

Turn Table stuck
I cant seem to progress past this point. I have tried interacting with everything and nothing seems to do anything. All I can find is the two train cars, the lever and the handle. Moving the handle makes it look like it wants to turn but is getting stuck on something. I tried a walk through video and it looks like it just works so either this is a bug or I am missing something real basic.
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supersmo 11. Apr. 2021 um 15:55 
The lever should control the direction of the turn and the platform can only turn 90 degreees.
I'm thinking you either need to move the lever in the other direction and then pump the handle to make it spin the other way, or the train cars are too far out to the sides of the platform.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von supersmo; 11. Apr. 2021 um 16:46
If this hasn't been solved then I'd also like to report the problem. Seems like the turntable is stuck but nothing is in the way.
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