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Sailianna Jun 20, 2020 @ 11:36am
Any advice/guides for someone new to the game? :)
What resources/guides/videos could help me get into the game? Are there any nice up-to-date guides for the combat system, units, basics about settlements and how to win?
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Erm Jun 20, 2020 @ 11:38am 
a Youtuber called legend of totalwar hes pretty good.
Yellowdragon Jun 20, 2020 @ 11:49am 
There're long guides on yt. Any will work.

Short advice.
1. Start with Tyrion.
2. Have at least 1 mage in your army. Any lore will work, always use their spells.
3. Have both tanks(shielded, armored units) and dps (bow, greatsword, cavalry, artiliry units) in an army.
4. Wipe 1 faction at a time. Don't declare war more than 1 if possible.
5. Never ally with anyone. Defensive ally is fine.
RandomDude Jun 20, 2020 @ 11:53am 
From one newbie to another - when in battle, and you select a unit, you can see the enemy units that your unit is strong against and the ones it's weak against. Green Triangle = kill them! Red = stay away!

If you can kill the enemy lord, that's a big step towards winning the battle as the enemy troops will be suffering from morale. The enemy lord will have a different icon and be a single unit like your own. Garrisons will have a commander unit rather than a single unit sometimes (depending on what buildings it has).

Hit the enemy in the flank/sides for another enemy morale drop. Focusing attacks on those enemy's who are already low morale will have a better chance of making them flee.

The white bar is a unit's morale.

Avoid letting the enemy do those same things to you!

In the campaign, use the map and diplomacy screen to see who your neighbours are. Take note of their strength rating compared to yours. You don't want to be fighting too many opponents of similar strength levels and you can make none-aggression pacts with those who you don't want to fight now but want to in the future - just cancel the NAP and wait 10 turns before you do attack, to keep a high trust score (I'm assuming that's helping me by keeping up a good appearance!)

There are several factions for each of the different races and the different races all play at least a little differently from each other, and playing as a different faction can also be different. Try and learn the strengths and weaknesses of a race and use them. EG with Vampires, you can use zombies as literal meat shields to hold stronger enemies in place whilst you hit them in the rear. It doesn't matter if you lose 6 regiments of zombies because you can raise another 6 units instantly due to their raise dead ability in the campaign map after a battle.

They can also research things that make Zombie/Skeleton upkeep 0, so you can have huge hordes of them for no upkeep.

"Hammer and Anvil" tactics work for most races, where you just use some units to keep others in place while your faster/stronger units hit them in the rear.

If you need more income, build income buildings! Raid enemies etc. If you have more specific questions it would be easier to answer them.
Last edited by RandomDude; Jun 20, 2020 @ 11:57am
Frieddodobrain Jun 20, 2020 @ 4:37pm 
Yea I'd back legand of total war if you want to do the more difficult campaigns if you just trying to improve general play tho just look up 5 mistakes noobs make and they will clear up alot
if your stuggling with units there's alot of doomstacks such as stegadon spam, also always get lighting strike when leveling lords just generally you can use heros for spell but in the late game you can get outnumbered just use a lightning sticker battle and take one army at a time
Gamefever Jun 20, 2020 @ 4:47pm 
I'd suggest playing Greenskins, easiest race to start as.
Klutch Jun 20, 2020 @ 5:02pm 
definitely watch legendoftotalwar, even if you dont play on legendary his advice will help you cheese the system. the game is trivial after watching his videos
ignomike Jun 20, 2020 @ 5:19pm 
Zerkovich's 'Noob mistakes' series is useful and goes over elements that you may have missed without being too long winded.

Randomdude's advice is great.

Also it took me about 50hrs to learn that you can hold right click when moving units on the campaign map and it will show you your movement range in the bottom left. Maybe I'm just dumb though.

