Life is Feudal: MMO

Life is Feudal: MMO

Chat moderation
Please get some chat moderation on EU server, all chats are getting spammed with guild recruitment adds (in various languages) outside of the #lfg chat designated for that, making attempts at communication fruitless.

Also English only chat for big world would be a big improvement, to be able to talk to anyone in neutral language instead of the chat being filled with conversations in hieroglyphs. Of course keep the other chats open to other languages, just add one where common language is used. (FYI English is not my native language)
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Darkfall  [developer] May 21 @ 5:58am 
The good news is that everything you mentioned is actually being worked on.

We had actually hoped to have released an update to address your points, however, we encountered some problematic bugs when we were testing the new chat, so we're currently trying to get that fixed.

As things stand, our "chat update" will be quite a large one, as it is a patch for the entire chat, with moderation updates and general useability upgrades.

For now, I don't have an ETA, but we'll share more information on this once we've sorted out the bugs.
Beerson May 21 @ 7:08am 
Good to hear, I'll be looking forward to the update.
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