Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance

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Lox Jun 30, 2021 @ 9:07pm
Please... Devs, Crea' team, Designers & co. You shall made some basics changes
Hello everyone ! I hope to speak for our majority (after the first point ^^) !

Firstly : I love the ambiance of this fantasy game, and this one have a... Nostalgic thing about me. It's the next stage of the non-official last game I could made with my mother...
(I feel old now ^^)

But... There is some little problems you can easily fix, for the good of everyone : your community of players and YOOOOOOU ALL THE TEAM OF CREATORS !

Secondly so : I pray for a nice patch including what I find "basics" in a game of this kind. Like most of us I think.

1) The BINDING ! PLEASE ! Damn... Please...
Let us rebind the default keys IN FULL CUSTOMIZABLE !
Keyboard/mouse or Pad. Both. And... About Pad, if you can add skin OTHER than the Xbox... It would be great (and realistic... Damned). Details make good things.

2) The Matchmaking...
Well... If we have not a lot of friends...
The experience isnt the same AT ALL !
For real... Most of the time, we solo. It's breaking your game ! Totally.
It can be a choice, ofc. I personnaly love to solo in most of my games (when I can).
But for this one... When you're alone you feel something is really missing...
(Let us put bots maybe ? :D I don't know.)
I can understand players who stop for this point.
"Based on Coop and finally : 0 Coop or Coop when you find 3 dudes with the game (not too much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and hoping they will be there in same time for some days !).
And when you find this friend(s)... (Or you already have your squad)
It's really REALLY LAGGY, way too much !
Do something, we all know you can do it... But we pray & wait...
I don't know, make rooms, show the Pings, already taken characters, advancement...
Simples changes and really helpfull :(

3) The "non-aggro" area...
W T F !
Just up the rayon of active threat and for cancel kitting : boost the speed of your mobs when they come back to their spawn without anything who can cut the return AND had a regen when the mob(s) come back to his start wtf (bis).
Maybe this thing evolve after, I am near the begin finally.

New added here 4) "End-game content = 0" too.
Seriously... What the ♥♥♥♥ ?
Common PLEASE... No NG+ ? No ilvl+ diff after the end ?
Why ? Put PEGI 3... If you don't the basics... It's a shame.

New added here 5) Lag correction... :D
Nope, for a minority maybe, but not for everyone.
From France, at the Paris server I have 6ms, 400 download, 400 upload and the game still laggy most of time.

I havent any animosity at all... Of course.
Its passionntes to passionnates Discuss (I hope :s ) !

I just feel sad (like most of us) to see a potentially good coop game pwned by...
WAY TOO MUCH little things !!!

(And I see so much game we did this last years with this kind of same problems never corrected).
It looks like : people make the game (A LOVED PROJECT !), take the money and FU everyone ! /vanish.

We all count on you ! Don't let your game die. It can be a really good coop experience, maybe casual okay, but way more fun if you work just a little more. Just a little ! Please !
Make a good patch !!!
I invite you to say what details are broken for you.
(Not the entire game :D too ez, common)

/good luck
/have fun everyone whatever !!! :)

PS : That make me stop the game and wait because I still hope. I guess Im not alone in that case, just playing for the goods sensations sometimes with this "semi RPG" gameplay.
So much Gamers had (for sure) get the money back before the 120 mins.

PPS : I lie, I play sometimes ^^

PPPS : I still don't know if devs look here but... I hope this little 3 points will up our pleasure to play Dark Alliance. I rewish you to Have Fun ! A good day ! And good vibes :)
Last edited by Lox; Jul 15, 2021 @ 1:56am
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
EvilHare Jun 30, 2021 @ 9:20pm 
I am amused. You think you can force changes?

"You shall ... " LOL
Lox Jun 30, 2021 @ 9:29pm 
Originally posted by EvilHare:
I am amused. You think you can force changes?

"You shall ... " LOL

Yeah you're totally right. That's my medium lvl in English I guess. Forgive me about this ^^
I just hope, like much of us. Feeling sad :)
Thank you for make me laugh !
And I am pretty sure none of their team will take 2s for check.
I guess, I push out some frustration.

FORGIVE ME ! Everyone ^_^"
Moga CMDR Jul 1, 2021 @ 6:20am 
There is never a point to write out really long explanations of things for devs. They aren't stupid. Nor do they really need design lecture. When people write out several paragraphs it really is a waste.

Most community managers won't openly say it, but it's true.
JackBaldy Jul 1, 2021 @ 6:25am 
Originally posted by Guild Sweetheart:
There is never a point to write out really long explanations of things for devs. They aren't stupid.

Doesn't seem like they're all knowing either though.
B166ER Jul 1, 2021 @ 7:19am 
Originally posted by Guild Sweetheart:
There is never a point to write out really long explanations of things for devs. They aren't stupid. Nor do they really need design lecture. When people write out several paragraphs it really is a waste.

