Portal 2
My viewmodel has disappeared
I didn't realise this for a long time but around chapter 4 my Viewmodels just vanished. I only just noticed now because GlaDOS Potato is meant to be attached to the Portal Gun. Anyone know how to restore the viewmodels?
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Показані коментарі 15 із 5
This happened to me too
Anyone know how to fix it
the usual viewmodel_offset_z 0; viewmodel_offset_x 0; viewmodel_offset_y 0 doesnt fix it
I had the same problem. Heres how i fixed it (ik im late) 1. In console i put respawn_entities. 2. If you did it correctly, once it loads, you will be stuck in a tube, so type restart_level
Цитата допису Nov4:
I had the same problem. Heres how i fixed it (ik im late) 1. In console i put respawn_entities. 2. If you did it correctly, once it loads, you will be stuck in a tube, so type restart_level
that worked thanks
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