Portal 2
Mahou☆Shoujo!! 2013 年 1 月 9 日 下午 6:22
Chell Is Dead
Before I start anything I must warn you that beyond major spoilers lie ahead. If you havent played the ending of the game yet procede with caution. Well its conspirecy theory time again and I bring you all a new one: Chell is dead. This would be horible if I didnt back up the theory. According to Greek mythology the afterlife is a wheat feald with your best friend after hearing singing. Remember back in Portal GLaDOS tells you "This is the Aperture wieghted companion cube. It will be your best friend for this test." If you've finished the game you should get what I'm poking at. In the end of Portal 2 GLaDOS lets you go after elevating you up to the surface. During this elevator ride to freedom you hear the voice of GLaDOS herself sings you an Italain opera that translates to
"Dear beautiful, my beautiful darling!
My child, oh Chell! [the word is chel is intalian wich doesnt have a perfect english trans]
For I hold her in esteem...
For I hold her in esteem.
Farewell to my dear!
My dear girl,
why do you not walk away?
Yes, away from Science, [Science as a noun refering to Aperture Science]
My dear, my dear girl?
Ah, my beautiful!
Ah, my dear!
Ah, my dear!
Ah, my child!
Oh dear, my dear.."
Now a lot of people have herd this in a theory before but how does this tie in with anything? Well who else would sing goodbye and want thier child to stay away from Aperture but not Chells parants. But why would Chell be hearing it coming from GLaDOS? For the simple reason that GLaDOS [Caroline] is Chells mother. And sense Chell was adopted this song would be sung to her by her aparantly long lost parants. Now so far all of this makes sense except when did Chell get killed? Acording to GLaDOS she sould be about 25 - 28 if she was expecting Chell to test for about 68 more years. Before I continue please consult the fallowing scene:
"Caroline deleated" says the anouncer
"Now thats done. Before you my life was pritty good. All I did was test. I couldnt complain. Nobody tried to murder me. Nobody stuffed me into a potatoe. And then you came along. You monsterous, mute, freak. Being Caroline taught me alot. The solution to a problem is normaly the easiest. And I have to admit, killing you is hard. Now I'm going to let you go...dont come back!" says GLaDOS
What does this have to do with anything? Well at the end of that speach GLaDOS says "Now I'm going to let you go...dont come back!" and at that moment you think shes serious. Then you see the turrets and think your dead. Well that last line was GLaDOS's last atempt at killing you. "dont come back!" refers to how Chell always gets out of the death traps GLaDOS sets up for her. If your wierd like me you've timed how long it takes for a turret to begin deploying fire. I say its aproximantly three seconds. And when you first see the turrets on the elevator ride up its about three seconds beefore it puts its guns away and starts singing, wich if you've found the secret turret song, you know is posible. This theory says that after those three seconds of searching the five turrets shot Chell dead, thus why they starting singing. Do I beleive this theory? No, I think its total horse crap. But it does have some key points and gets Valve out of stressing to count to three. You go ahead and bikker and say weather or not you believe the theory. ;)
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GoatCart 2013 年 1 月 25 日 下午 2:51 
nice Idea!
Archangel138 2013 年 1 月 25 日 下午 3:36 
I see the ending like this. Chell defeats the machines, GLaDOS respects her for it and sends her on her way. To me, the turrets aren't singing because they kill Chell, but are praising her as she ascends. I like endings like this because the gamers can take it any way they want to and until Portal 3 comes out, no one can say the other is wrong in what they think the ending means:)
Epoch 2013 年 1 月 26 日 下午 12:54 
hmmmm...... so cave is her dad?
Peltron5000 2013 年 1 月 26 日 下午 8:08 
Not gonna lie, I thought that chell might have been dead too and the singing of the robots and the fields when she got to the top of aperture science represented heaven (assuming you thought she was dead of course). Until I saw the cube. The blackened cube which just got lauched out when chell got to the top. Somehow I feel that at least chell's heaven wouldn't have a blackened cube which is an undesirable object in chell's heaven. That's how I know that she's not dead when she gets to the top. Does she get killed in the field, however is another question depending on how evil you deem glados to be.
最后由 Peltron5000 编辑于; 2013 年 1 月 26 日 下午 8:09
Mahou☆Shoujo!! 2013 年 1 月 27 日 下午 1:37 
引用自 catforklift
hmmmm...... so cave is her dad?
Yes, Chells parants, without a doubt, are Cave Johnson and Caroline Glados. The factnthat GLaDOS keeps calling her "adopted" is still true, Cave and Caroline knew Chell would get in thier way of work but they didn't want Chell to far away from them so they made an Aperture scientist adopt her. When you escape GLaDOS with Wheatly you even find a science project by Chell in the "Bring Your Daughter to Work Day". On the poster she refers to "Dad" and "Mr.Johnson" or "Daddy's boss" as two different people.

引用自 peltz25
Not gonna lie, I thought that chell might have been dead too and the singing of the robots and the fields when she got to the top of aperture science represented heaven (assuming you thought she was dead of course). Until I saw the cube. The blackened cube which just got lauched out when chell got to the top. Somehow I feel that at least chell's heaven wouldn't have a blackened cube which is an undesirable object in chell's heaven. That's how I know that she's not dead when she gets to the top. Does she get killed in the field, however is another question depending on how evil you deem glados to be.
In my belief, GLaDOS was made evil by currupted data or running out of "test euphoria" as GLaDOS puts it. I think the red insane core attatched to her in Portal and the lack of "test euphoria" made her evil and had to start killing testing subjects to get that rush back. Weather or not you want to believe my theory or not is your own choice. I come up with these vary commonly and I heardly believe in any of them.

