Sonic Adventure DX

Sonic Adventure DX

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"Sonic Adventure DX sucks !!!!'
I mean first off, I will say I'm a bit biased cuz I'm a pretty big Sonic fan... so even though the game isnt the best, I still enjoy it

Many absolutely trash this game though, saying it's awful and sucks ass, pointing out all the bad sides to it (which I admit, are VERY annoying), like the wonky camera and controls. Those two issues cause the most problems for me. How am I supposed to beat the level if I can't see where I'm going? How am I supposed to collect rings if the controls are either too sensitive or the complete opposite?

But, in general, I would say this game is decent. I haven't played the original version of Sonic Adventure and I didn't download any mods, just played DX straight up. To me, it's pretty fun. It feels like an adventure, idk. Maybe that's just me tho, and ig if youre a fan of sonic ofc this game hits harder for you.
I admit it can be hard to play sometimes and very frustrating, but I think if you download some good mods, (like many have suggested), you can get a better experience.

I played it without mods. Still really fun.
You do you, but don't make this game seem all bad cuz it's eally not. I expected much worse but I personally enjoy it
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Even with mods, this game reeks of jank. This was a late 90's early 3D platformer so it's understandable it wouldn't be nearly as polished or refined as a lot of other games that came later like Jak & Daxter. But what's here is still really interesting, memorable and fun despite the lack of polish.

Games like Sonic Forces, on the other hand, were bad to play for me not due to a lack of polish (it's one of the least buggy 3D Sonic games from my experience) but because the game itself was bland, boring and lacked any form of replay value that this game provided.

This game felt like an actual adventure like you said, and that's one of the main reasons a lot of people really enjoy it, myself included. Sure, what's here isn't a game that'll appeal to everyone, but is a real treat to play for those that do enjoy this type of game. :SonicManiaGoldRing:

Oh, and the Chao Garden makes this game a lot more replayable and fun! :smilingbubble:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από NBOX21:
Even with mods, this game reeks of jank. This was a late 90's early 3D platformer so it's understandable it wouldn't be nearly as polished or refined as a lot of other games that came later like Jak & Daxter. But what's here is still really interesting, memorable and fun despite the lack of polish.

Games like Sonic Forces, on the other hand, were bad to play for me not due to a lack of polish (it's one of the least buggy 3D Sonic games from my experience) but because the game itself was bland, boring and lacked any form of replay value that this game provided.

This game felt like an actual adventure like you said, and that's one of the main reasons a lot of people really enjoy it, myself included. Sure, what's here isn't a game that'll appeal to everyone, but is a real treat to play for those that do enjoy this type of game. :SonicManiaGoldRing:

Oh, and the Chao Garden makes this game a lot more replayable and fun! :smilingbubble:

Yeah, of course, the time this game was made is an important factor as to why it's not that good. I kind of hope the Adventure games get remasters to improve their quality, but honestly, considering how the past remasters were... I'm not sure.

Like you said, this game really just depends on the player's preferences- some like it, others don't. But both sides have truth to them and valid reasons as to why.

As for games like Sonic Forces, I guess despite the good gameplay quality, it doesn't have much of a "feel" appeal and seems pretty bland, so many dislike it. Adventure, on the other hand, is the opposite, and is much more loved than Forces.

And yeah, the Chao Garden is definitely one of the best parts of the game :3
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