Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

Mod for Monster health bars
Maybe some really smart person can make a mod to see the health bars on the monsters. Thats the only thing I can say is a negative is you never know how far you have to go in a fight with a monster, they limp around when weak but you just keep swinging, it would be nice to have health bars on monsters.... please some smart programmer make a mod!
最近の変更はRav1234が行いました; 2018年7月26日 5時17分
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121-135 / 219 のコメントを表示
mitspieler の投稿を引用:
^7ja^1co の投稿を引用:
never played any MH games [...] still would disagree
That's the main problem with this thread...
That would mean you would expect a section of the forum locked for veterans do you want to bring new players in ?
^7ja^1co の投稿を引用:
mitspieler の投稿を引用:
That's the main problem with this thread...
That would mean you would expect a section of the forum locked for veterans do you want to bring new players in ?
no its fine as it is, monster hunter world is already made alot simpler and easier to get more people into it, i remember back in the ps2 and psp days monster hunter was alot more raw and rough and hard, mh world seems alot more forgiving and inviting for newer players who never touched a mh title.
^7ja^1co の投稿を引用:
mitspieler の投稿を引用:
That's the main problem with this thread...
That would mean you would expect a section of the forum locked for veterans do you want to bring new players in ?
Where exactly did I say that? Your interpretation skills are lacking...
^7ja^1co の投稿を引用:
mitspieler の投稿を引用:
That's the main problem with this thread...
That would mean you would expect a section of the forum locked for veterans do you want to bring new players in ?

What does that have to do with anything in the discussion? New players shouldn't want to change how a core mechanic of the game they're getting into works just so that it's more similar than other games they play. That is just extremely childish and ignorant.

New players should be curious and hopefully invested in the game once they try it, just like "veterans" should be willing to help answer questions (of which there has been A LOT of in this thread) for new players. No health bars is more than just a dev decision, it really does add a lot to this game and makes it stand out and draw its current audience. If new players can't get into that or don't like it that's their problem.
最近の変更はCoroboが行いました; 2018年7月29日 9時09分
Reven 2018年7月29日 9時39分 
As someone who even I wouldn't call a veteran hunter (I started on 3U for 3DS), I know exactly where the OP is coming from because it's how I felt when I was a rookie. When I first picked up Monster Hunter, it was hard to get into, the start was slow, the weapons felt clunky, the staggering amount of items was something I thought I'd never wrap my head around, and the lack of a monster's health bar added onto that. I kept playing though (and had some help from a certain at the time 3 part beginner's guide series on youtube), and then it clicked. I understood exactly what Monster Hunter was trying to do.

The start was slow because the game was teaching you and setting you up for the first big hunt, by having you gather that stuff, try cooking meat and making potions, it was info that would help the player when they faced their first true challenge.

The weapons are not clunky, they're deliberate. A player must come to know their weapon as an extension of themselves, flailing around like a lunatic will 90% of the time end up in a cart back to camp, learn the weapons, choose the one that works the best to how you want to play.

The items are useful if you know how to use them, I've never seen a game where every item in my item box will be useful somehow even late game.

The lack of a health bar makes sense with Monster Hunter. It's in the name, you're hunting the monster. The monster will fight, it will try and escape, it will eat to replenish stamina and sleep to try to recover health. It's your job as a hunter to keep track of it and either kill it or catch it. The game gives the player more than enough info for either of those two outcomes, especially with World according to the people who've played it.

That said, I'm not against a mod or even an option if someone truly needs it to get into the game. Mods and options can be disabled once experience takes over, and heck, I like the way Toukiden implemented health bars, you can't see it in normal combat, but activate your mind's eye (by holding select I believe) and you can see the health bar, but your stamina drains as you use this mode, so you don't want to use it for more than just a peek.
Shibby 2018年7月29日 11時08分 
Ummm they start limping and a skull icon shows up when you are close to killing them. So yes you know how far you have to go.
If there was actually a mod for Healthbars, i wonder how long would have the healthbar to be that you can see your progress?
I remember I used to have a plugin on my PSP with CFW that showed the hp of the monster as well as the amount of 'status' to apply such status, on top of that it showed the hp of breakable parts (when you 1st reached the threshold it staggered, for the 2nd I think it broke). For MHW I have found only a damage meter, which is still handy since we can at least see in the end how much HP the monster had and how well you were doing in comparison to your fellow hunters.

Tessrana の投稿を引用:
If there was actually a mod for Healthbars, i wonder how long would have the healthbar to be that you can see your progress?
I think it would be done in Sword Art Online style, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of HP bars on top of each other :steamhappy:

EDIT: I just finished Xeno in 2 man party and he seemed to have 26k HP.
最近の変更はs0nycz3kkが行いました; 2018年9月9日 10時17分
Limping, Skull on Minimap, Low heart rate so many visual cues now as to mh games before and you still need a hp meter? Learn the game dont cheese it, Master it's mechanics this is what playing monster hunter is, becoming the master of the hunt with the tools you have dont ruin your experience by doing stuff like this shesh....

btw theres a hp mod now at nexus if u really need one.
It does not ruin anything if you wish for it lol. And it also depends on the person, true, if a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gets the mod and then bashes people who did less than him, then yea, it's bad. I know the game mechanics but I'd still prefer seeing the info myself.
We don't need to further casualize and dumb down the game with health bars. A monsters appearance and movements show how close it is to death
kaka carrot cake の投稿を引用:
We don't need to further casualize and dumb down the game with health bars. A monsters appearance and movements show how close it is to death

but if we already can see when it's close to death how does a health bar make it any easier to actually kill the monster? Honestly it doesn't magically up your DPS how is it more casual? It has 0 effect on the difficulty of the fight. I don't want to know the HP because I find it distracting but if he does what's the bloody deal? How many people play dark souls and get greedy seeing the hp bar close to death and get killed because they over extended? You might even argue seeing the hp bar can make the game harder.
kaka carrot cake の投稿を引用:
A monsters appearance and movements show how close it is to death

Exactly, so, don't use the mod and that's it, no need to ♥♥♥♥♥ about it. It's there for the people that want it.
最近の変更はs0nycz3kkが行いました; 2018年9月9日 17時12分
Bimmy 2018年9月9日 17時15分 
Man it's still way2hard to tell I need a mod that adds a flashing text on the screen: MONSTER IS CLOSE TO DEATH! CAPTURE THE MONSTER NOW! Like omg please. Also one button mash optimal DPS combos. That'd be so neat!
最近の変更はBimmyが行いました; 2018年9月9日 17時15分
We did have the "Perception" skill in MH that showed when monsters were capturable (which was beyond pointless unless you were grinding low level stuff with endgame weapons I guess) wouldn't be bad to bring it back and modernize it. We lost a lot of cool armor skills for the sake of "Westernization" which basically translates to dumbing down the game.
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投稿日: 2018年7月26日 5時16分
投稿数: 219