They Are Billions

They Are Billions

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Kaioatdee 25. des. 2022 kl. 15.46
Critical bug...
This is my review.

Don't buy this game for whatever reason. It has a critical bug in it now that won't let it play with a AMD 6800 XT that or it has to do with the latest iteration of windows 11. Can't figure it out but when I launched the game you see the loading horse and then it just goes to a black screen where you can hear the music and you have the hourglass but nothing loads and you can wait there forever. Nothing loads but you hear the music. The whole time you click anything and the game hard crashes every single time. Try everything that has been suggested that could fix this. Nothing has worked at all before I installed that graphics card. This game worked great after the graphics card. Can't get the game to run at all beyond the loading horse. Don't buy this game seriously. You want to upgrade your graphics card? You can't play this game anymore. If you're on AMD at the very least, can't say about Nvidia. Don't own one but as far as AMD goes the 6800 XT is the only upgrade in my computer and now this game won't play anymore. Uninstall it reinstall it delete everything that's through the game reboot the computer update the computer. Update everything and the game hard crashes after loading horse every single time. Don't buy it seriously. This is unacceptable and the devs should be fixing it or they need to take it down and stop selling it.

and yes when I say I tried everything I have owned the AMD 6800XT for about 5 months now. This is also happening to my friends pc with this game as well and the only part in his pc that is the same as mine is the AMD 6800XT. This is the only game giving me trouble as I have around 170 games installed even cyberpunk with 50-60ish mods and can still pull in about 50fps with ray-tracing maxed out so this pc get good performance overall.

Do I have a right to be upset or should I even be upset? Seeing as the game is on sale and the devs have no plans to even try to find out why this is happening or any plans to fix it at all... Maybe I'm being silly but I feel a game I paid for should be playable on current graphics cards If it is still up for sale especially when a card roughly this power is needed to get decent performance on the billion wave.
Opprinnelig skrevet av Psojed:
Opprinnelig skrevet av Coyodee:
I found the fix to get it working with the AMD 6800XT. Anisotropic filtering must be disabled and anti-aliasing must be set to use application settings.
Four years AMD user here.

Anisotropic filtering = OFF and Anti-aliasing = Use app settings is the default setting that comes with Radeon Software installation.

It is also the setting on every single profile:
Power Saving
and Standard
- all of them use the exact same settings. This is an issue created by you - the user - I bet you fiddled with global graphics settings instead of the per-game ones. It's good that you were able to fix your issue.


Opprinnelig skrevet av Coyodee:
Do I have a right to be upset or should I even be upset? Seeing as the game is on sale and the devs have no plans to even try to find out why this is happening or any plans to fix it at all...

How are heck are you blaming the developer for not solving issues, when they literally replied to every single post in your previous topic.

Your previous post from November is here:

It was YOU who stopped responding to Gomez. Now you re-appear a month later and post this load of bullsh!t! The only person you should be upset with is yourself.

The least you could do is to edit the nonsense you wrote in the first post here.
Devs did indeed care and did try to solve your problem.
The game does indeed run on the new GPU and on the new Windows.
< >
Viser 114 av 14 kommentarer
Gomez 27. des. 2022 kl. 2.00 

Could you copy here the lines in your ZXLog after the game crashes?

Coyote 27. des. 2022 kl. 4.38 
What kind of idiot installs windows 11 lol.
Theisen 27. des. 2022 kl. 12.39 
What did you honestly expect updating windows 11?
Kaioatdee 27. des. 2022 kl. 13.54 
Windows 11 is more or less just a different coat of paint on windows 10 with a few changes under the hood but that is why there working on major changes for windows 12 but that is it's own topic of debate. A meming troll is never clever but more or less a lonely incel.
My ZXLog contains this.

