Portal 2
Community Chambers
I'm a little confused on how complex some of these community chambers are. Are the people making them working for Steam/Valve? Or is it just insanely talented people who know how to hack these things and make them so detailed and elaborate.
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No anybody can make them. It comes with the game. It just takes a sort of creative talent to make them so they're challenging.
Well yeah I know anyone can, but some seem like they've been designed professionally
Some people are just good at what they do.
I'm jealous

Messaggio originale di SeraphDarkfire:
Some people are just good at what they do.
I'm not, we get to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Maps that don't look like they were made in the in-game editor generally are made using our Portal 2 Authoring Tools using the map editor Hammer. This program is the exact same one we used to build all of Portal 2 and allows for much more complexity than the in-game editor can. You can download the Portal 2 Authoring Tools for yourself under the "Tools" section in Steam.
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Data di pubblicazione: 21 mar 2013, ore 11:41
Messaggi: 6