They Are Billions

They Are Billions

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Is the game dead?
As the topic says. there were no updates in a very long time, no news. Is it dead? If so, it's a shame. This is a great game with huge potential.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
isakujjang1 Sep 19, 2019 @ 5:21pm 
The next update will probably be about the new features of the map editor.

It's been three months since the campaign was released,

but it's a pity that there's no news about the update.

However, some users may think the game is dead.

This is because the game update cycle is slow.
Veldaz Sep 19, 2019 @ 8:51pm 
The game is in a RELEASED and POLISHED state now (version 1.0). This is no different then past games that were released in the same manner.

Updates might not be needed because all the content is now in the game. This is how games in the past worked more often then not and the fully released games of the past shone brighter for it. Unlike many games that get released before they're actually done in this day and age and are rushed out. This game was by no means rushed though. Hence less updates needed.

Considering the game was released VERY RECENTLY then I highly doubt it's going to die off any time soon. People are just playing it and enjoying it. People that have kept playing before release might burn out though. however, people getting it on steam and gog may be playing it for the first time. Why would this game be dead?
Last edited by Veldaz; Sep 19, 2019 @ 8:53pm
Qiox Sep 19, 2019 @ 9:03pm 
Originally posted by Tzeentch:
As the topic says. there were no updates in a very long time, no news. Is it dead? If so, it's a shame. This is a great game with huge potential.

The last patch was 5 weeks ago. Since when is that considered a very long time?
Andrewbh2003 Sep 19, 2019 @ 9:08pm 
games alive and well devs have stated multiple times next major patch will be regarding the editor and who knows what else is down the line? besides just cause the last "Major" update was a few months ago does not mean it has not been updated game has received numerous minor patches to date and will continue to do so
Gomez Sep 19, 2019 @ 10:52pm 

Dev Team is working everyday in this game. You have to undertand that STEAM is not the only platform where this game is and we are a small studio.

Thanks for your patience and undertanding.

Mr. Nugget Sep 19, 2019 @ 11:42pm 
Omg no patch game is dead

Go to epic store you babies))
Last edited by Mr. Nugget; Sep 19, 2019 @ 11:43pm
POBmaestro Sep 20, 2019 @ 6:19am 
@Gomez would it be worth updating the roadmap thread opening paragraph? It currently states the campaign is being worked on for a June release, and although it mentions the editor afterwards and you've posted a number of times about it, updating the roadmap sticky thread might help stop threads like this. Just a suggestion :)
Last edited by POBmaestro; Sep 20, 2019 @ 6:22am
HeadStrikeR ! Sep 20, 2019 @ 10:32am 
My bet is on map editor update with all new functions and assets, so we can create our own campaigns and more sophisticated custom maps, because free content from the community shaves off work for the devs for new content. At least that's what i would enhance next.
POBmaestro Sep 20, 2019 @ 2:05pm 
Also the game is about the dead, so the topic title is at least relevant :D
Gomez Sep 23, 2019 @ 1:54am 
Originally posted by POBmaestro:
@Gomez would it be worth updating the roadmap thread opening paragraph? It currently states the campaign is being worked on for a June release, and although it mentions the editor afterwards and you've posted a number of times about it, updating the roadmap sticky thread might help stop threads like this. Just a suggestion :)


Dev team will update that thread.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Renditen Ralf Sep 23, 2019 @ 7:45am 
Originally posted by Gomez:
Originally posted by POBmaestro:
@Gomez would it be worth updating the roadmap thread opening paragraph? It currently states the campaign is being worked on for a June release, and although it mentions the editor afterwards and you've posted a number of times about it, updating the roadmap sticky thread might help stop threads like this. Just a suggestion :)


Dev team will update that thread.

Thanks for your suggestion.

dude is there any more content coming? i dont care about grindy campaign or map editor .. i want a lot more survival content as this is the only thing that makes the game interesting
Andrewbh2003 Sep 23, 2019 @ 9:47am 
Originally posted by Rhaegar Тargaryen:
Originally posted by Gomez:


Dev team will update that thread.

Thanks for your suggestion.

dude is there any more content coming? i dont care about grindy campaign or map editor .. i want a lot more survival content as this is the only thing that makes the game interesting
we dont know yet we will have to wait and see the next update is for the editor now what happens after that is still a mystery
Godfreyluck Sep 23, 2019 @ 11:22pm 
Just came back to check out the game's progress, and there's WAY more content than when I last played. It definitely doesn't feel like the game is dead. And kudos to the devs. Great work!
sunnydance Sep 24, 2019 @ 2:20am 
Very dead.. I mean 138,317,767,745 dead things already. I mean if that doesn't scream dead then what does. Deader than dead for sure!
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Date Posted: Sep 19, 2019 @ 4:08pm
Posts: 14