Portal 2
Unable to Publish Test Chamber
When I attempt to publish a test chamber I keep getting the error message something to the effect of, "Unable to connect to Steam. Verify your connection and try again." On another note, when launching Portal 2, it fails to sync.

Is anyone else having this issue?
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Syx 21. úno. 2013 v 15.02 
I'm having exactly the same issue.

I've tried reinstalling, verifying, using a different machine, renaming, creating new maps... none of it works.

I can download and play maps from the workshop, and I can successfully build my own maps, but every time I go to publish I receive the above error message.
Me also. That's why I came here looking to see if anyone else is having the same issue before I start dickering around with the program and all the settings and end up breaking something or making things worse. I only went as far as "verify Integrity". We'll just have to wait it out I guess.
Syx's post appeared just after I posted, and the first link lead me to another. There was another posting by the people at Valve saying they're aware of the problem. So yeah, we'll just have to wait.
Syx 25. úno. 2013 v 14.12 
An interesting turn of events - today Steam applied an update and the issue appears to have resolved itself as I am now able to publish to the workshop.
Me too. WOO HOO. This has been worse than waiting for flight delays to go back home after spring break whilst being severely hung over.
I have the same problem. I just installed Portal 2 the day before yesterday. As soon as I click on "publish test chamber", it gonna give me this error message "Unable to connect to Steam. Verify your connection and try again.". I have the german version so it says here: "Fehler beim Veröffentlichen - Beim Verbinden mit Steam ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte überprüfen sie Ihre Verbindung und versuchen Sie es erneut." Is there still no solution for this problem? We're having August now and the last posts were in February.
I have exactly the same problem. Quite annoying.

About a year ago, I created a test chamber and published it on Steam with no problems whatsoever. Today, I created a new test chamber and it just won't upload giving the error message above.

My first test chamber was created on a PC running Windows - the last one is on the Macintosh - I don't know if that could make a difference - it shouldn't.

I hope this issue gets fixed soon.
Same problem here some one know something about it or a solution?
The problem is stil out there...
Naposledy upravil Nathan Algren; 10. srp. 2015 v 1.55
I have a problem relating to this! The error message says: Unable to publish File! Error number: 2
Naposledy upravil doricom; 27. pro. 2019 v 7.58
I tried all and at the end, it uoloaded, after alot of try, alone...I think it is a servers problem but I am not sure

Ps. I do not know what Error 2 mean
Naposledy upravil Nathan Algren; 27. pro. 2019 v 1.22
My problem has been fixed! Never mind! Bust still, got 1 chamber to publish
Naposledy upravil doricom; 27. pro. 2019 v 7.57
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 9. úno. 2013 v 15.21
Počet příspěvků: 12