Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)

Grand Tactician: The Civil War (1861-1865)

AI broken again (9 days of no troop movement)
Uninstalled/Reinstalled fresh game. Start up W&L DLC. Very first battle, both sides march until they just look at each other. 9 Days of no movement and artillery batteries not even attempting to fire. No idea what I can do other than put the game aside and wait several more months for an update. Any ideas?
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Are you giving orders?
Jerzul May 20 @ 6:56am 
I had something similar happen. I had an entire division just stop taking orders. I had two brigade movement orders just do nothing for an hour (of in-game time). Then when I moved the whole division a couple of the units moved, but not all of them. By the end of it the brigades wouldn't move and the rebels just chewed them up one at a time in the open.

So maybe not the same bug, but something similar?
Are you guys playing with delayed order? If so, start a new campaign without it.

If the problem still persist, just save and reload and it should debug the units out of their "stuck" positions.
Last edited by HD-[18thGA.A] Sgt. Mera; May 20 @ 9:36pm
Jerzul May 22 @ 6:55am 
Do most people play without Order Delays? I thought that was one of the cooler features. I also figured it would help handicap a human vs the AI.
Originally posted by Jerzul:
Do most people play without Order Delays? I thought that was one of the cooler features. I also figured it would help handicap a human vs the AI.

I agree, it's a cool feature in theory. However, it's one of the bug culprits that has the AI blopping up, taking longer than necessary for units to move out of those blops. Without order delay, the units can react quicker and get themselves out of those situations. However, it's still not perfect, it only helps a little.
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