They Are Billions

They Are Billions

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jonnyb1958 May 11, 2020 @ 2:24pm
Am i the only one who has to resist the urge to delete this game every time he loses a colony to the infected? I know this has been beaten to death, but the lack of a reasonable save system is very nearly a game killer for me. I would really like to see that the developer is listening here.
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Gomez May 12, 2020 @ 2:07am 

You can to improve your skills building the colony and defeding it with Survival mode. You can set this kind of map into a very low difficult to learn how to manage the game in all its layers (Expanding, Tecnology Developing, Turtling... etc) You also can play the map without enemies in it.


Originally posted by Moforkus:
Originally posted by Gomez:

You can to improve your skills building the colony and defeding it with Survival mode. You can set this kind of map into a very low difficult to learn how to manage the game in all its layers (Expanding, Tecnology Developing, Turtling... etc) You also can play the map without enemies in it.



you can also uninstall the game and go buy one where the devs let you decide how you want to play the game and don't force you to do whatever they want...#justsayin
The game is meant to be hard.
Originally posted by jonnyb1958:
Am i the only one who has to resist the urge to delete this game every time he loses a colony to the infected? I know this has been beaten to death, but the lack of a reasonable save system is very nearly a game killer for me. I would really like to see that the developer is listening here.

Maybe I can help you out a bit. First, you have to understand the design of the game. You are not supposed to get hit at all. And you have everything to help you with that!

First, this is not a real time strategy, it is a pause time strategy game. Use pause and think carefully before expanding, placing buildings, and your resources. Walls are your friend when you start, abuse them. Use the F4 key as well to make sure you don't miss any gaps.

Second, there is a noise system in the game that is hidden. You start to learn it if you pay attention to the zombie reactions nearby you. If you stand in one place for a long time firing a lot of guns (or lots of arrows!), you'll start to see things rush off screen. That's your queue that you're being too loud, and you might want to back it off a bit.

Three, vision and scouting are very powerful. If you could save scum, this whole mechanic would be eliminated.

TAB is meant to be an intense game where you don't make mistakes. Considering you can pause at any time, most of the game information is there for you, and enemies give you pretty clear tells...its almost always on you when you die. If you like learning from your mistakes, you'll find this very enjoyable! And if not, that's ok too. I'm not going to tell you to "git gud" I'm just trying to let you know that the lack of saving is on purpose and by design for a particular type of entertainment. If you learn the systems, you might find it very enjoyable, and something you come back to again and again! And if not...that's ok too. At the end of the day its a game, and should be something fun. No shame in saying, "Eh, guess this wasn't for me."
syphonax May 13, 2020 @ 1:15am 
Why exactly is there no ability to spam save in TAB? I dont buy the excuse that it makes the game harder or that spam saving would make the game easier.

I have sympathy with the OP. I only play custom and community challenges now and each play through can take up to 10 hours or more...and if you die once thats the end of it, no try again or reload a me this is ludicrous and DEFINITELY puts a lot off people playing/buying this game.

EVERY great game, be it Rome Total war or whatever lets people SAVE THEIR GAME!
Gomez May 13, 2020 @ 1:18am 
Hi all again,

This is the recurring topic about if ironman mode should be optional o no.

You can read the longest thread written about it.

But this is a feature that is not going to be changed.

Qiox May 13, 2020 @ 4:46pm 
Originally posted by Moforkus:
Originally posted by Gomez:
Hi all again,

This is the recurring topic about if ironman mode should be optional o no.

You can read the longest thread written about it.

But this is a feature that is not going to be changed.


This is why i said its better to uninstall this game, and download one where the devs have some respect for their playerbase.

Yes because obviously players having respect for developers is just not going to happen with some players.

Their vision, their game. Show them the respect they deserve, please and thanks.
blazha May 13, 2020 @ 5:24pm 
This game would be much easier if you could save and load whenever you fail. This option would not increase player base, it would reduce it greatly.
Qiox May 13, 2020 @ 5:29pm 
They did make this game for their consumers. The point you seem to have completely missed is that not every person who decides to hand them their money is the intended audience.

You made a mistake of buying something that was not what you wanted. Own your mistake and learn from it. Going forward, make sure you learn more about the games you intend to buy.

Because throwing a tantrum after the fact and expecting the devs to spend time and money to change the game into something it was never intended to be is non productive.

Your assertion that doing what you want will make them more money than it costs them is nothing more than you imagining whatever excuse needed to make you right and them wrong.
Qiox May 13, 2020 @ 5:30pm 
Originally posted by blazha:
This game would be much easier if you could save and load whenever you fail. This option would not increase player base, it would reduce it greatly.

Obviously correct. Why keep playing a game and go on to recommend it to others if you always win?
Andrewbh2003 May 13, 2020 @ 6:12pm 
Originally posted by Moforkus:
Originally posted by blazha:
This game would be much easier if you could save and load whenever you fail. This option would not increase player base, it would reduce it greatly.

why? if you don't like that then don't reload your save (if it was an option). I have no idea what basis your argument uses...they have already lost sales because of the save thing, the problems with balance, unit AI, and difficulty spikes...let alone the shoddy campaign...having additional options within the game when you start a match is not going to lose them players (they would gain the players who currently dont' enjoy it) and people like yourself could simply not use the additional features (So for yourself things would stay exactly the same).

