Portal 2
The Moon Scene
Here's something that Valve screwed up on, the end scene where Chell was on the moon for a split second and she saw Earth from a distance, why did earth look blue? If it takes place probably 20 to 9,000 years how are there still oceans. I know in Half-Life 2 the Combine drained 80% of the oceans on Earth and between HL2 and Portal 2 I figured if the combine didn't finish draining the oceans the sun would eventually evaporate the oceans completely overtime. So I wanted to point that out since it didn't make any sense.
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1-11 / 11 のコメントを表示
Remember the water cycle?

If the water evaporates, it condensates, and then it rains.

Therefore, "the sun evaporating the rest of the water" isn't really possible unless the Combine take away all the water vapour that is generated by natural evaporation.

Also, I don't think that the Combine drained 80% of the oceans, more like 10-20% at the most.
If there was 80% missing, then the shoreline would be a lot lower than it is in Half Life 2.
最近の変更はHunter #357が行いました; 2016年12月28日 13時40分
And what if it takes pplaces during this time period and Glados was just lying about the date.
I doubt that because remmeber half of the base has growth and decay, and remember the base goes miles underground and the growth almost reaches to the bottom, that takes decades and maybe centuries for that to occur.
Steve0224 の投稿を引用:
I doubt that because remmeber half of the base has growth and decay, and remember the base goes miles underground and the growth almost reaches to the bottom, that takes decades and maybe centuries for that to occur.

I was close to answer but you wont change your mind so... why should I tell you the answer?
Tell me anyways
Other than that, Chell is fighting Wheatley in that room where roof broke (it looked like night) and she managed to open a portal to the moon. After getting back though and talking with Glados, she enters an elevator taking her like hundreds of rooms up till she reaches earth surface.. Plus it is day and not night anymore. Also is the moon surface portalable?
Turambar 2016年12月29日 10時25分 
Metallon の投稿を引用:
Other than that, Chell is fighting Wheatley in that room where roof broke (it looked like night) and she managed to open a portal to the moon. After getting back though and talking with Glados, she enters an elevator taking her like hundreds of rooms up till she reaches earth surface.. Plus it is day and not night anymore. Also is the moon surface portalable?

Play Portal 2
I believe the White portal walls are made out of Moon Dust which is why you're able to open a portal on the Moon.
_McFish_ 2016年12月29日 18時13分 
yes the white gel is made of "ground up moon rocks" so the moon is a portalable
Chell was also knocked out for an undetermined time after the final battle (listen, and you will hear the "going into hibernation" sound effect that played at the beginning) and then wakes up for the closing scene.
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投稿日: 2016年12月28日 13時34分
投稿数: 11