They Are Billions
Just wondering, does anyone stream this game? I'd love to get better at the game and I feel like this is one of the few games that could actually be really fun to watch someone play. I just got decimated on day 28 (thought I was doing great) and then I pulled aggro on a GIGANTIC horde and before I could say "ocrudimadie" it was basically over.
If someone in the community is interested in showing off their skills (or lack of skills) Lemme know! :)
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Автор сообщения: MostLostNoob
Ah lit, I didn't know you could do that lol I've literally watched like 2 video game streams and those were people I knew IRL xD
There is also YouTibe andd Steam Broadcast.

But in case you need really good ones exactly to learn (and not korean for obvious reasons)
Verowak and R2RTV..
There is old guides videos (series of short episodes).
R2R make challenges series. But although first one be true honest ones - campaign from start and no points - most hardest challenges start from level-2 missions.
There is Guide with YT link here in hib. He is russian but videos mostly silent NO Comment.

Anyway most hardest challenges is same as korean players - that not help to learn. Like NO-BARRACKS. Maximum is Rangers-Only.

Still you need to learn how CONTROL unit. Forget about "pathfinding issues". You must make proper orders and be sure you did it right.
Like for Thanatos units who must stop first befoee aim. Ylu must lwarn to use not obly Move and Attack - actually [A] and [M] on KB - but also HOLD and Chase.

DO NOT order retreat if units get overwhelmed. Control whatbhappened anyway. You see they die anyway - press HOLD. Let them die firing.
This is what only verybfew streamrs can teac you. Or more likely - no one. Streamers in general very casual players. They get used "unit stuck!" as reason why they didnt make it to ordered position.
One of the best players I usually watch on Twitch

Автор сообщения: QWEEDDY2
There is also YouTibe andd Steam Broadcast.

But in case you need really good ones exactly to learn (and not korean for obvious reasons)
Verowak and R2RTV..
There is old guides videos (series of short episodes).
R2R make challenges series. But although first one be true honest ones - campaign from start and no points - most hardest challenges start from level-2 missions.
There is Guide with YT link here in hib. He is russian but videos mostly silent NO Comment.

Anyway most hardest challenges is same as korean players - that not help to learn. Like NO-BARRACKS. Maximum is Rangers-Only.

Still you need to learn how CONTROL unit. Forget about "pathfinding issues". You must make proper orders and be sure you did it right.
Like for Thanatos units who must stop first befoee aim. Ylu must lwarn to use not obly Move and Attack - actually [A] and [M] on KB - but also HOLD and Chase.

DO NOT order retreat if units get overwhelmed. Control whatbhappened anyway. You see they die anyway - press HOLD. Let them die firing.
This is what only verybfew streamrs can teac you. Or more likely - no one. Streamers in general very casual players. They get used "unit stuck!" as reason why they didnt make it to ordered position.
Thank you!
Автор сообщения: Gomez
One of the best players I usually watch on Twitch

Thanks! I'll have to check em out. This game has really sucked me in, I love how hard it is and the random map generation. Sometimes I think I'm going to die and I end up doing great and other times I'm like haha no way they break this and then boom goes the base ^-^
Isn't TaB kind of famous for streaming? It's like asking if there are any potato farms in Idaho.
Автор сообщения: rdbury
Isn't TaB kind of famous for streaming? It's like asking if there are any potato farms in Idaho.
I like potatos :)

But yeah Sorry if it was a dumb question I literally don't watch streamers usually just never really my thing but this game feels like it would be fun to watch :)
Not sure if I missed it mentioned elsewhere but Kensei is one of the best and still frequently streams TAB:

He's such a chilled guy who plays Survival and Custom Maps.
Frequent is not a subject of this thread. Frequent streamer not mean good player. As i remember this one is a bad RTS players. ImKBZ for sure, first video from this one too. Not remember if i found him better at latest videos or not...
And if he is one of bad RTS players - and if still bad at it in recent videos - he be not good to get "learn" from him. He bad at controlling units and didnt even use WASD to move camera (again, at videos i saw and remember).
Fun/many hrs of content - maybe. Not related to this thread. And you promote him as frequent streamer, not good-to-get learn streamer. Looks like im completely right. You get from him fun frequent content. You didnt notice he bad or good at some aspects and so you not kentioned it here. So he can be even opposite - too good/fast to notice how good he control units. You didnt get it from his steeams. That mean OP nlt get it too.

So, need average-good-RTS player streamers. No better (too fast korean/chinese) not worse. Not just streamers. Or you didnt get anything from them.
Almost all streamers first of all - streamers.

I really advise you to watch challenges seies from R2RTV. He show you good defense planning and good unit controlling (win Narrow Pass build Barracks closer to the end of mission)(there is videos from him with no-barracks at all, but that too much in term of thread subject).
Verowak maybe a bit worse, and i too did put her here more like "fun streamer". Better of ones who is commenting and English speaking. R2RTV is russian and no comments.