If you are implying that you would be tempted to use the option to reload a save if it existed and thus you would lose interest in the game.. this just shows that you would actually enjoy having a save system but just don't want to admit it.
"sigh" here we go again
Last edited by Andrewbh2003; May 13, 2020 @ 6:12pm
Qiox May 13, 2020 @ 6:13pm 
Originally posted by Moforkus:
Originally posted by Qiox:
They did make this game for their consumers. The point you seem to have completely missed is that not every person who decides to hand them their money is the intended audience.

You made a mistake of buying something that was not what you wanted. Own your mistake and learn from it. Going forward, make sure you learn more about the games you intend to buy.

Because throwing a tantrum after the fact and expecting the devs to spend time and money to change the game into something it was never intended to be is non productive.

Your assertion that doing what you want will make them more money than it costs them is nothing more than you imagining whatever excuse needed to make you right and them wrong.

did research the game..ironman was to be for only survival gameplay. Then they added it to the campaign, then they refused to include any other options.

That is completely false. The very first time the devs talked about any details of the campaign they said it would be ironman just like the survival maps.
blazha May 13, 2020 @ 6:20pm 
Originally posted by Moforkus:
Originally posted by blazha:
This game would be much easier if you could save and load whenever you fail. This option would not increase player base, it would reduce it greatly.

why? if you don't like that then don't reload your save (if it was an option). I have no idea what basis your argument uses...they have already lost sales because of the save thing, the problems with balance, unit AI, and difficulty spikes...let alone the shoddy campaign...having additional options within the game when you start a match is not going to lose them players (they would gain the players who currently dont' enjoy it) and people like yourself could simply not use the additional features (So for yourself things would stay exactly the same).

If you are implying that you would be tempted to use the option to reload a save if it existed and thus you would lose interest in the game.. this just shows that you would actually enjoy having a save system but just don't want to admit it.
Not every product is made for everyone. There is no game that can satisfy all of players. They are making games for money and they got pretty good results with this one.
Coca-Cola did not change all of their product to be sugar free to get more sales, they released another product for that. Numantian Games won't change their game either, they might release another similar game with save/load and co-op. This game is finished, they got their money. You don't buy things you don't like and complain why are they not made differently. Next time read about game you want to buy before buying it.
Andrewbh2003 May 13, 2020 @ 6:30pm 
Originally posted by Moforkus:
Originally posted by Qiox:

That is completely false. The very first time the devs talked about any details of the campaign they said it would be ironman just like the survival maps.

proof? lol otherwise we can just keep going back and forth on this. When the game first came out and just before (which is when i bought it) there was NOTHING indicating that campaign would be ironman. This was decided much later. You are wrong. admit it or not, i don't care ,but you can't just claim ":you are wrong" without providing any evidence.
no its true it was the first or 2nd newsletter posted by gomez "I believe it was the one with the screenshot of what we now know as the foundry mission in campaign" they mention how the missions will work with something along the lines of "the missions themselves will have a ironman save system like survival but dont panic! if you fail a mission you dont fail the campaign as you can still retry the mission
blazha May 13, 2020 @ 6:35pm 
Originally posted by Moforkus:
Originally posted by blazha:
Not every product is made for everyone. There is no game that can satisfy all of players. They are making games for money and they got pretty good results with this one.
Coca-Cola did not change all of their product to be sugar free to get more sales, they released another product for that. Numantian Games won't change their game either, they might release another similar game with save/load and co-op. This game is finished, they got their money. You don't buy things you don't like and complain why are they not made differently. Next time read about game you want to buy before buying it.

i did...they changed their mind midway through development. Shall i send you my address so you can send me the crystal ball i should have used to read into the future?
I own this game since Early access, 3 months after release on steam and I don't know what they changed midway. They never promised optional iron-man during development. Maybe they said somewhere that they will consider it, but that's just a polite way to say ♥♥♥♥ off with that already. And if they are not worried with lost sales, why are you?
blazha May 13, 2020 @ 6:51pm 
Originally posted by Moforkus:
Originally posted by blazha:
I own this game since Early access, 3 months after release on steam and I don't know what they changed midway. They never promised optional iron-man during development. Maybe they said somewhere that they will consider it, but that's just a polite way to say ♥♥♥♥ off with that already. And if they are not worried with lost sales, why are you?

when the game first was released, on this very forum everyone was losing their mind about ironman mode. Devs kept stating that this was how they envisioned "survival mode". All the available information was that survival was ironman, nothing about ironman was ever mentioned for the campaign...until months later. i like how you say you don't know what they changed midway but then argue that i am don't know but you know i am wrong...pretty good argument there.
I said that as I don't know what you are talking about. And you said it, survival is ment to be iron-man and the campaign was never mentioned. So they never said that it won't be iron-man.
And if I remember, after they decided to make it iron-man there was huge post like this where (like in this one) we saw that great majority of players supports developers.
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Date Posted: May 11, 2020 @ 2:24pm
Posts: 110