I'd personally recommend saving the cheese until you've played the game as intended.
mweilbuchner Jun 20, 2020 @ 5:41pm 
Originally posted by Klutch:
definitely watch legendoftotalwar, even if you dont play on legendary his advice will help you cheese the system. the game is trivial after watching his videos

and this is exactly what you want out of a strategy game... "cheese into triviality"... brilliant...

no really... watch zerkovich, turin, lormemaster of sotek or milk and cookies!
those guys try to beat the game with tactics and strategy instead of exploits...

and as a general tipp: get to know your units. learn what they are good for - what they counter and find out what their weaknesses are.

once you know which unit(type) to use best against what other unit(type) things will get a lot easier and fun! :-)
Last edited by mweilbuchner; Jun 20, 2020 @ 5:42pm
BossStompTV Jun 20, 2020 @ 5:52pm 
The legend of total war guy strikes me as a bit of a jerk. (edit to clarify: If you watch a couple of his videos you start to see this pattern of superiority. He talks down to the people who send him files to review. It strikes me as patronizing. He doesn't seem like somebody I would want to hang out with in real life.) Also, his play focuses on these army compositions and tactics that aren't interesting to me. 20 of the same unit. Stack them all into a corner for the first 15 minutes of the fight... stuff like that.

Party Elite's how to play series for the first game is still pretty relevant and his attitude and play style are more pleasing for me, personally.
Last edited by BossStompTV; Jun 20, 2020 @ 6:07pm
Avallac Jun 20, 2020 @ 6:13pm 
Legendoftotalwar cheese is definitely a good place to... start cheesing the game and making highest difficulty trivial. After that if you still want to steamroll even harder you can figure out even better cheese yourself.
Avallac Jun 20, 2020 @ 7:12pm 
Originally posted by mweilbuchner:
Originally posted by Klutch:
definitely watch legendoftotalwar, even if you dont play on legendary his advice will help you cheese the system. the game is trivial after watching his videos

and this is exactly what you want out of a strategy game... "cheese into triviality"... brilliant...

no really... watch zerkovich, turin, lormemaster of sotek or milk and cookies!
those guys try to beat the game with tactics and strategy instead of exploits...

and as a general tipp: get to know your units. learn what they are good for - what they counter and find out what their weaknesses are.

once you know which unit(type) to use best against what other unit(type) things will get a lot easier and fun! :-)
Tactics and strategy in a game where the AI is completely braindead? The only thing you can do is have fun by crushing the AI as fast and as hard as possible, or just play versus campaign with a friend so that AI armies are controlled by a human in battles.
Lancaster Jun 20, 2020 @ 7:53pm 
Originally posted by BossStompTV:
The legend of total war guy ... his play focuses on these army compositions and tactics ... 20 of the same unit. Stack them all into a corner for the ... fight...

Problem is there are only a few ways to beat legendary difficulty.
1) Tactical superiority
2) Numerical Superiority
3) Cheese

The A.I. will always have a superior economy, and on very hard difficulty, they get +125 town and horde growth a turn. Tactical and numerical has it's limits, because the A.I. has bonus global and local recruitment slots. So they will always out pace you army wise.

You gain a numerical advantage with Ambush stance, or retreating to the right spot for next turn, or taking two armies against one. But because the A.I. is a suicidal lemming it doesn't care you wiped it's army out.

Because the time you take healing and not taking advantage and pushing, it will be back. And with it's insane experience gain per turn, even it's garbage units will be tougher.

Cheese doesn't have the same limits, because you can use it and not have to recover from multiple fights. And make huge gains on the campaign map, with minimal losses.

I personally do not like cheese either, but on legendary I will use a bit of cheese to get a leg up on early game.
yuzhonglu Jun 20, 2020 @ 7:53pm 
Jeslis Jun 20, 2020 @ 8:56pm 
Best thing I could tell you; do not be afraid to restart a campaign even 50 turns in. You will always learn something new.
them4pples Jun 20, 2020 @ 10:16pm 
this guide here helped me a lot when i was new:

other than that, zerkovich and legendoftotalwar are good too.

also, don't auto resolve every battle. the battles are the best part of the game, so try and learn the units and what all the stats mean. the game is about having fun, so try different tactics, army comps, etc.
Last edited by them4pples; Jun 20, 2020 @ 10:18pm
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Date Posted: Jun 20, 2020 @ 11:36am
Posts: 15