Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

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how do i mount with dual blades
title says it i have not played monster hunter in a while and wanted to give dual blades a try but i usually find when i mounted monsters with kinsects that i had an easier time slaying them anybody know the pc controls for that?
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Ledge, slide and wall attack usually do mount damage.
You need to jump off a wall or ledge and then main attack so left click. DB does pretty low aerial damage so mounting with DB is pretty hard. Only ranged weapons have similar or worse mounting troubles.
Mounting attacks are typically any downward strike a weapon performs while falling or when jumping off of walls that you can run up. I think dual blades only mounting attack is from jumping off a ledge, and it's not very strong, meaning it's both limited and worse than most other weapons.

Note that mounting functions like a status, meaning it occurs after surpassing a threshold, and that threshold increases with each successful occurance.
Naposledy upravil Suzaku; 9. zář. 2020 v 0.09
I used to mount a lot with DB, you can also grab a gliding mantle, grapple onto a monster, jump off(this won't allow you to mount) but gliding then jumping out of glide will. This mantle thing works on every weapon I believe, never tried with ranged but I also never mount with ranged weapons anyway.
Naposledy upravil Boboscus; 9. zář. 2020 v 1.08
Much Appreciated thanks guys i do have one question referring to running up walls what controls do i use to do that i'm asking because iv'e tried it but not sure exactly how that functions anyways thanks guys :)
Anubish původně napsal:
Much Appreciated thanks guys i do have one question referring to running up walls what controls do i use to do that i'm asking because iv'e tried it but not sure exactly how that functions anyways thanks guys :)
When sheathed you just sprint at them.

When unsheathed it depends on the weapon, and some weapons can't use with them while unsheathed (GS, LS, HH, SA, IG, LBG, HBG). Those that do require you to either:

DB (in demon mode)

or Attack towards them:
SnS: Advancing Slash
GL: Lunging Upthrust
Lance: Charge
CB: Forward Slash
DB: Lunging Strike or Demon Flurry Rush

Then there is Hammer, where you can just hold a charge and run at it.
Naposledy upravil JebKerman; 9. zář. 2020 v 4.55
We should mention that you can only wall jump at specific wall tiles. Every map has a other layout. Cant describe it. May a other dude explain it better. but a simple yt video should show you instantly how they look like.
Anubish původně napsal:
title says it i have not played monster hunter in a while and wanted to give dual blades a try but i usually find when i mounted monsters with kinsects that i had an easier time slaying them anybody know the pc controls for that?

sorry i do not know the m&k button for this game i use controller
dual blade is awful for mounting.-.
You can't mount while in demon mode either by the way. When you're in demon mode, your aerial attack turns into the move where you try and anime spin down the length of the monster, or you can use it to do the turn dive mid air attack, which to my knowledge wont trigger a mount.

As far as I know, you can only mount by doing the weak air attack in normal mode.
Naposledy upravil Squidvasion; 9. zář. 2020 v 6.30
Mounting is a job that should probably be left to weapons with better air attacks, like the Greatsword, and especially Insect Glaives. If you're playing solo, if you attack while sliding or mid-air, you will deal mount damage. That being said, Dual Blades is probably the worst weapon for mounting due to it having an incredibly low range.
TyresTyco původně napsal:
We should mention that you can only wall jump at specific wall tiles. Every map has a other layout. Cant describe it. May a other dude explain it better. but a simple yt video should show you instantly how they look like.
It looks like little tiny ledges all sticking out over one another. In the forest it's a vertical mushroom colony, etc. Hard to describe accurately, but once you know what to look for you'll see it all over the place.
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 9. zář. 2020 v 0.00
Počet příspěvků: 12