1:12 PM - Log Start
1:12 PM - Main - Log Start
1:12 PM - DXGame: Focused Changed to True
1:12 PM - DXGame: Visible Changed to True
1:12 PM - Tables Excel Read: Start
1:13 PM - Tables Excel Read: OK
1:13 PM - x64 No neeed to preload libraries.
1:13 PM - Check Physics OK
1:13 PM - Main - Start
1:13 PM - Module: TheyAreBillions.exe
1:13 PM - Max. Samplers: 15
1:13 PM - Is Steam: True
1:13 PM - Steamworks: IDapp = 644930
1:13 PM - Steamworks.SteamAPI.Init(): OK
1:13 PM - Steam Validation: OK
1:13 PM - Run - Start
1:13 PM - Run - Platform Run
1:13 PM - Platform Init: OK
1:13 PM - DXSlim - InitRenderer
1:13 PM - Direct3D Creation Success
1:13 PM - DXSlim : D3DUpdatePresentationParameters
1:13 PM - DXSlim : D3DCheckScreenParameters
1:13 PM - New Device() Success:Monitor: 0, Window Mode: {X=0,Y=0,Width=2560,Height=1080}
Monitor: 0, Window Mode: {X=0,Y=0,Width=2560,Height=1080}
1:13 PM - Run - Start
1:13 PM - Run - Init
1:13 PM - Run - Load
1:13 PM - ZXGame: OnLoad
1:13 PM - DXGame - Show
1:13 PM - ZXGame: OnShow
1:13 PM - Window - ShowDialog
1:13 PM - Window_Paint - First Call
1:13 PM - DXGame - OnRender
1:13 PM - DXGame - OnStartFrame
1:13 PM - DXGame - PostMethods_OnStartFrame
1:13 PM - GPUs: AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT,AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT,
1:13 PM - OnLoad - Start
1:13 PM - Tables Excel Read: OK
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ShowStartScreen
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ChangeScene - Init
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ChangeScene - Paused
1:13 PM - ZXGame - Fade - True With onFinish
1:13 PM - ZXGame - Fade - End
1:13 PM - DXGame - RenderFrame
1:13 PM - DXGame - FinishFrame
1:13 PM - DXGame - PostMethods_OnFinishFrame
1:13 PM - ZXGame - Fade - onFinish
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ChangeScene - Fade Action 1
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ShowLoadScreen
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ShowLoadScreen - End
1:13 PM - ZXGame - Fade - False With onFinish
1:13 PM - ZXGame - Fade - End
1:13 PM - ZXGame - Fade - onFinish
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ChangeScene - Fade Action 2
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ChangeScene - loadScene
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ChangeScene - Load Scene
1:13 PM - ZXSystem_StartScreen - Load
1:13 PM - Branch: Steam Public
1:13 PM - Executable: file:///B:/Program Files (x86)/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/They Are Billions/TheyAreBillions.exe
1:13 PM - Version: V.1.1.3 (64 bits)
1:13 PM - ZXSystem_StartScreen - Load Success
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ChangeScene - pre-Invoke
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ChangeScene - Invoke
1:13 PM - ZXGame - Fade - True With onFinish
1:13 PM - ZXGame - Fade - End
1:13 PM - ZXGame - Fade - onFinish
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ChangeScene - showScene
1:13 PM - ZXGame - ChangeScene - Show Scene
1:13 PM - ZXSystem_StartScreen - ShowScene
1:13 PM - ZXSystem_StartScreen - ShowSceneSuccess
1:13 PM - ZXGame - Fade - False With onFinish
1:13 PM - ZXGame - Fade - End
Shadowhawk 28. des. 2022 kl. 2.31 
I'm just some random person who saw this not actually related but I tried taking a peak at my ZXLog to see how ours compare, and there are only really 3 differences between your log and mine. Y'know, unless I missed a singular line in the middle that's missing and I glossed over it.
1: Our graphics cards are different, but the layout of how its written out is exactly the same between ours, so that's good.
2: My resolution is a basic 1920x1080 and yours is widescreen (2560x1080). Maybe it would be useful to "try" a non-widescreen through the options, just to see if it plays out differently. The preferences are in the same folder as the ZXLog, and you should probably try out different modes like fullscreen or windowed, whichever you aren't currently using.
3: All of the other pieces play out the exact same way up until I get "to" the main menu. The part that shows a "crash" is that there is actually 2 more log at the end of my log in comparison to yours --- ZXGame - Fade - onFinish --and-- ZXGame - ChangeScene -End ---With some extra potential logs for tabbing in/out of the game. Not sure what would possibly cause this timing specifically, maybe that's the exact time it loads something specific in the options, or maybe somethings messed up with your computer failing to render something-like a bad font file corruption or some other extremely specific and definitely outside my wheelhouse type of deal.

There are other problems that are obviously...well, potential problems. You do seem to have some 'recent' moving parts involved. New operating system (or just update?), new video card. Easy for things to get mixed up to no fault of your own, or even potentially of your own. That sounds a little harsh saying it like that, but it is pretty well agreed upon across the internet that computers are sometimes really confusing to make/maintain, and ♥♥♥♥ happens even to the most tech savvy. Some potential options I could think of although I don't know that I necessarily suggest; revert to a previous windows 11 patch if you really think the timing was a problem, do a clean install of your video card....specifically looking for a way of making sure EVERYTHING from your previous video card was wiped--since you have most other games working fine then its not likely, but ♥♥♥♥ happens and maybe this is the tip of an iceberg type of situation. Looking at window's logs might also be worth looking into as well, maybe theres a whole other situation brewing in there?

