Solar Settlers

Solar Settlers

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BrickRoadDX  [developer] Nov 30, 2017 @ 5:03pm
Patch 1.05 is Live
Submitting scores to the weekly challenge is disabled on beta.

Patch Notes:

-Added new Race: The Void
-Added new card: Matter Collector
-Added new card: Schematic Database
-Added new card: Sensitive Server Farm

-Added new card: Habitat Factory (for real this time)

-Scavenge cards show Scavenge value if Homeworld is not Tarova
-When you unexplore a military sector, it will now show its military block value again
-Above rank 20, if you win or lose 3 games in a row, you will gain or lose 2 ranks instead of one
-Above rank 20, if you win or lose 5 games in a row, you will gain or lose 3 ranks instead of one
-Locked races now now longer count towards your rank total (previously they all added one rank)
-Added background for Star Cantina
-Initial hand now uses same bag of discard resource types
-Settle abilities now take place before you draw your goal card (Fixes interaction with Brain Worms and Settle 2 Colonists gaol)
-Goal card discard resource is always Card
-Metropolis now costs 3 metal (previously 4)
-Deserted habitats is now a repeatable effect (2 metal makes 2 habitats)
-Right clicking on a card in hand when playing a card no longer clicks through to undo AND discard
-Added confirmation prompt if you end your turn with ready colonists
-Added production total counter near End Turn button
-Fixed bug with unlock counter not displaying properly
-Added tooltip for Scavenge

To access the beta right click Solar Settlers in your Steam Library -> Properties -> Betas
then enter "solarsettlersbeta" -> Click Check Code -> Select in Dropdown -> Restart Steam
Last edited by BrickRoadDX; Dec 3, 2017 @ 12:23pm
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
-- scippie -- Dec 1, 2017 @ 4:16am 
You're the best!
BrickRoadDX  [developer] Dec 1, 2017 @ 6:57am 
No you!
Therlun Dec 1, 2017 @ 9:33am 
Thanks for your continued work on this.
Last edited by Therlun; Dec 1, 2017 @ 9:33am
CalvinHobbes Dec 3, 2017 @ 4:08pm 
A new race, I wasn't expecting that. What great support for a great game.
Very interesting! Metal is a lot more valuable now
CalvinHobbes Dec 4, 2017 @ 2:46pm 
I don't understand how the descripit boost depot card works.

It has a scavenge value but when I use a settler on the card the settler is used but I don't gain any resources.
BrickRoadDX  [developer] Dec 4, 2017 @ 3:22pm 
It shouldn't actually let you use colonists on it. It only works if the scavenge value already has hydrogen. What mode are you playing
Cvphilo Dec 4, 2017 @ 5:56pm 

Originally posted by malcolmmackay224:
A new race, I wasn't expecting that. What great support for a great game.
CalvinHobbes Dec 5, 2017 @ 2:44pm 
Originally posted by BrickRoadDX:
It shouldn't actually let you use colonists on it. It only works if the scavenge value already has hydrogen. What mode are you playing

I've only played a couple of games with the Void, it sounds like I still have things to learn. I don't even know what "mode" would mean in the context of Solar Settlers.
BrickRoadDX  [developer] Dec 5, 2017 @ 3:23pm 
I just mean like normal "Play" mode vs practice mode or Weekly challenge. So you got the decrepit boost depot through Mind Worms or something?
CalvinHobbes Dec 5, 2017 @ 4:01pm 
Originally posted by BrickRoadDX:
I just mean like normal "Play" mode vs practice mode or Weekly challenge. So you got the decrepit boost depot through Mind Worms or something?

I was in normal play mode with the Void. I had two settlers on the Sentient Fungus so I got a gas card. The gas card I got was descripit boost depot, which did nothing when I used a single settler over it. The settler was inactivated but I didn't get any scavenge value.
BrickRoadDX  [developer] Dec 5, 2017 @ 5:12pm 
Yeah decrepit boost depot only has a passive ability that doesn't work if your scavenge value doesn't have any Hydrogen in it. Without another scavenge cards there is also no way to change it.
cadfan17 Dec 11, 2017 @ 7:14am 
I think that the salvage card change might need some rethinking.

At first it was neat having the cards with salvage effects show, on them, what those effects are.

But if you draw them with a different race (from a redraw your hand effect, etc), then you’re looking at a card that, for all visible intents and purposes, says it will do something it does not do. And you can activate colonists on it like any other card with an activatable ability, and it does nothing.
BrickRoadDX  [developer] Dec 11, 2017 @ 8:34am 
Yeah they definitely shouldn't be activatable. Might consider making them not available if you don't have Tarova as your homeworld
darkeisbein Dec 11, 2017 @ 11:31am 
I think the only potentially truly confusing card is decrepit boost depot. Maybe just fixing the bug that makes it clickable will be enough to stop most of the confusion? Even still there is a lot of additional information on boost depot since all you need to know is wether there is hydrogen in it or not. So it feels kinda cluttered.
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