Again. Topic subject is for not chill stream but average hard.
Отредактировано QWEEDDY2; 5 июн. 2023 г. в 14:49
Автор сообщения: QWEEDDY2
Frequent is not a subject of this thread. Frequent streamer not mean good player. As i remember this one is a bad RTS players. ImKBZ for sure, first video from this one too. Not remember if i found him better at latest videos or not...
And if he is one of bad RTS players - and if still bad at it in recent videos - he be not good to get "learn" from him. He bad at controlling units and didnt even use WASD to move camera (again, at videos i saw and remember).
Fun/many hrs of content - maybe. Not related to this thread. And you promote him as frequent streamer, not good-to-get learn streamer. Looks like im completely right. You get from him fun frequent content. You didnt notice he bad or good at some aspects and so you not kentioned it here. So he can be even opposite - too good/fast to notice how good he control units. You didnt get it from his steeams. That mean OP nlt get it too.

So, need average-good-RTS player streamers. No better (too fast korean/chinese) not worse. Not just streamers. Or you didnt get anything from them.
Almost all streamers first of all - streamers.

I really advise you to watch challenges seies from R2RTV. He show you good defense planning and good unit controlling (win Narrow Pass build Barracks closer to the end of mission)(there is videos from him with no-barracks at all, but that too much in term of thread subject).
Verowak maybe a bit worse, and i too did put her here more like "fun streamer". Better of ones who is commenting and English speaking. R2RTV is russian and no comments.

Again. Topic subject is for not chill stream but average hard.
To be fair though sometimes you watch to learn and sometimes you watch for fun. They don't have to be good to be fun :)
Автор сообщения: QWEEDDY2
Frequent is not a subject of this thread. Frequent streamer not mean good player. As i remember this one is a bad RTS players. ImKBZ for sure, first video from this one too. Not remember if i found him better at latest videos or not...
And if he is one of bad RTS players - and if still bad at it in recent videos - he be not good to get "learn" from him. He bad at controlling units and didnt even use WASD to move camera (again, at videos i saw and remember).
Fun/many hrs of content - maybe. Not related to this thread. And you promote him as frequent streamer, not good-to-get learn streamer. Looks like im completely right. You get from him fun frequent content. You didnt notice he bad or good at some aspects and so you not kentioned it here. So he can be even opposite - too good/fast to notice how good he control units. You didnt get it from his steeams. That mean OP nlt get it too.

So, need average-good-RTS player streamers. No better (too fast korean/chinese) not worse. Not just streamers. Or you didnt get anything from them.
Almost all streamers first of all - streamers.

I really advise you to watch challenges seies from R2RTV. He show you good defense planning and good unit controlling (win Narrow Pass build Barracks closer to the end of mission)(there is videos from him with no-barracks at all, but that too much in term of thread subject).
Verowak maybe a bit worse, and i too did put her here more like "fun streamer". Better of ones who is commenting and English speaking. R2RTV is russian and no comments.

Again. Topic subject is for not chill stream but average hard.

If you want someone who barely plays and is bad at the game then go with your suggestions, is that what you are trying to say? Sorry I thought watching the best players in the world would be a decent suggestion, as you can then hopefully try and learn from the best, even if you can't achieve it.

But if you want to watch average players that don't talk then each to their own.
Отредактировано POBmaestro; 6 июн. 2023 г. в 11:33
I'm following hadokade's deathless campaign on Youtube and am learning a lot.

The challenge he set was to do the campaign, 800%, no pause, no deaths of soldiers or civilians, including in the swarm missions. Spoiler alert: he makes it! I've not followed to the end yet as I'm trying the campaign on 800% myself (though I've allowed myself pause, and casualties), currently at Wasteland of the Giants.

Coming from someone who already had an OK handle on the game, my lessons so far:
- snipers are the unit of choice once your economic base is established. No need to spend tech points on soldiers.
- walls perpendicular to Giants and Mutants direction of attack give snipers lots of safe kill time (previously, I had been way too elaborate in my Giant/mutant defences).
- +2 gold per kill is very powerful, especially given the crazy numbers of infected at 800%. The extra 30% return on resources for deleted buildings, which you have to get to get one of the +1 gold per kill techs, is also most helpful.
- shock towers are not worth it. They make a couple of missions easier, but those can be won without them.
- lucifers backed up by snipers set to high priority targets easily handle even dense waves, no walls needed
- 'The Narrow Pass' is by far the toughest mission (caveat: I'm still not through Wasteland of Giants)
- at least at 800%, using animation cancelling is essential to survive the early stages of several missions (I wish this was not true, but even the no pause 800% experts seem to use it)
- upgrading the train to +500 gold per train is a huge early boost to your economy. No need to go the step farther to wasps.
As the gentleman above said, Shad3less is a great TAB streamer, asian timezone I think. Also Arvius I like to watch and who I personally prefer who is live right now on Twitch, USA timezone. Though he mainly sticks to streaming Civ these days, so always a nice surprise when he's streaming TAB.
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