Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms

Xaryxis formation help
Hey, to better check GF advice from other thread, I need help with better Xaryxis formation.
Cant remember how to link to roster, so here is a screenshot:
And here is formation I currently use:
I used Jim when he came out, then I had like 2 years break from the game and I still use him till now since all other dps cant reach as high somehow.

I would strongly prefer formation without RNG, since waiting hours for dps spike is killing me atm.
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I'm not a big fan of Jim and Xaryxis is quite a terrible design for him ; but you can use Valentine as a relay buff rather than a duplicate buff (she's weaker at that role, but still very useful).

Unlocking quickly Ulkoria can be quite a good move in a such magic formation (to replace Virgil). Unlocking your missing evergreen can be a very good move anyway (apart NERDS if you don't play with Artemis or don't want to use them).
Also, remember Jim will be changed in quite a few week for now.

I'll beta-test them with my gear on a new adventure. On the area 15 boss of The Hunt for Last Breath (armored).

Formation I'll personnaly use is probably:
may be a good alternative. (Depending on your Valentine gear, it may be better to switch her and Asharra and Birdsong & Kent).
Автор сообщения: Hecate
Also, remember Jim will be changed in quite a few week for now.
It gives me 8.95e310 BUD (w. 6.42e3 from legendaries & 1.87e19 from core (Fast))
Raw is around e287.

It gives me 5.30e398 (w. 5.08e70 from legendaries, 1.87e19 from core & 2.19e3 from pigments)
Raw is around e306.
(Blooshy & Virgil contribution will increase through the run - you can also increase contribution from Baeloth with djinns (but it's tedious))
With Ulkoria, it's 1.01e403 BUD (7.27e70 from Legendaries, no other changes), so around e311 for raw.

Finally what I use:
It gives me 2.85e504 (w. 5.64e148 from legendaries, 1.87e19 from core & 1.99e8 from pigments)
Raw is around e333.
(Blooshy & Xerophon contribution will increase through the run).
Отредактировано Hecate; 10 авг. 2023 г. в 1:28
With my formation until now I only once saw e257 spike, and once e256, usually it goes to e253.
With Hecate's Jim formation I hit e258 so far, AND it didnt take forever unlike mine. ;p
e254 is quite easy.
Stuck at z843 atm, probly could pass z845 if I got that spike again.

Here's spec I used:
Valentine's is GF since I use her for that as well. Not sure if others are correct.

So for the most of the run I should use Blooshy, Virgil, Ellywick and Dob. Is that correct?

I'll check your other formations when I can.
And I guess I'll just stick with Jim till season 5 at least then.
Season 5 will probably kill Jimothy tactics, but otherwise Jim should be fine.

One of the reasons I almost never use Jim is that Freely is one of the best sources of BUD spikes in the game. My Freely has ilvl 570, and he can generate e50 BUD spikes more or less reliably. The easiest way to trigger them is to leave just one or two enemies, debuff them, and then just wait several minutes. Don't overdo with debuffing, otherwise the party might kill the "punching bag". Having high attack rate also helps due to the nature of Freely's debuffs.

An example of such spike. Baseline BUD of the party was around e520.
Отредактировано kab_reg; 10 авг. 2023 г. в 2:56
Keep in mind that you can use a respec potion for Valentine if you need. Also +200% gold find is not so important if you can grind a few more areas (+200% gold is a bit less than +5 areas). Otherwise for Valentine, damage wise, if she's targetted by Tatyana and she's targetted by less than 10 buffs, take middle spec, otherwise take left spec.

For Baeloth, if you stack djinns, right spec, otherwise it's quite close, left spec is more stable and middle more spiky (and a bit better overall during spike).

The others use neutral for targetting buffs (Avren, Birdsong), use bigger numbers for stacking buffs (Birdsong 2nd choice, Miria,...), Charisma for Turiel of course (Jim has low Constitution). Hmmm, left spec for Virgil too, I think the balance for his right spec turns at 3 members of his affilaition.
Also about season 5, if things go as previous seasons, there is a lot more chances that Jim will be buffed rather than nerfed (apart chicken thing) and became a really decent DPS. Emmote's spoilers talk about fan club becoming prestack with a buff and a stalling buff on top of that, if it's the case, it'll push him in a good position among DPS (In levels of Birdsong, Warduke, Asharra, Krond and the like, maybe even higher (magic spec & specialization's gear?)).

So it maybe advisable to stick with him past this point if you like him. :)
However, he will still suffer from poor availability.
Right, but we don't know yet the season rewards. A Strength feat will put him on par with Asharra on availability (I don't see any feat for him yet in spoilers). We'll see.

None so far. Seasonal rewards are probably the ones labeled with ??? in the first section.
Thoughts on new Jim?
koz im thinking about full dismantle and switching to Krond or Warduke maybe.
He's honestly quite potent, at least on par with Krond or Warduke now for sure, or probably slightly above them. Use a mix of magic/Acq. Inc for he's buffed enough through fan club (w. 7 stacks and shiny 150 only, I'm already at 8e23% (without MMT stacks)). Forget about C-team member they are still total crap. I finish my event run and I watch more in depht about that.

Another plus for Jim is he's a support and so can be used also as non-DPS; plus if you transition to Artemis later, he'll still be useful depending on situations (because of C-B in the seat too).
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Дата создания: 9 авг. 2023 г. в 12:59
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