AirMech Wastelands

AirMech Wastelands

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G4M3R10 Nov 24, 2019 @ 8:08am
When will they update?
its been 1 year and still no featured content...:steamsad:

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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Swatter Nov 24, 2019 @ 8:46am 
and parts of the game are not working. parts have wrong stats aka cores epic suck to normal.
NemesisLeon44 Nov 24, 2019 @ 1:19pm 
Singleplayer games don't often update...
Swatter Nov 24, 2019 @ 7:31pm 
ah wastelands is not just single player sorry there,s coop in it
Floral Funk Dec 9, 2019 @ 2:17pm 
Originally posted by G4M3R10:
its been 1 year and still no featured content...:steamsad:
Soon (TM)
themazingness Dec 18, 2019 @ 5:31pm 
I wouldn't count on anything happening. And it's been much longer than a year. That was in summer when we hit that milestone.

It was a failed project. It doesn't make Carbon money. Word is they've moved on to their next game, and I think it'd be wise if they stayed that course and kept doing that instead of reviving an unsuccessful game, as much as I'd love to see this game finished.
themazingness Dec 21, 2019 @ 9:21am 
Originally posted by RaTcHeT302:
Originally posted by themazingness:
I wouldn't count on anything happening. And it's been much longer than a year. That was in summer when we hit that milestone.

It was a failed project. It doesn't make Carbon money. Word is they've moved on to their next game, and I think it'd be wise if they stayed that course and kept doing that instead of reviving an unsuccessful game, as much as I'd love to see this game finished.

i don't think the fact that the game is stuck in a sea of games helps them much either, there was really no marketing push for this game, you just have to hope that you are lucky enough to stumble upon it

the market being overly saturated is also hurting them a lot, but the game in itself, does feel pretty barebones, but more content or better gameplay won't save this one, it needs something else
True, although I think the biggest issue was it exited early access during the EA loot crate fiasco. That killed the reviews which killed the purchases.
Vassago Rain Dec 21, 2019 @ 2:11pm 
Originally posted by themazingness:
Originally posted by RaTcHeT302:

i don't think the fact that the game is stuck in a sea of games helps them much either, there was really no marketing push for this game, you just have to hope that you are lucky enough to stumble upon it

the market being overly saturated is also hurting them a lot, but the game in itself, does feel pretty barebones, but more content or better gameplay won't save this one, it needs something else
True, although I think the biggest issue was it exited early access during the EA loot crate fiasco. That killed the reviews which killed the purchases.

There really aren't any reviews, and was almost no coverage. I seem to have done more coverage than actual review sites. It's as if they had no faith in the game out the gate, sadly. A bunch of critical mistakes were made.

a) Diablo 3 styled real money auction house. You can call it what it you want, but people could buy power with diamonds, which are money, and get an advantage. Big no-no. White parts, salvage piles, and so on, could be sold on the market, which might seem nice, but isn't nice. Stripped early.
b) very little documentation. I've spent hundreds of hours teaching individual players how the game works, what system does what, and so on, but the game itself doesn't explain any of it.
c) legacy dominated. Stripped and fixed early, but it left a mark. People like myself (I was actually new to the game at the time, believe it or not) couldn't compete, or get far, without somehow getting my hands on the OP legacy stuff. Remember 45k+ D agility hand MKIV, 11k heavy duty engine MKIV, and everything classed as a 'special' part that lets you doubletap for 2x power (saucer is the biggest offender)? I do.
d) they needed to embrace and put emphasis on that what they'd made was Diablo 2 with robots. An ARPG. Standard, traditional, hardcore in so many ways. Instead they said it was 'PvE,' or 'the campaign.' People who came there for the ancient warzone stuff from legacy airmech got crushed even on normal difficulty. Way too difficult for them, but at the same, anything below apoc is way too easy for people like me.
e) a lot of bugs became features, and the difficulty was never adjusted, so not using those features means you'll never progress through doomsday, let alone apoc.
f) the horadric cub- I mean the nanoforge. It works just like in Diablo, right down to not telling you how to make anything with it, despite it being crucial to turn bad drops into great drops, and squeeze even more out of those great drops. The difference between a player who knows how the nanoforge works, versus one who doesn't, is several orders of magnitude of power.
g) mech balance. Some robots simply can't perform at all on doomsday and apoc. Bomber is the biggest offender. Completely garbage, no matter what you do with it. Helix is brokenly OP and easy mode.

It wouldn't be that difficult to fix most of it, honestly, and since so few people even seem to have noticed it released, they could probably get away with a re-release no problem. Damn shame it ended the way it did. I legit haven't had this much fun with an ARPG since Diablo 2 itself, and keep coming back to it for my ARPG fixes.
themazingness Dec 21, 2019 @ 2:39pm 
True, and those are definitely all factors. I only say what I say because it had negative to mixed reviews (depending on when), and the negative reviews hit on the loot crates and paid auction house stuff. It had few reviews because of poor sales and the few players that came from Strike and liked it really weren't leaving reviews. Of course all the things you said are probably why even the fans of the game were hesitant to give it a good review. It wasn't really a good time to exit Early Access since it was unfinished and players didn't want a paid game with loot crates.
Vassago Rain Dec 22, 2019 @ 5:43pm 
Originally posted by RaTcHeT302:
if they removed the diamond crap, the online only requirement, and the need to grind for scrap in order to pay for your army, i would honestly tell other people to buy the game, even if the gameplay is a bit rough - the game has potential, but as is, it's a hard pass, i just can't recommend it in good faith

i'm also not a fan of this either, i thought i was getting a complete game, not a beta

for what it is, i enjoyed playing it, but it's rough as hell

also this perspective is cool as hell, i wish i could play like this, through the whole game :(

i think the game has a ton of potential to be good, but right now it all feels a bit wasted away

Well, they did remove the real money auction house, except for legacy parts, but since actual wastelands drops are better, there's little need to get them. You don't really need to grind to get an army, either, and they took out the initial 'stacks are depleted for the rest of the mission without moneymakers'-mechanic early, because that whole thing was incredibly silly.

But playing the game, and getting salvage/kudos? That's like playing diablo and getting gold so you can upgrade your gear, buy better gear, repair stuff, and so on. You uhh, kinda need to if you want to progress. Very basic aspect of the whole genre.
In wastelands case, it being online is a good thing. You see people hovering over locations in proximity to you, you can LFG with them, send them messages, ask questions in the global chat, spectate matches once you get the blueprint for that basecamp building... So on. It's not like D3 where the online was 190% detrimental to the game.
Even if there was an offline mode, I'd still play online. Most of my playtime is with people I met in global, or who saw me on the map, and wanted to party up.
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