Portal 2
Co-op Partner WANTED
I am looking for a co-op partner so if annyone wants to do co-op please reply in next hour.
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 20 komentarzy
Raxian 29 marca 2013 o 10:46 
I'm ready for Co-op any time. I'll wait for instructions.
Demon Arisen 29 marca 2013 o 10:51 
ok thanks
Demon Arisen 29 marca 2013 o 10:53 
hello me again am i your friend because it seems i cant add you for some weird reason
Raxian 29 marca 2013 o 10:54 
Yes, I already added you.
Demon Arisen 29 marca 2013 o 10:56 
ok can you send me an invite then because i cant:()
Raxian 29 marca 2013 o 10:57 
I sent you an invite. I'm all ready.
Demon Arisen 29 marca 2013 o 11:03 
i cant awnser
Raxian 29 marca 2013 o 11:03 
Are you having any troubles...?
Raxian 29 marca 2013 o 11:04 
I think if you go to Co-Op and click the standard one it will say if someone has invited you or not.
In the friends list, you can also see if anyone has invited you to play.
Demon Arisen 29 marca 2013 o 11:10 
you are not my friend apparently your not online
Raxian 29 marca 2013 o 11:15 
I'm not sure what's the problem. Have you accepted the friend request or...?
Maybe exiting Steam and re-entering might work.
I have sent you messages as well...
You should go to play Standard Co-Op and see if my invite made it to you.
Demon Arisen 29 marca 2013 o 11:18 
someone doing it with me now sorry i couldnt play with you:(:(:(:(:(:(
Raxian 29 marca 2013 o 11:20 
It's alright.
CptNightFlight 29 marca 2013 o 12:06 
just sent you an invite. confirm & then let's test! ;-)
jedispiderman 29 marca 2013 o 13:18 
Can i play?
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Wyświetlanie 1-15 z 20 komentarzy
Na stronę: 1530 50

Data napisania: 29 marca 2013 o 10:37
Posty: 20