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Appeal to developers!
Just want to say, I'm not Hayter. I liked the game VERY much! Here is the second week I ONLY play it neglected all the other projects! BUT! A little constructive criticism!
1. I have a very depressing kind of situation that happens in the game! The game is filled with cheaters! Play with auto-block, auto-aim, infinite endurance see enemies through walls and in smoke from smoke bombs! How are you going to fight this?? If you leave everything as is the game will die very quickly, because no one is unpleasant to constantly lose.
2. Very much irritated by the ballet and the circus that happens in the game! Character clad in heavy armor jumps to half a meter and attack from above! It doesn't! It's FU*K*NG MEDIEVAL fencing, it's NOT a track and field competition! Please do either a jump or attack! Make a distinction! That would be during the jump character could not attack and during the attack could not jump! What is happening now is FU*K*NG absurd! The player takes a halberd, heavy armor and jump kill! What is this idiocy?! I don't want to play FU*K*NG ConterStrike!
3. Next, the same goes for these ballet steps! What is happening in massive battles, can't be called normal. Developers, you have seen what happens in mass battles! You made a game with a great fencing system that NO ONE USES!!! What for?! When you can sprint and cut on speed running from side to side or around the enemy just to stab him! Where have you seen, in any movie, what would the people in pain, but even medium armor was worn in battle with the enemy with such speed? You need to do is EITHER run or strikes!
4. To do finally the rapier is not IMBA weapons for newbies, and to make it balanced to other weapons! If a man takes a rapier, okay, but then shields and heavy armor should be out of reach! If he wants to fight like a musketeer okay, then let him be dressed like a musketeer!
5. Since when the kick of the leg shield would have forced the knight to lean over to the enemy was able to strike a weapon?! What is this drivel? And why from a kick in the shield health is taken away?! The same thing happens when you hit the shield arrows, throwing axes and other things! The shield only protects from direct hits! What is this nonsense?! And what happened to the feet of the players I am going on a meter and a half to see where the end of the leg of the opponent, but he still by some miracle it gets me! In the best case, the Knight who was hit in the leg shield just to laugh, and at worst would have cut the enemy's leg! In order to make it possible to break through the block shield knight opponent must have the power of the Hulk! Previously, that would do such a blow was applied to the whole body with a run and it did not guarantee the result! And then that would get around this quite lightly kick the leg in the shield and all, with a two-handed sword you're the king! This is wrong! Note, thanks to this, now all cheaters mostly trek with two-handed weapons!
And please take a look and watch the game in person! Because it's important! Now the game is not possible to send reports to players seen in the hacking game! Players have to memorize nicknames, exit the game and send a report! Make this opportunity inside the game directly in the chat! What would the players could send the report quickly, and you would be looking at the logs and if the man is guilty give him a permanent ban! I really hope that You will be heard!
Dernière modification de Murzik; 17 mai 2019 à 2h20
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I'm just going to say that people can run pretty easily in heavy armour, movies do a bad job of showing combat in the middle ages.
No! You're wrong! I have been historical fencing for many years and believe me, when you're wearing 50 pounds of metal, you can't physically fast and "easy" to run around in armor and effectively to fight!
Dernière modification de Murzik; 16 mai 2019 à 5h34
WOLK a écrit :
No! You're wrong! I have been historical fencing for many years and believe me, when you're wearing 50 pounds of metal, you can't physically fast and "easy" to run around in armor and effectively to fight!
There is lots of proof online to the contrary.
Solo Joke a écrit :
WOLK a écrit :
No! You're wrong! I have been historical fencing for many years and believe me, when you're wearing 50 pounds of metal, you can't physically fast and "easy" to run around in armor and effectively to fight!
There is lots of proof online to the contrary.
Don't know what you saw and what you were wearing those showed in the trailers, maybe their armor was made of metal cans, but when you will wear the armor, a replica of the one worn in the middle ages, then your conclusions will have at least some value and weight. In the meantime, YOU don'T KNOW what you're talking about!
WOLK a écrit :
Solo Joke a écrit :
There is lots of proof online to the contrary.
Don't know what you saw and what you were wearing those showed in the trailers, maybe their armor was made of metal cans, but when you will wear the armor, a replica of the one worn in the middle ages, then your conclusions will have at least some value and weight. In the meantime, YOU don'T KNOW what you're talking about!
