Dungeon Defenders

Dungeon Defenders

How to play custom maps offline mode
Hi everybody, I usually play offline games with my friends. We haven't played for a while, two months or so, and when we played yesterday I could see I couldn't access to my downloaded custom maps without being connected to the Internet.

What has happened? This used to work correctly, when are they going to fix it or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for answering.
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1-3 / 3 のコメントを表示
TiC 2013年1月4日 4時52分 
Same pb here. Do you have been told a solution ?
Trendy told me first to make sure cache of the game was correct, in my case it downloaded 20.00kb but I think that was just because I had changed my savedata files, Then I tried again with the original savedatas but there was no use.

I was very annoyed at the beginning, then I purchased all the game's DLCs to enlarge the game's life but I still can't play the while I'm outside my home with my friends.

In the end, Trendy told me the best thing I could do was to uninstall my whole Steam application and install the game again, unfortunatelly that is a thing I don't feel like doing at the moment.

Taking into account I have paid all the game's features and deserve its workshop features in offline mode aswell, I am thinking of having a pirate version of the game, as it's outside Steam that error won't appear (trying to find custom maps online by default). I have seem it on a friend's pc. It's a pitiful solution but at least... it works.

PD: the source of the error can be this as well: when I start playing it very often starts to redownload the custom games, although all the ones I'm suscribed to are perfectly installed. Maybe this little bug is the one that forces the game try to go online, even though it isn't needed.

Hope we find a solution in the end.

TiC 2013年1月5日 9時49分 
Thanks for your answer. Even if no solution suggested.
So, have to wait for an hypothetical patch ...
As you mention it, my game too redownload every custom map each time I went online.
Wait and see.
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投稿日: 2012年11月2日 4時06分
投稿数: 3