Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

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26 janv. 2020 à 15h55
Notification d'un patch
Nouveau patch pour améliorer les performances et corriger les plantages du jeu pour certains utilisateurs

Consultez toutes les informations de l'évènement ici :
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Affichage des commentaires 1 à 15 sur 440
Implement VAC or improve anti-cheats to make the online healthy:
  • Weapons, armors, jewels and skills cheats.
  • Modified monsters values, drop rates, damage, crowns.
  • Instakiller, unlimited consumables and mantles.
  • Infected arena leaderboard.
Cheaters have ruined this game. Ban them please!
Diro 26 janv. 2020 à 15h55 
Time will tell...
is it out?
Sloan 26 janv. 2020 à 15h56 
When will the patch be live?
Mufu 26 janv. 2020 à 15h56 
Fico feliz em saber que a CAPCOM está atenta e está dando todo o suporte para seus consumidores por isso amo essa empresa
D3AN 26 janv. 2020 à 15h57 
That's cool and all, but when does it drop?
Iceborne keybinding it's a cancer !
it was better old version !
Mi CPU es un Ryzen 1600X y puedo jugar muchos titulos de nueva generacion ♥♥♥ filtros en ultra y ♥♥♥ altas tazas de frame, menos en este juego que extrañamente me iba como la seda hasta hace unos meses, muy mal CAPCOM por cierto hay un bug extraño en el Yermo de agujas en la mision opcional para obtener el manto de firmeza+
imposible to play, so much cheaters
Seamus 26 janv. 2020 à 15h59 
sonniko a écrit :
Implement VAC or improve anti-cheats to make the online healthy:
  • Weapons, armors, jewels and skills cheats.
  • Modified monsters values, drop rates, damage, crowns.
  • Instakiller, unlimited consumables and mantles.
  • Infected arena leaderboard.
Cheaters have ruined this game. Ban them please!
You seriously need to relax. The cheaters haven't "ruined" anything except the arena leaderboards no one cares about.
imposible to play, so much cheaters
You don't even own the game.
Dernière modification de Seamus; 26 janv. 2020 à 15h59
Hey, look this troll is back for more. The health of the multiplayer aspect has nothing to do with the cheating. The problem comes from the SOS flares and how the Gathering Hub was implemented into the game. In MHW, there really isn't a reason to be in a lobby other than being with friends or for Kulve Taroth Siege. Right now, you have shown absolutely no evidence of cheating players. I've played 200+ hours and not encountered a single one and others have told me they haven't either. Their games were never ruined because it's a PVE GAME, for christ sake.

Also do you want them to add even more anti-cheat threads to places that don't really need to belong? The Arena leaderboards? Maybe but for everything else it doesn't matter. Capcom's paranoid behavior against cheaters and modders is the reason we are in this optimized port mess.
sonniko a écrit :
Implement VAC or improve anti-cheats to make the online healthy:
  • Weapons, armors, jewels and skills cheats.
  • Modified monsters values, drop rates, damage, crowns.
  • Instakiller, unlimited consumables and mantles.
  • Infected arena leaderboard.
Cheaters have ruined this game. Ban them please!

Anti-cheats are why the devs needed to release this patch, in the first place. Haven't you noticed that your FPS has been reduced to 2/3rds, as well as your CPU being locked to 100%, ever since Iceborn's release? That's because people like you cry about cheaters, and they implemented an anti-cheat system that absolutely kills performance.

Why do you even care if there are cheaters, in the first place? There's no PVP, and no-one forces you to loot a monster if a cheater 1-shoted it. Was other people getting free stuff so bad, you really had to beg a company to stop them? Well, I hope it was worth half my game's performance.
Zulu 26 janv. 2020 à 16h03 
Has the save deletion been patched yet?
CC1987 26 janv. 2020 à 16h05 
Hopely this update will help people.

How can you cheat in a PvE game?
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