There is video proof of people going around and doing gymnastics in full plate armour. The weight gets distributed across the body. It will hinder you, it will cause you to get tired more quickly but its affect on your speed and mobility is minimal.
Solo Joke a écrit :
I'm just going to say that people can run pretty easily in heavy armour, movies do a bad job of showing combat in the middle ages.
If you at least gather strength and decide to use your own brain and logic, then you will understand that carrying a weight of 50 kilograms or more, to dance around the enemy at speed and at the same time still waving weapons you will not succeed! Because it's not easy at all.
Solo Joke a écrit :
WOLK a écrit :
Don't know what you saw and what you were wearing those showed in the trailers, maybe their armor was made of metal cans, but when you will wear the armor, a replica of the one worn in the middle ages, then your conclusions will have at least some value and weight. In the meantime, YOU don'T KNOW what you're talking about!
There is video proof of people going around and doing gymnastics in full plate armour. The weight gets distributed across the body. It will hinder you, it will cause you to get tired more quickly but its affect on your speed and mobility is minimal.
In my opinion you are either sick in the head, or carrying nonsense child, or all together!
WOLK a écrit :
Solo Joke a écrit :
I'm just going to say that people can run pretty easily in heavy armour, movies do a bad job of showing combat in the middle ages.
If you at least gather strength and decide to use your own brain and logic, then you will understand that carrying a weight of 50 kilograms or more, to dance around the enemy at speed and at the same time still waving weapons you will not succeed! Because it's not easy at all.
The average weight of plate armour is 50 *pounds* not kilos, it would be around 25 kilos. It wasnt easy, but there are people now who have not been trained since birth that are able to perform gymnastics while in full plate armour, knights would have been training to use plate armour since a young age and would have been very used to the weight and would not be affected much.
WOLK a écrit :
Solo Joke a écrit :
There is video proof of people going around and doing gymnastics in full plate armour. The weight gets distributed across the body. It will hinder you, it will cause you to get tired more quickly but its affect on your speed and mobility is minimal.
In my opinion you are either sick in the head, or carrying nonsense child, or all together!
Solo Joke a écrit :
...doing gymnastics in full plate armour.... speed and mobility is minimal.
You need to see a doctor!)) URGENTLY!
WOLK a écrit :
Solo Joke a écrit :
...doing gymnastics in full plate armour.... speed and mobility is minimal.
You need to see a doctor!)) URGENTLY!
Watch that last video I posted.
You're thinking of jousting armor. It was exceptionally heavy because you kinda didn't want to die, and it wasn't so much an actual battle as it was a sportlike competition, so being able to fight off the horseback wasn't that necessary.
Actual battlearmor allowed you to move quite well. You make one hell of a racket, and sure, you feel the weight, but the even distribution of weight makes it easier to carry the combined weight.
They were fighters. Armor that doesn't let you fight is missing the point.
Dernière modification de RuinManiac; 16 mai 2019 à 6h09
RuinManiac a écrit :
You're thinking of jousting armor. It was exceptionally heavy because you kinda didn't want to die, and it wasn't so much an actual battle as it was a sportlike competition, so being able to fight off the horseback wasn't that necessary.
Actual battlearmor allowed you to move quite well. You make one hell of a racket, and sure, you feel the weight, but the even distribution of weight makes it easier to carry the combined weight.
They were fighters. Armor that doesn't let you fight is missing the point.
I dont think he is going to listen, he will just say there is something wrong with you.
Solo Joke a écrit :
RuinManiac a écrit :
You're thinking of jousting armor. It was exceptionally heavy because you kinda didn't want to die, and it wasn't so much an actual battle as it was a sportlike competition, so being able to fight off the horseback wasn't that necessary.
Actual battlearmor allowed you to move quite well. You make one hell of a racket, and sure, you feel the weight, but the even distribution of weight makes it easier to carry the combined weight.
They were fighters. Armor that doesn't let you fight is missing the point.
I dont think he is going to listen, he will just say there is something wrong with you.
Oh Steam forums.
Solo Joke a écrit :
Watch that last video I posted.
Your entire video is complete nonsense! It shows clowns wearing armor from cans and not what was used in the middle ages! In this armor, the knight could not rise if he was shot down and dropped on the ground, and what is shown here this video is for degenerates, absolutely not familiar with the story! Go to the historical Museum, read books. This greatly helps in the development of intelligence.
Dernière modification de Murzik; 16 mai 2019 à 6h15
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Posté le 16 mai 2019 à 5h17
Messages : 80