Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

Statistieken weergeven:
Underwater fights
Maybe I'll make enemies with my statement right away, but I want levels back where you can fight with monsters under water. That would be super great. i love fighting with monsters under water. I really hope that this will be in the next DLC. Your opinion please :)
Laatst bewerkt door GameMakerXtreme; 3 aug 2020 om 12:42
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God no. Underwater combat was a mistake.
There is a game that has that. Oh what was it called.
Origineel geplaatst door Seamus:
God no. Underwater combat was a mistake.
In the older games is was unpopular, but I believe the newer generation can do it justice.
Fix the terrible camera and then we'll talk about bringing it back. Though, the reduced depth perception underwater might be an unsolvable issue.
I want to sticky lbg under water pls.
Origineel geplaatst door Seamus:
God no. Underwater combat was a mistake.
It WAS a mistake but that's just because they didn't do it right! Next time they try, it'll be a huge success, you mark my words!

I want aerial hunts too, where you get thrown out of an airship and you're free-falling in the air while fighting something like a Bazelgeuse, it'd be really funny spending 50 minutes free falling wouldn't it?
Origineel geplaatst door Greb:
Origineel geplaatst door Seamus:
God no. Underwater combat was a mistake.
It WAS a mistake but that's just because they didn't do it right! Next time they try, it'll be a huge success, you mark my words!

I want aerial hunts too, where you get thrown out of an airship and you're free-falling in the air while fighting something like a Bazelgeuse, it'd be really funny spending 50 minutes free falling wouldn't it?
What happens if you don't kill it in the 50 mins?
Origineel geplaatst door GameMakerXtreme:
I really hope that this will be in the next DLC.
prepare for disappointment then, because there will be no next DLC.
Origineel geplaatst door AfLIcTeD:
What happens if you don't kill it in the 50 mins?
Well, obviously, the monster lands, or flies off, you land on your feet, or maybe into a parkour roll, dust yourself off and walk back to camp.
Origineel geplaatst door AfLIcTeD:
What happens if you don't kill it in the 50 mins?
It's like failing to meet a DPS check, but much gorier.

Oh right yeah I forgot fall damage isn't a thing so you'd probably just hit the ground and immediately do the sad head in hands pose while the monster just dances off the stage or something.
Laatst bewerkt door Greb; 3 aug 2020 om 8:41
Origineel geplaatst door JebKerman:
Origineel geplaatst door AfLIcTeD:
What happens if you don't kill it in the 50 mins?
Well, obviously, the monster lands, or flies off, you land on your feet, or maybe into a parkour roll, dust yourself off and walk back to camp.

Fall damage is only a myth in the MH universe.
Origineel geplaatst door JebKerman:
Origineel geplaatst door AfLIcTeD:
What happens if you don't kill it in the 50 mins?
Well, obviously, the monster lands, or flies off, you land on your feet, or maybe into a parkour roll, dust yourself off and walk back to camp.
Ready for another try lol.
Origineel geplaatst door AfLIcTeD:
I want to sticky lbg under water pls.
They would be Depth Charges or mines under water.
I'd like it to come back if they make the combat actually three dimmensional. The problem with 3rd Gen's underwater is that it was still combat on a 2D plane, the XZ axis. So a monster above you couldn't easily be attacked, you still had to be at the side of the monster. If they add "Y" to the combat, so it's actual 3D combat, then underwater would be much more fluid (no pun intended). Plus, with the addition of things like Mantles, you can add weights to sink faster, floats, to raise higher, and larger oxygen tanks to stay under longer. Plus, the clutch claw can also help with maneuverability, being able to bring the player closer to the monster.
Released the PLESIOTH!!
#UnderwaterCombat v2.0
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Geplaatst op: 3 aug 2020 om 8:21
Aantal berichten: 42