Most community managers won't openly say it, but it's true.

> They aren't stupid. Nor do they really need design lecture.

Then what would you call devs who e.g. code an AI that just breaks when facing a ranged player, utterly broken solo scaling or having to use Steam friends to invite people for multiplayer?
Last edited by B166ER; Jul 1, 2021 @ 9:44am
NoiT Jul 1, 2021 @ 9:24am 
Seems to me they have a lot to learn.
Scr(A)tch Jul 1, 2021 @ 9:46am 
Originally posted by B166ER:
Originally posted by Guild Sweetheart:
There is never a point to write out really long explanations of things for devs. They aren't stupid. Nor do they really need design lecture. When people write out several paragraphs it really is a waste.

Most community managers won't openly say it, but it's true.

> They aren't stupid. Nor do they really need design lecture.

Then what would you call devs who e.g. code an AI that just breaks when facing a ranged player, utterly broken solo scaling or having to use Steam friends to invite people for multiplayer?

Yup solo scaling is broken, too easy.
Originally posted by Guild Sweetheart:
Nor do they really need design lecture.

They very, very, VERY much do need one.
They're not the only ones, but make no mistake, devs are devs because they can program and code, not because they're good at game design.

I never made a game in my life and I could do much better than these devs or any other in that particular area.
Hyunkhel Jul 1, 2021 @ 3:31pm 
Hello all

Unfortunately, I can only agree with what Lox is saying
Tonight I said to myself “I'm going to test the archer”

First mob spot :

I just have to stay at the entrance to the area and spam the attack remotely ...
the mobs are frozen
and I chain them one by one

seriously ?? In 2021!

As a player we deserve better than a draft
We just want a finished game, not a gift package with empty space in the interior

How many players will quit before the game is properly patched?

How can we announce an extension when the base game is not finished ??

It is very sad !
Team dev, game designer, whatever
If you are part of the game team, MOVE!

We appreciate your game it's a good point
So make an effort we can help you to improve the game !
Last edited by Hyunkhel; Jul 1, 2021 @ 3:34pm
Lox Jul 2, 2021 @ 6:16am 
Hey !
I am glad to see the activity on this forum :) Thank you a lot dears Players !

Well, I see lot of usvery VERY disapointed... Too much of us, it's just insane.
And I agree, we appreciate the game, they just need to improve some little things...

We are so powerless front of this FFS as always
But this time...
I can try to send (a little spam... Not proud) this discuss link to the Support of ALL Teams and pray+hope they will read WELL and upgrade fastly the minimum.

Whatever ! I wish you a good day and to have fun on your games ^_^

PS : Leo is so right, for an AAA in 2021 waaaaataaaaaaaaaaah it's hard to see this...
I feel a kind of mi-shame mi-sad, dunno how to explain this emotion :D

JackBaldy Jul 2, 2021 @ 6:24am 
Originally posted by Lox:
PS : Leo is so right, for an AAA in 2021 waaaaataaaaaaaaaaah it's hard to see this...
I feel a kind of mi-shame mi-sad, dunno how to explain this emotion :D

This game ain't AAA. It would be more accurately described as an AA game.
Lox Jul 2, 2021 @ 6:26am 
Originally posted by JackBaldy:
This game ain't AAA. It would be more accurately described as an AA game.

You are so right JackBaldy :( Damned...
JackBaldy Jul 2, 2021 @ 6:32am 
Originally posted by Lox:
You are so right JackBaldy :( Damned...

Nothing inherently wrong with this game being AA, I was just pointing it out for the sake of accuracy is all. No harm done. o.o
Lox Jul 2, 2021 @ 7:28am 
Yep I agree, you're right I mean :) (just the prod of "Wizards of the Cost" still "big" (Tuque is to them too) but yeah... AA)
I wanna said "Damn I made a fault !" and "Damn... That's true". Still sad to see a team who can do a pure AAA, just does something with the level of a low/medium AA. Pretty sure they could do way more better.

No harm done at all ! Of course !!! Bad wrote from the Lox, np ^^ and sorry
Last edited by Lox; Jul 2, 2021 @ 10:39am
Lox Jul 15, 2021 @ 2:03am 
I tried to contact ALL SUPPORTS from ALL contributors of the game.
Result = 0 :D

They do a "casual game" I don't think it will change soon.
They took the money and go to enjoy their summer. As lambda human being.

No answer, nothing. Sometimes subject/request diseapear... And I seen so much people talking about same points than mines.

Noway they don't care so... No problem.
We can just be patient, as always dear true gamers "wait & see"

I bless you for reading all this points, to support the demarch and tried to do something.
I wish you to have fun and find cool games !

From a French nolife,
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Date Posted: Jun 30, 2021 @ 9:07pm
Posts: 16