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almost on Battletech 2
Half-ton machine gun ammo is now available
+/++ variants of machine guns are now available


Schrek Snub PPC Carrier
Demolisher LBX
Inferno Carrier


Laatst bewerkt door wesnef; 20 feb 2020 om 10:38
New vehicle variants? Uhoh, things could get hot.
After the update i cant load my current safe games anymore. Because it's asking for mods i had disabled in the game's mod manager! It says "required mods not installed". But i had these mods diabled for that safe game. It'is the fifth campaign i am going to restart and it sucks.

The game even asks for two contradicting mods to be activated.
Laatst bewerkt door seifenblasendesigner; 20 feb 2020 om 11:21


edit: also: would pay for missions that are harder than the ones we already have. even the defend/attack with multiple waves are too easy these days with my Steiner scout lance.
Laatst bewerkt door Petrothian; 20 feb 2020 om 11:30
Can i keep palying campaign mode with saves from 1.8 under 1.9?
I dont want to corrupt/destroy my saves so i better aske here.
ModTek was just ignored in 1.9, so now a long campaign that I've been playing with BEX (BattleTech Extended) can't be played. Looking up how to roll back to 1.8, since everything was fine before today's update.
Does one get the new variants in the classic edition? Of course only for the mechs in it.
I just rolled back to 1.8 hoping my modded campaign 3025 commanders edition will work, I'm relaay enjoying the fact its 800 days in and I just got my first 80 tonner, now the update has made it unworkable
Since the GOG forums are dead, I'll have to ask here:

The recent changelog shows a number of new mechs added, yet most of them don't appear in the skirmish Mech-bay. The following variants are missing:

Grand Dragon DRG-1G
Warhammer WHM-7A
Maraurder MAD-2R
Zeus ZEU-5T
Battlemaster BLR-1GB
Crab CRB-27b
Cyclops CP-10-HQ
Javelin JVN-10A
Raven RVN-3X
Catapracht CTF-0X
Phoenix Hawk PHX-1b

Now, I've been playing around with mods (unsuccessfully) trying to add those mechs before, but after failing, I disabled mod support. Also, I own the Heavy Metal expansion, but not Flashpoint and Urban Warfare.
Should these mechs be included in the vanilla game and in the skirmish mech-bay? Or are they campaign/career only and do they need some of the expansions? And can modding attempts interfere with the new update?
Origineel geplaatst door The nameless Commander:
Since the GOG forums are dead, I'll have to ask here:

The recent changelog shows a number of new mechs added, yet most of them don't appear in the skirmish Mech-bay. The following variants are missing:

Grand Dragon DRG-1G
Warhammer WHM-7A
Maraurder MAD-2R
Zeus ZEU-5T
Battlemaster BLR-1GB
Crab CRB-27b
Cyclops CP-10-HQ
Javelin JVN-10A
Raven RVN-3X
Catapracht CTF-0X
Phoenix Hawk PHX-1b

Now, I've been playing around with mods (unsuccessfully) trying to add those mechs before, but after failing, I disabled mod support. Also, I own the Heavy Metal expansion, but not Flashpoint and Urban Warfare.
Should these mechs be included in the vanilla game and in the skirmish mech-bay? Or are they campaign/career only and do they need some of the expansions? And can modding attempts interfere with the new update?

Those are Royal variants or advanced tech. So they like the atlas II will not show up there
Update killed all my saves. Mods on or off they all get stuck on the initial load, actually the same tip message in the corner, too.

"Take advantage of the opportunity to reserve your *unites* down in the timeline in order to maximize your strikes on enemy units"

emphasis mine to highlight a slight spelling error while I'm here. But yeah, it just hangs on loading. Let it sit for a good ten minutes, it's not loading anything. Can't even start a new game so....guess I'm done playing?
Origineel geplaatst door MortVent:
Origineel geplaatst door The nameless Commander:
Since the GOG forums are dead, I'll have to ask here:

The recent changelog shows a number of new mechs added, yet most of them don't appear in the skirmish Mech-bay. The following variants are missing:

Grand Dragon DRG-1G
Warhammer WHM-7A
Maraurder MAD-2R
Zeus ZEU-5T
Battlemaster BLR-1GB
Crab CRB-27b
Cyclops CP-10-HQ
Javelin JVN-10A
Raven RVN-3X
Catapracht CTF-0X
Phoenix Hawk PHX-1b

Now, I've been playing around with mods (unsuccessfully) trying to add those mechs before, but after failing, I disabled mod support. Also, I own the Heavy Metal expansion, but not Flashpoint and Urban Warfare.
Should these mechs be included in the vanilla game and in the skirmish mech-bay? Or are they campaign/career only and do they need some of the expansions? And can modding attempts interfere with the new update?

Those are Royal variants or advanced tech. So they like the atlas II will not show up there

Quite the buzz-kill, limiting a bunch of mechs to campaign/career. Oh well...
FWIW, I play the 3025 Extended Commanders Edition. When Battletech updated to 1.9, modtek wouldnt load. So I rolled it back to 1.8.1, waited until it downloaded, reinjected the modtek, and then my saved game played fine....been playing for about the last 6 hours. I would probably hold off updating to 1.9 until those guys @ BT Extended updates their mod.

In your Battletech Library, go to Manage---Properties---Betas---click "Select the beta you would like to opt in for"---scroll down to "1.8.1" and select it. It should start rolling back a 800mb+ install. I then went into my mods folder in my windows files and found the modtekinjector.exe in the Modtek folder, double clicked it and let it do its thing. Went back and ran BT Extended, and it worked fine.

My Apologies for explaining that in more detail, am sort of new at this and figured someone else may have been in the same situation.
Laatst bewerkt door cww1964; 20 feb 2020 om 22:22
Sooo this is the last official update (aside from fixing the bugs mentioned in the patchnotes) right? no more content as they're moving into a new project (or already have).
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