Odd Realm
Some thoughts I've had while playing
I don't want to end up spamming a ton of separate threads for separate ideas so I'm putting this all in one place. Let me know if I should add any more stuff to new threads, or just add them onto the end of this one? Also I'm playing the beta build for all of this, since I like shiny new features even if they may be less stable. Especially that priority order thing, that's a lifesaver.

Anyway, here's my mix of ideas and questions (and gripes disguised as ideas/questions ;p)

1. I've noticed that if you take the "Pioneers" start as humans, you have 10 wheat seeds, but under the custom loadout option, wheat seeds aren't available. Is there any specific reason for this? I understand not having a bunch of weapons available like you get with the "Warriors" start, so I was curious if this is intentional or not.

2, When starting a new map, it may be good to indicate somewhere that "settling" onto an existing settlement will have the current inhabitants be hostile to you. Maybe switch the "settle" button to "invade" or something?

3. Is there anywhere I can look to see the rot time for different food items? I've seen that wheat flour is immune to rot, but that seems to be mostly because it's not listed as a food item but as a refined resource.

4. I'm commonly starting new maps where, for some reason, underground caves are visible to me without any path to the surface - checked by trying to send my villagers down into them, only to get the "no path" cursor. I'm mentioning this as more than a slight oddity because, somehow, one of my villagers DID get into one of these caves, and proceeded to starve to death. I've been ignoring the "villager is hungry" notification since it seems like most of my villagers don't even try to find food until after they've set that off, and there's not a separate "they're REALLY hungry" notice to watch for.

5. It would be really useful to have crops marked in-game somehow for what seasons they grow in. It would be even more awesome to be able to have some sort of system to prevent planting a crop that wouldn't mature before winter comes and kills it. Having to manually stop planting from happening tile by tile gets to be quite a chore, and a frantic one seeing as pulling up immature crops tends to not result in getting your seed back.

6. Making it possible to contain animals without making the area inaccessible to villagers would be great. Maybe make it so animals can't open doors/gates? The only way I can keep my livestock from eating my entire farm is to sit them at the very far side of the map, or mess with a weird "airlock" setup of multiple gates and micro-managing villagers in and out of a fenced area.
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1-4 / 4 のコメントを表示
Sleipnir  [開発者] 2019年5月27日 9時20分 
1. No reason. The custom loadout needs to be updated and I just keep forgetting to do so. I'll write this down. to make sure it's added. Thanks!

2. Great idea!

3. I'm just about done updating tooltips to have more info for tons of things. So, things like rot, mature time, what rooms props get used in, what the health/toughness of an item is, will all be shown on the tooltip. :)

4. We have plans to let you choose where your settlers start on the map. This should fix the unfortunate cases where the random spawner puts settlers into holes or on small islands.

5. I think point 3 covers this too as the tooltips will show which seasons they can be planted. As for keeping them from growing, that makes sense for when you're using the farm. For manual placement, I think I could add a helper text to the tooltip.

6. Yes! Agreed. We have plans to allow you to select which factions can go through locked doors. That should help with the animal issue.

Thank you for the feedback! You should join our Discord. We talk about stuff like this all the time and it would be great to have you join the community. :)

Here's the link if you're interested:
Kirona 2019年5月27日 18時14分 
Awesome! For #4 though it wasn't on start, I was actually at the end of summer. And I know the villager in question had been accessible for a while before, since she had leveled up some and was carrying gear that I'd crafted on-site. Somehow she just... teleported down there on her own during normal play.

I did make a zipped copy of my save folder in case you want to take a look at it. Just let me know and I can upload it somewhere.
Sleipnir  [開発者] 2019年5月28日 8時46分 
Ohhh, I see. Yea, settlers can fall into pits/canyons if they are digging/deconstructing a platform above. Possibly that happened?
Kirona 2019年5月28日 13時25分 
It was a good distance away from anything I was building or digging. Though this event did prompt me to dig out a tunnel to access the caves anyway, both to retrieve her stuff and to start poking at all the ore in there x3

Honestly I wasn't paying attention to where this villager was or what she was doing so I have no clue when it happened or how, but I didn't do anything to access these caves, and they were definitely not open to the surface on their own.

The only thing I can take from all of this would be a request for an additional notification for "villager is REALLY hungry" or something? Or adjust the notification to trigger at a lower food rating, since right now it's pretty spammy ^^; EDIT: I found the "starving" notification, I was just not looking through things well enough, whoops x_x

Oh also I did join the Discord server, I'm just kinda anxious in new chat settings but I'll poke about here 'n there.
最近の変更はKironaが行いました; 2019年5月28日 19時28分
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投稿日: 2019年5月27日 2時13分
投稿数: 4