引用自 coopcrowd bro
i tell it all
chell's mother was glados and cave josen is her dad and cave josen died and she did not die and chell did not after a wihle you get to freedom i looks like that you get a dirty cube and the door shuts back to the game you can tell Wheatley has takenover glados the resand why chell put a portal to the moon is she wants Wheatley to never come agina and Wheatley in the start was happy.The trurrets was there to just not to kill her to wanrn her or to kill her? How do we get in the room? I can tell ratman! ratman was not in the background of the ending but he might not be found never but ratman we all know he did not die.How do chell get back in? I dont know but i might be a core? How did ratman never seen in portal 2 becuse ratman was in the portal 00 test he was never been seen.Hhy did glados said dont come back bcuse she just dont want her?
Good theory's except story elements beg to differ with some of it. Yes, Ratman is alive. However how got Chell got back to Aperture is after Portal. After you kill GLaDOS in Portal you wake up outside of Aperture and start getting dragged away by somthing. That somthing is either Atlas or P-Body (my guess) and they take you back into Aperture. Wheatly was the Blue core attatched to GLaDOS in Portal, holding her down so she didn't get to smart. If you remember GLaDOS says in Portal "All Aperture Science technology can withstand up to 5000 degrees Kelvin." explaining how Wheatly survived the incinerator. He's happy because his character is based off of a mentaly retarded person.
Peltron5000 2013 年 1 月 27 日 下午 1:52 
@True PC Gamer: I'm not saying that glados is evil by default, I do wonder how much time would pass before she became power-hungry and evil again, similar to the way wheatley was when he was in charge of Aperture (I still love Wheatley to death though: He said sorry) Through chell's actions wheatley was put in charge and glados was put into a potato, and she might be resentful enough to exact revenge while still giving the illusion that chell is safe outside in the field, even if chell didn't mean for glados to suffer so much. Another thing to think about: Wheatley became evil quicker than glados expected, which makes me think that it could be possible for the "test euphoria" to be completely depleted by the time that glados is back in charge, so give it some thought before anyone posting dismisses the possibility.
Navasis 2013 年 1 月 27 日 下午 1:54 
Everybody knows that Caroline is GLaDOS, but I heard that Caroline and Cave had Chell, but they had to give her away for science. BUT they gave her to an employee (possably Rattman) to keep her close.
finrei 2013 年 1 月 27 日 下午 1:56 
nice theroy
Mahou☆Shoujo!! 2013 年 1 月 27 日 下午 2:02 
引用自 scottcie
nice theroy
Thank you.

引用自 peltz25
@True PC Gamer: I'm not saying that glados is evil by default, I do wonder how much time would pass before she became power-hungry and evil again, similar to the way wheatley was when he was in charge of Aperture (I still love Wheatley to death though: He said sorry) Through chell's actions wheatley was put in charge and glados was put into a potato, and she might be resentful enough to exact revenge while still giving the illusion that chell is safe outside in the field, even if chell didn't mean for glados to suffer so much. Another thing to think about: Wheatley became evil quicker than glados expected, which makes me think that it could be possible for the "test euphoria" to be completely depleted by the time that glados is back in charge, so give it some thought before anyone posting dismisses the possibility.
Oooh, I didnt understand what you meant the first time.

引用自 DerpyBrony
Everybody knows that Caroline is GLaDOS, but I heard that Caroline and Cave had Chell, but they had to give her away for science. BUT they gave her to an employee (possably Rattman) to keep her close.
Yes, as stated above.
bam 2013 年 1 月 27 日 下午 2:38 
引用自 coopcrowd bro
thats right i new it glados is her mother
For everyone who doesn't understand. GLaDOS Isn't Chell's mother! Chell is the daughter of Cave Johnson and Caroline! Techinall yes, Caroline is GLaDOS. But she isn't. Caroline's memories were used in the process of making GLaDOS. Caroline is dead. GLaDOS isn't Caroline.
Peltron5000 2013 年 1 月 27 日 下午 3:18 
@BamStar Yes, I agree but I believe that Caroline's emotions were transferred as well since she was deeply worried that chell might have died at the end. Food for thought.
captain.caple 2013 年 1 月 27 日 下午 4:02 
oh no Chell is dead oh that means coopcrowd cant get scared!
Peltron5000 2013 年 1 月 27 日 下午 5:18 
@captain.caple: All of these are theories, none of this guarantees that chell is in fact dead. We're just speculating on what might have happened because we might get an answer in portal 3 or we may never know. It's intresting either way.
Bellomy 2013 年 1 月 27 日 下午 7:18 
Old discussion and no, she's not. The creators confirmed it, which is the important thing, and the ending is NOTHING like Greek mythology-if I'm ever in the mood I'll link you to the post I wrote about this, because I analyzed the connection between the ending and Greek mythology. The short answer is that all of those "comparisons" are horse manure made up by some guy (or girl) who knows absolutely nothing about real Greek mythology.
Bellomy 2013 年 1 月 27 日 下午 7:20 
Yes, Chells parants, without a doubt, are Cave Johnson and Caroline Glados.

This is totally unconfirmed and probably not true since Caroline would have been in her 60s when she had Chell, at lowest. Grandmother is more likely.

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发帖日期: 2013 年 1 月 9 日 下午 6:22
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