Underworld Ascendant

Underworld Ascendant

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Linux Version
Are there any plans for a Linux version ?
Origineel geplaatst door Flare:
Hi Arcanoxer,

Thanks for the bump! I tend to get tunnel vision'd when working on KS / marketing work. I was making a new UA trailer for the console release for the last two weeks, as well as tackling some KS goods that I want to ship out to Fangamer ASAP.

Following up from my post in April, our external Mac and Linux porters have been taking a swing at UA for the last month or so once the work for Update 4 has slowed down. Mac/Linux release should still hopefully align with our Update 4, which should release before the end of this month. If not, we expect it should release a few weeks after Update 4.

Checking in on the external developer's progress logs, it looks like they recently resolved some shader and visual glitch issues, some of which were unique to launching the game from Steam.

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Open Source is the Future of Gaming!

Thank you for promising to keep your promise with the promise of a linux release in the near future.

I have purchased the game and can not wait to play it natively in Linux.

(In the future I recommend developing your games in Linux and then porting them to Windows)

Laatst bewerkt door Druthers; 15 nov 2018 om 10:02
We haven't forgotten you, Linux! Speaking of which, and I meant to add this to a separate thread, but I suppose it's relevant here as well:

Since we're working on Mac and Linux support now, we're looking for Mac and Linux playtesters! Shoot us an email at support@otherside-e.com if you're interested, and we'll start reaching out to playtesters next week.
Origineel geplaatst door Flarechess:
We haven't forgotten you, Linux! Speaking of which, and I meant to add this to a separate thread, but I suppose it's relevant here as well:

Since we're working on Mac and Linux support now, we're looking for Mac and Linux playtesters! Shoot us an email at support@otherside-e.com if you're interested, and we'll start reaching out to playtesters next week.

A bit unrelated, but will Mac and Linux folks miss out on the week 1 promo items if we hold off on purchasing, or do you guys have a plan for us later on?
Origineel geplaatst door Gnien.kremfaen™:
Origineel geplaatst door Flarechess:
We haven't forgotten you, Linux! Speaking of which, and I meant to add this to a separate thread, but I suppose it's relevant here as well:

Since we're working on Mac and Linux support now, we're looking for Mac and Linux playtesters! Shoot us an email at support@otherside-e.com if you're interested, and we'll start reaching out to playtesters next week.

A bit unrelated, but will Mac and Linux folks miss out on the week 1 promo items if we hold off on purchasing, or do you guys have a plan for us later on?
That I would also really like to see noted. Considering you can't expect Linux users to buy before you make it available, yet they will seemingly miss out on all of the extra stuff.
There is a Linux version (just for KS Backers for now I guess?). It is completely broken though at the moment.
Origineel geplaatst door Gnien.kremfaen™:

A bit unrelated, but will Mac and Linux folks miss out on the week 1 promo items if we hold off on purchasing, or do you guys have a plan for us later on?

I believe if you purchase NOW, the gifts will carry over.

The Linux version available for Backers still needs some smoothing out, thus the playtesting call ;)
So, anyplace to report the issues on Linux?
Origineel geplaatst door Flarechess:
Origineel geplaatst door Gnien.kremfaen™:

A bit unrelated, but will Mac and Linux folks miss out on the week 1 promo items if we hold off on purchasing, or do you guys have a plan for us later on?

I believe if you purchase NOW, the gifts will carry over.

The Linux version available for Backers still needs some smoothing out, thus the playtesting call ;)
What about the people who will wait until the Linux version is out, they're out of luck for the extras?
I backed the game and wasn't even aware there were extras :P So far initial playtest was.. well not good. Got to where there was nothing but a dot and text on the screen with some flicker at the bottom.
Origineel geplaatst door Flarechess:
Origineel geplaatst door Gnien.kremfaen™:

A bit unrelated, but will Mac and Linux folks miss out on the week 1 promo items if we hold off on purchasing, or do you guys have a plan for us later on?

I believe if you purchase NOW, the gifts will carry over.

The Linux version available for Backers still needs some smoothing out, thus the playtesting call ;)
Too many of us have been burned in the past by buying too early. There's now a huge community of folk who simply won't purchase until the game actually exists (in playable form) for fear of getting one of those wonderful buggy half-hearted "ports" which then gets instantly abandoned by the developer. The "nice" thing to do for your Mac and Linux users here would be to re-run the first-week buyer promotional goodies one more time for the Linux and Mac releases.

Re; Playtesting... You should find a great number of folk in the Linux community entirely willing to test for you and give detailed bug reports and other assistance, as long as you make efforts to make a place where such bug reports are easy to submit. I myself would volunteer to help in such capacity, but my gaming rig is currently down. :(
Laatst bewerkt door Bloo Alien; 17 nov 2018 om 21:26
Origineel geplaatst door Flarechess:
We haven't forgotten you, Linux! Speaking of which, and I meant to add this to a separate thread, but I suppose it's relevant here as well:

Since we're working on Mac and Linux support now, we're looking for Mac and Linux playtesters! Shoot us an email at support@otherside-e.com if you're interested, and we'll start reaching out to playtesters next week.

I fired off an e-mail to help test this out in Linux.

Currently the game installs and does not state anything about Steam Play (it appears to be linux native) the game starts but moving through the settings crashes the game.

I'll keep testing it out.

Mostly negative reviews, ouch.
Origineel geplaatst door Bloo Alien:
Origineel geplaatst door Flarechess:

I believe if you purchase NOW, the gifts will carry over.

The Linux version available for Backers still needs some smoothing out, thus the playtesting call ;)
Too many of us have been burned in the past by buying too early. There's now a huge community of folk who simply won't purchase until the game actually exists (in playable form) for fear of getting one of those wonderful buggy half-hearted "ports" which then gets instantly abandoned by the developer. The "nice" thing to do for your Mac and Linux users here would be to re-run the first-week buyer promotional goodies one more time for the Linux and Mac releases.

Re; Playtesting... You should find a great number of folk in the Linux community entirely willing to test for you and give detailed bug reports and other assistance, as long as you make efforts to make a place where such bug reports are easy to submit. I myself would volunteer to help in such capacity, but my gaming rig is currently down. :(

Yes, No Tux No Bux, and read reviews. If a game doesn't support Linux or if it is actually bad (and the reviews are correct), don't support it! You can always try it out and refund it if needed.
Laatst bewerkt door Wuffyhumps; 28 dec 2018 om 8:44
No worries about waiting to purchase until a Linux version is officially available. I believe we may re-offer the week 1 bonus creatures and map for Mac/Linux once those versions are available anyways.
Origineel geplaatst door Flarechess:
No worries about waiting to purchase until a Linux version is officially available. I believe we may re-offer the week 1 bonus creatures and map for Mac/Linux once those versions are available anyways.
That's good news! :) Waiting for the Linux version.
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