TL;DR, Mostly seems bet is checking your preferences to see if you can tool around with things. Other options might be annoying to do or be too aggressive, so it might be easier to just wait for the other guy to "actually" look into it. Also, its okay to be annoyed with memes, but its usually better to not respond-its more likely other people will show up and poke harder and using "borderline" slurs like that can look a bit....ugly.
Kaioatdee 28. des. 2022 kl. 15.18 
Yea looking at windows logs might make sense if the pc was having other problems but everything else works as expended and I resat the gpu and out side of windows updates/ amd gpu drivers that no one seems to be having game issue with that I could find. That's the only software updates. Also the day before I installed the AMD 6800XT the game ran just fine and with my friend having the same game crashes and his only upgrade is also the AMD 6800XT I'm thinking it has to be something with the game not liking this card in some way?
I put my hand in fire that formating the PC rather make a GPU instalation/driver update and redownloading the game will work.
Kaioatdee 1. jan. 2023 kl. 14.15 
So after meany, meany months of trying to get this game to not crash. I found the fix to get it working with the AMD 6800XT. Anisotropic filtering must be disabled and anti-aliasing must be set to use application settings. For me setting either setting to anything else or any other combo of those 2 settings and the game will crash after you see the loading horse when using AMD's 6800XT every time. This should be documented by the Dev's so everyone can see it just in case others that have this card or a similar one experiencing the same issues can get the game working.
Sir Vilhelm 1. jan. 2023 kl. 17.42 
Opprinnelig skrevet av MRcat:
What kind of idiot installs windows 11 lol.
My computer came with it pre-installed, I've gotten used to it, but I sure like the older Windows versions more. Just feels like one of them Macbooks now.
Gomez 2. jan. 2023 kl. 1.51 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Coyodee:
So after meany, meany months of trying to get this game to not crash. I found the fix to get it working with the AMD 6800XT. Anisotropic filtering must be disabled and anti-aliasing must be set to use application settings. For me setting either setting to anything else or any other combo of those 2 settings and the game will crash after you see the loading horse when using AMD's 6800XT every time. This should be documented by the Dev's so everyone can see it just in case others that have this card or a similar one experiencing the same issues can get the game working.

So the problem was brought along by your GPU external software? The game has no those anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering options.

jdoc_r 6. jan. 2023 kl. 13.10 
So the problem was brought along by your GPU external software? The game has no those anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering options.

Regards [/quote]

Hi Gomez,

I'm also having problems with a totally new PC (i5-13600, Radeon RX6700, adrenalin 22.11.2). After more or less of playing the game freeze the PC and I cann't get access windows, just the game freeze and the music, no mouse, no keyboard, no windows...

Any suggestions about this freezes?

Sist redigert av jdoc_r; 6. jan. 2023 kl. 13.10
Gomez 7. jan. 2023 kl. 3.31 

Try this:

Reset gpu driver (Win + Ctrl + Shift + B) and set tuning control to Automatic and Default in Radeon Software.

- EMPTY - 7. jan. 2023 kl. 15.16 
Opprinnelig skrevet av MRcat:
What kind of idiot installs windows 11 lol.
You :)
En moderator for dette forumet markerte dette innlegget som svar på det opprinnelige emnet.
Psojed 11. jan. 2023 kl. 3.28 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Coyodee:
I found the fix to get it working with the AMD 6800XT. Anisotropic filtering must be disabled and anti-aliasing must be set to use application settings.
Four years AMD user here.

Anisotropic filtering = OFF and Anti-aliasing = Use app settings is the default setting that comes with Radeon Software installation.

It is also the setting on every single profile:
Power Saving
and Standard
- all of them use the exact same settings. This is an issue created by you - the user - I bet you fiddled with global graphics settings instead of the per-game ones. It's good that you were able to fix your issue.


Opprinnelig skrevet av Coyodee:
Do I have a right to be upset or should I even be upset? Seeing as the game is on sale and the devs have no plans to even try to find out why this is happening or any plans to fix it at all...

How are heck are you blaming the developer for not solving issues, when they literally replied to every single post in your previous topic.

Your previous post from November is here:

It was YOU who stopped responding to Gomez. Now you re-appear a month later and post this load of bullsh!t! The only person you should be upset with is yourself.

The least you could do is to edit the nonsense you wrote in the first post here.
Devs did indeed care and did try to solve your problem.
The game does indeed run on the new GPU and on the new Windows.
< >
Viser 114 av 14 kommentarer
Per side: 1530 50

Dato lagt ut: 25. des. 2022 kl. 15.46
Innlegg: 14