Gods of the Fallen Land

Gods of the Fallen Land

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Arvay6 Jun 13, 2021 @ 4:55pm
Suggestions for the Game
Hey I know this title is old but there are some things I think it would benefit from or a sequel if the developer is still around at all.

-Removing or increasing the arbitrary limits on most structures so people can mix and match to do their best to survive.

-Give players a boss-killer type of unit or structure for each hero so you're not stuck whittling it down with pointlessly weak units.

-Increasing the cap on consumable items players can carry to like 50 of each type so your inventory isn't cluttered pointlessly late game.

-Rebalancing the difficulty of this game is also sorely needed, all too often you can death-ball yourself with enemies by getting too many settlers early on or something else stupid like building too much. It should probably scale more smoothly instead of right at the start or a day or two after basically getting shot in the foot because the game doesn't explain why the difficulty spikes so heavily.

-Increasing hero level cap, abilities, and just strength overall really especially for hard/endless modes. So many enemies the game just lags and the screen fills with spam isn't really enjoyable. Neither is your hero being basically one-shot because the purple robed skeletons root and obliterate your hero. Melee especially is quite worthless late game