Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

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Spokk Jan 9, 2020 @ 10:52am
Lost all my data
No changes on my PC or anything. No mods no nothing. 150 hours lost.
Is there any way to force backupload from steamcloud ?
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Showing 16-30 of 112 comments
Spokk Jan 9, 2020 @ 11:49am 
that folder is empty on my comp. The only resort i had was to contect support. But i'm 200% sure they won't help.
Ilone [SP] Jan 9, 2020 @ 12:20pm 
Omg. I can't believe this ♥♥♥♥, I seriously lost my game over something so ridiculous as overriding??
Ilone [SP] Jan 9, 2020 @ 12:24pm 
Originally posted by Tenerezza:
There is a new folder called savedata_backup in the game's root folder that seems to have the original save before you launched expansion.

That said if the game cannot upgrade your save then yeah might be hard to solve that issue.

And how can I restore that backup, if I have it?
Talon Jan 9, 2020 @ 12:30pm 
Originally posted by Tagger:
Lost my save.. RIP...
Saw the link shared too late..

Do we need to have the file downloaded before opening the game after the update or is it only gone if people say yes to "save file"thingy for iceborne? I have mine backed up but still worried.
SiegeBoi Jan 9, 2020 @ 12:37pm 
Originally posted by Windzor:
Look here ->

If you've already overwritten your old save with a new blank one, then you're out of luck. Be sure to back up your saves in future.
I can see my save data 1000 from jan 4th. What do i do with it before i launch iceborne for the first time? Thanks
nomotg Jan 9, 2020 @ 12:39pm 
I restored my character by unofficial way.

** If you have initialized the save file, or if the modified date of the save file is today, this method may not work. The modified date of my save file was September 15, 2018. **
** I will not be responsible for any problems that may occur using the following method. **


1. Backup and copy your old save data from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[????]\582010\remote

2. Download MHWSaveTransfer from
(For download you may need an account of nexusmod)

3. Download normal save data from
I will move my character to this save file.

4. Run MHWSaveTransfer

5. File - Open SaveData - Select normal save data in step 3

6. Change SteamID to yours. The number in your profile page address url is your SteamID.
For example, my steam profile url is
and my steamID64 is 76561198338756994.

7. File - Import SaveData - Select your old save data in step 1

8. Use drag and drop to move your character to the left.

9. File - Save SaveData - Save file to any directory and copy to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[????]\582010\remote

10. Run game

11. Since the settings have been initialized, and errors related to keyboard settings may occur. You need to reset the settings.
You need to change language setting first and reset the settings. (tip: Ja = Yes)

12. Done!
Last edited by nomotg; Jan 9, 2020 @ 10:15pm
Stusano Jan 9, 2020 @ 12:44pm 
Here is how to fix it. First take out all your installed mods. Completly empty out the nativePC folder. Then go to your saved data file and take the save file out, put it on your desktop for now, you must empty out the daved data folder. Then launch the game. Since they gave wont find any save file, it will then download the last stable save from the cloud and boom you are all set.
Ilone [SP] Jan 9, 2020 @ 12:46pm 
Originally posted by Stusano:
Here is how to fix it. First take out all your installed mods. Completly empty out the nativePC folder. Then go to your saved data file and take the save file out, put it on your desktop for now, you must empty out the daved data folder. Then launch the game. Since they gave wont find any save file, it will then download the last stable save from the cloud and boom you are all set.
The issue is that Iceborne overrided the save file.
Mortem_Fero Jan 9, 2020 @ 1:01pm 
Lost all of my data too and so did my buddy. None of us used mods.
Cyiel Jan 9, 2020 @ 1:12pm 
Originally posted by Spokk:
Then I'm doomed, since the game asked me "do you want to create data for ICEBORNE" i fell for it.
Also I appreciate people trying to help but what's the point of having cloud saves if you have to backup, that's dumb. Guess i'm not playing this game then.

Also I found my old savec on my comp. The game just doeasn't want to know anything about them.

Because when you close the game it updates these saves on the cloud. Now you need to know that some games, like Darkest Dungeon by example, your actual save and the previous one are backed up. So you always have a real backup if things go wrong. I don't really understand why Capcom didn't do the same for its games.
Last edited by Cyiel; Jan 9, 2020 @ 1:12pm
Ryuu Jan 9, 2020 @ 1:40pm 
Hey, I was able to download my save from the link above(SAVEDATA1000) where do I need to place it?
Hawk Jan 9, 2020 @ 1:58pm 
Originally posted by nomotg:
I recovered my character by unofficial way.
I am not responsible for any problems that may arise from following this method.

1. backup and copy your old save data from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[????]\582010\remote or
2. download MHWSaveTransfer from
3. download normal save data from
I will move my character to this file.
4. run MHWSaveTransfer
5. File - Open SaveData - Select normal save data in step 3
6. Change SteamID to yours. The number in your profile page address url is your SteamID.
7. File - Import Save Data - Select your old save data
8. Use drag and drop to move your character to the left.
9. File - Save SaveData - Save file to any directory and copy to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[????]\582010\remote
10. run game
11. Since the settings have been initialized, and errors related to keyboard settings may occur. You need to reset the settings. Change language setting first and reset the settings.
12. done.

I also lost all my data but luckily I still have a backup from 2018.

Unfortunately I couldn't restore my savegame with this trick or other savegame editors. