Dungeon Defenders
Is there a way to create mana tokens if you cap on mana in a round without leaving your current progess?
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 16 ความเห็น
nope sorry
If you hit your max during a game start leveling up items, you can always sell them back at the tavern afterwards. While it'll be sometimes less than what you pick up....beats getting capped and getting none of the additional mana.
Actually, there is, of sorts.

Just pick any item with more than 200ups and invest on it *****until you hit 600m****

That's how we did it in the old days, before tavern tokens existed, noobs these days, they want everything handed on a silver plate.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Meturoido; 25 ม.ค. 2013 @ 1: 34pm
Thanks for the help everyone, I ended up upgrading items as it went along, since my pet upgrades were 20mil a level it took out a good chunks pretty fast as it went along
I just stash the dropped item into the lodge/chest/bank then sell after the map has finished or have friends drop in between waves to pickup and sell.

Picking up to sell later has netted me +/= 1.6bil on endless spires nmhc survival, just need to have the slots for all the items. Some items are not worth the time, so just dismiss anything under what you concider worthy.

Never did much upgrading of items since putting 600m into a average mythic when 2-4 lvls away from wearing transcendant armor seemed like a waste.

So depending on map, difficulty, gear your wearing, your level, one approach my work better than another.

chavo- please do a bunch of us newbies a favor and shut up. You go around trying to make mountain out a mole hill in nearly all your posts in this forum.
any info that new players like myself can get is useful. i did not think of putting things into my inventory. all I knew was picking things up to equip them, swap characters and look for upgraded items with them.
now thanks to this piece of info I just pick up anything and everything then check for upgrades through the bank instead of swapping guys.
being pretentious is not a valuable trait

Thanks to everyone who actually have something to contribute.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Albertafox:
Please dont be shy, since you seem to be good at flaming! :)

It was a joke, it was a joke dammit!!! Your avatar still kicks major ass though.

โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย socraticly:
chavo- please do a bunch of us newbies a favor and shut up. You go around trying to make mountain out a mole hill in nearly all your posts in this forum.
any info that new players like myself can get is useful. i did not think of putting things into my inventory. all I knew was picking things up to equip them, swap characters and look for upgraded items with them.
now thanks to this piece of info I just pick up anything and everything then check for upgrades through the bank instead of swapping guys.
being pretentious is not a valuable trait

Thanks to everyone who actually have something to contribute.

It is one thing to be new to a game, a whole different one is to be new and from the getgo think you already know it all.

So, Mr. Know It All, feel free to do things the worst possible way, after all, it's your problem, not mine.

Pretty cynicm from your part to call me pretentious while at the same time you are being such, silly noob.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Meturoido; 28 ม.ค. 2013 @ 4: 15am
I typically pickup items that are worth 5m and start upgrading them to around 40m. (i find these 5m items give the best return & after 40m you're getting short changed too much.))
Wow, Chavo. 'o.O Socraticly was on the money. A quick Wiki might shed some light onto what he actually meant. Going around calling people noobs left, right, and center, only makes you look childish and insecure.

Calling Socraticly "Mr. Know It All" was also uncalled for, as he didn't even remotely claim he knew it all, nor did he insinuate as such, infact, Socraticly even stated he was a "noob", and I quote: "us noobs". You appear so desperate to be some sort of top dog, that you clutch at straws to insult someone any way possible.

Outside of these computers screens, lays a real world, Chavo, and within that, real people - you are not so special.

As for everyone else, and the topic at hand, thanks for the idea of upgrading stuff during the game; I'm surprised I never thought of that. xD Sometimes it's always the obvious that aren't so obvious to us. [:
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Unbekannter; 29 ม.ค. 2013 @ 2: 10am
one hint, seems sometimes that when you level the elemental dmg of a weapon the weapon gets more worth than the mana you spend in.
Ooo, ta for that, I'll look into it. [:
Half off topic:

When I look at all the answers I get the feeling that either all people's chars wear fully upgraded stuff or armour and weapons (?) will be not upgraded (?) (beyond a certain level ?)

I mean upgrading a 1xx piece is so expensive that even a good king's game wave don't result in many upgrades.
McData, I'm not sure I fully understand your message, but I think you may have misunderstood... what they're suggesting is that you upgrade something unimportant, so that you can then sell it later, to get some money back... thus getting around the issue of the 600m cap during a map.
Oh Herr Teufel,

I fully understood. My english is foul not my brain. I just asked me why they don't upgrade the armour/weapons their chars (pl.) are equipped with.

Just two (and a half) possibilities: Either armour/weapons are already fully upgraded or they don't upgrade beyond a certain lvl of the items - half: the equipment will be substituted soon.

If you upgrade your armour/weapons anyway ... than it is the cheapest way to do it when you come near to the cap.

I mean why do you think you need mana ?

I don't get every day a better piece of equipment therefore I upgrade my equipment. And as I do so I don't get some mana back but use all the mana as intended.
You can go to the barkeep and buy a token for any amount then lock and store that as an item in your forge.
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 16 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 25 ม.ค. 2013 @ 7: 58am
โพสต์: 16