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Might you consider to make the whole of the mirror tile responsive to mouseclicks? Currently a tile only turns if you constantly mouseover the thin mirror frame or it stops moving about. Or you have to keep clicking while shifting the cursor to move it about

There seem to be no way to return to main menu from within a puzzle before you solve it, ESC is unresponsive and I had to force a shutdown to get out of it.

Id strongly suggest adding a noticeable change to the exit door when you can click to open it after directing the beam to the receptable. I sat wondering why it didn't progress after getting the beam in place. Clicking on both the animated laser and the receptable as the door didnt open or change at all. Ought be noticeable that you are supposed to click it instead of waiting for something to happen. Perhaps turn the door shiny sparkly golden when the receptacle is charged.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Moonbane; 11. Okt. 2017 um 10:15
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Phenomenal feedback. A patch is in the works to address these issues :)
Moonbane 11. Okt. 2017 um 10:54 
The receptable could probably also use an unpowered/powered skin as well. Id suggest a dark ankh vs golden ankh to stay within the egyptian theme. Wasnt sure what the swirly ball was supposed to be.

Alternatively a scarab holding a dark ball, vs holding a glowing ball. scarabs was often pictured as holding the sun. Suits a receptable for light, no?


In ancient Egyptian religion, the sun god Ra is seen to roll across the sky each day, transforming bodies and souls. Beetles of the Scarabaeidae family (dung beetle) roll dung into a ball as food and as a brood chamber in which to lay eggs; this way, the larvae hatch and are immediately surrounded by food. For these reasons the scarab was seen as a symbol of this heavenly cycle and of the idea of rebirth or regeneration. The Egyptian god Khepri, Ra as the rising sun, was often depicted as a scarab beetle or as a scarab beetle-headed man. The ancient Egyptians believed that Khepri renewed the sun every day before rolling it above the horizon, then carried it through the other world after sunset, only to renew it, again, the next day. A golden scarab of Nefertiti was discovered in the Uluburun wreck.[1]
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Moonbane; 11. Okt. 2017 um 11:04
Moonbane 11. Okt. 2017 um 12:49 
Noticed you made the esc button work in puzzles, which is good. Did anything else get changed?
Id really love a more visible glow on the reflective side of the mirrors, I find them hard to see.
Maybe increase the turnspeed of the mirrors too, maybe 15-20%.
Art improvement suggestion: The lightbeam could benefit from a little animation, giving it a more pulsing look, instead of being just a plain static line.

Edit: Ah, i just noticed you made the end door brigher when the receptacle got lit. Didnt notice it at first, but after a few levels I noticed it.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Moonbane; 11. Okt. 2017 um 13:07
RhysWillis  [Entwickler] 11. Okt. 2017 um 13:09 
Hey Nefer,

Yea I fixed a quick bug with the resolutions. I have also made it so that when the light hits the receptical it will make the door slightly lighter and more obvious for you to click it.

I am glad you're happy with the new pause screen in. In a bigger patch we will improve the actual pause screen to a better version, as well as including access to the options menu.

As for the visible glow of the mirrors, in truth the first mirror only has an obvious reflection since it could potentially be double sided. As for the other mirrors I feel for now at least that it is pretty obvious as to which part is reflective.

As for the movement speed, we have increased and decreased them many times to try and find a perfect balance. Too fast and it becomes too tricky in later levels to avoid obstacles. Too slow and it takes forever to complete a simple level. Right now it seems like a perfect speed, but I think the future maybe to have the option to pick your speed so that you can adjust it on the fly to suit your needs. This would of course need to be at a static speed for the timed mode.

Thanks for all of your feedback so far. As Super Hyper Mega Giga Drill said, you've raised some great points and I am glad it has all be constructive!


Zuletzt bearbeitet von RhysWillis; 11. Okt. 2017 um 13:17
Moonbane 11. Okt. 2017 um 13:12 
Makes good sense on the turnspeed. But please consider what i said earlier about making the whole of the smaller mirror titles mouse responsive, i feel they are awkward to use, unlike the larger single sided anubis mirrors.
RhysWillis  [Entwickler] 11. Okt. 2017 um 13:18 
Yea. We were somewhat aware of this and we have made a few changes to make it far easier than it originally was. The fix we have in mind should fix everything and create a good platform for some of the more trickier things we have in mind for the future.

Moonbane 11. Okt. 2017 um 13:25 
Found a small problem:

Upon clearing level 10 in the first area, the next button is unresponsive. I had to choose go back to the menu, which actually doesnt drop me in the menu as stated, but sends me to the worldmap where I could pick the new opened area.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Moonbane; 11. Okt. 2017 um 13:26
Moonbane 11. Okt. 2017 um 18:33 
clearing lvl 20 have the same issue, unresponsive next button. Have to click 'menu' to progress on the worldmap
RhysWillis  [Entwickler] 12. Okt. 2017 um 1:20 
Thanks for this Nefer. We'll look at clearing that up today and resolved sometime this evening.

A suggestion, perhaps have light shine on a newly opened area on the worldmap to draw attention there.

Might help with initial area confusion too, if players is drawn to click on the currently unusable custom puzzle tomb smack dab in the middle of the worldmap and wondering why it doesn't work. Like I did, initially thinking it bugged as I hadn't seen the smaller starting tomb to the side.

The custom puzzle tomb probably also needs an under construction sign too, which is humorous for an ancient tomb. As well preventing players from entering the empty screen for now.

I think part of the initial confusion was the name of the custom puzzle tomb, it gave no indication it was not part of the intended puzzle progression.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Moonbane; 12. Okt. 2017 um 3:48
Fairycakes  [Entwickler] 12. Okt. 2017 um 4:09 
Thanks for your suggestions Nefer, we will surely take your points into consideration! We will definitely add some text on the Creator's Well, letting the player know that no level has been created yet! :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Fairycakes; 12. Okt. 2017 um 4:13
Possible unintended glitch found.


Ive discovered that if a mirror gets struck by multiple beams it increases the completion counter each time. And as seen in the picture above, I was able to wriggle a full completion by striking mirrors multiple times to max completion without using all puzzle elements and it gave me 3 jars upon using the door.

Edit: Also the above is another case for adding a pulsing direction glow to the lightbeam. When it becomes a truly spaghetti tangle of beams, it can be hard to judge in which direction the beam is going.

Edit2: Its actually named Curators Well ingame, not Creators. Creators would make it more obvious. Curators made me think of a museum curator, and thusly that it was another puzzle area.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Moonbane; 12. Okt. 2017 um 4:54
Ive just found a definitive bug related to the above post:

Thanks to multiple re-reflections you can actually overflow the completion counter, and the beam turns yellow and unreflective.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Moonbane; 12. Okt. 2017 um 5:56
Possible solution if you dont intend for a mirror puzzle object to be used multiple times as Ive done. Turn it red or perhaps crossed out when hit by multiple beams to indicate its an invalid action, while not increasing the completion counter further. As well not reflecting a second beam hitting it.

Though it might prove a problem if you have any double sided mirror puzzle objects that Ive not seen yet.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Moonbane; 12. Okt. 2017 um 8:32
Question: Is there way to deal with the green anubis statues easilly? Feels rather frustrating to have to constantly adjust them due to them turning when every other non green anubis element is turned.

Especially when faced with puzzles with 3 or even 4 green anubis statues. I ended only getting 1 jar on the majority of the puzzles in Atum's library because of irritation with them, had otherwise 3 jarred everything previously.
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