!

We're away for a couple of days, but is always listening.
AK  [developer] Apr 17, 2018 @ 2:25pm 
All right, just one more tiny one.

- You can no longer try to recruit a Detective as your first cult member.
- Magnet slots should no longer lurk invisibly after their time is up.
- Dropping a card directly on to a token should work again.
AK  [developer] Apr 20, 2018 @ 6:36am 
Another patch! v.2018.4.j.1

This is quite a significant one:

- Exploration verb will now only accept cards with relevant aspects. I'm going to add similar filtering to other verbs. This will add guidance, and still allow lots of experimentation, while ruling out things that just aren't supposed to work.
- Exploration completely overhauled; all of Passion, Reason and Health have some extra uses now.
- Thugs can sometimes be temporarily hired to do dirty work (and their contracts extended if you're not done with them)
- I've implemented the use for Peculiar Rumours
- I've added a temporary location that is sometimes available through Exploration
- I'm adding some additional hidden interactions
AK  [developer] Apr 20, 2018 @ 9:28am 

- whoops, vaults briefly weren't locations and couldn't be explored
- Acquaintances are no longer recruited with Reputation; you just need a little bit of the right aspect.
AK  [developer] Apr 24, 2018 @ 3:15am 

- the game now longer looks weirdly dark
- All verbs bar Study now limit which cards can go into them, greatly reducing trial and error.

- I've moved Acquaintance and Patron recruitment back into Talk, after our House Skintwister pointed out that this bottlenecks exploration
- lots of tweaky changes to slots and verbs and clues, especially Expeditions and Commissions
- Rites are now found in books! I am 80% certainty going to be removing the hinky Rite research for launch.
AK  [developer] Apr 24, 2018 @ 10:42am 

- Timers run down on cards in results. Summer's over, folks. (I'll add new sources for timed resources as part of the balancing process, but this is how it's going to be.)
- Early Night no longer gives Vitality, but can have other benefits.
- You can now sell unwanted tools and texts at Oriflamme's. There is an unintentionally hilarious graphical effect that occurs sometimes, which I'm leaving in.
- You can sell Spintria, again (at Oriflamme's)
- Added clues about rite / summoning use to various snippets of lore.
- Rituals are now always referred to as rites. It saves two characters and is consistent.
- Various bug fixes and balance nudges
AK  [developer] Apr 30, 2018 @ 8:44am 

- The Detective legacy is now sometimes available.
- There's another minor ending available for Detectives.
- Dread is now removed, not transformed to Reason, by Contentment
- Ferninshun of Oreol no longer crashes the game.
- If you never show up to work, there are now consequences.
AK  [developer] May 2, 2018 @ 4:02am 

- LOTS more Expedition text. The rest will probably go in today.
- Noonstones no longer open the Peacock Gate.
- Translation mechanics have been reworked - the UI is much nicer now.
- Unique cards should no longer be drawable from decks if they're already in the game. (There is a rare circumstance where they still will, but we'll squash that.
- When you START a verb while paused, the countdown now shows.
- closing Options doesn't unpause the game.
- Countdown numerals are monospaced to avoid jitter.
Last edited by AK; May 4, 2018 @ 3:02am
AK  [developer] May 4, 2018 @ 2:59am 

  • HEADLINE CHANGE: research now tells you what lore can be combined. You can also subvert some kinds of lore with another kind of lore. Desperately need that Forge? Subvert some Lantern.
  • More lore snippets in research outcomes.
  • Rites can no longer be researched.
  • All Expedition content is now in the game.
  • Half-implemented legacies should no longer appear.
  • A wider variety of hirelings are available.
  • Hirelings stick around longer.
  • Pawns can be promoted. Different pawns have different potentials, but none of them will amount to much, poor things.
  • Stats are fatigued in more cases.
  • Untreated Injuries don't disappear; they become Decrepitude. (Afflictions will, too). Decrepitude will ultimately have a small use, but is mostly a marker of where your health has gone.
  • Opium takes effect faster.
  • Influences weren't decaying! They are now.
  • 'The Irreproachable Traditions' is longer translated from Latin back into Latin.
  • The quote screen now provides helpful advice to lift your soul and cheer you when the dark inhabits the window-panes.
Last edited by AK; May 4, 2018 @ 3:02am
AK  [developer] May 7, 2018 @ 11:42am 
  • FIXED: Clicking on a smol card inside a situation window now works again
  • Mystique lasts longer, but it can no longer be turned into evidence - it just incites detectives to keep looking. Notoriety can still be turned into evidence.
  • Trial process finally reworked: detectives choose whether to investigate a follower, or you. But you're not always found guilty, and a Favour will usually get you or your follower out of trouble.
  • Planned use for Favours finally implemented (see above)
  • Failed Expeditions create Mystique, and successful ones create Notoriety.
  • Expedition Success screen no longer confusingly displays a slot you could absent-mindedly pop another Funds in
  • Ecdysis Club now closes between visits

Last edited by AK; May 7, 2018 @ 11:42am
AK  [developer] May 9, 2018 @ 7:49am 
  • Three new Hunters: Spencer Hobson, Connie Lee and Dr Natalia Dragon
  • All Hunters bar the Weary Detective now start with a variety of special abilities.
  • Hunters now sometimes fail to create or upgrade Evidence... unless they're Meticulous
  • Erratic hunters occasionally fail or succeed when they shouldn't be doing that thing.
  • Tenacious hunters survive one in three physical assaults. Mystic Hunters survive two in three assaults by summonings
  • Dread and Fascination can have a variety of effects on Hunters, as can Winter and Lantern lore. Higher level Winter and Lantern lore can be more effective.
  • Hunters who survive attacks may become stronger.
  • It's possible to poison Hunters.
  • Winter-aspected followers can now attack Hunters

  • Fixed intermittent blank-white Legacy choice bug
  • When an ending makes a Legacy available, we tell the player about it
  • Time now passes reliably for detectives.
  • Detective work and G&G work now pay funds again whenever they should
  • Oriflamme's auction bug (wouldn't buy texts) is fixed.
Last edited by AK; May 9, 2018 @ 7:49am
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Date Posted: Apr 12, 2018 @ 3:15am
Posts: 24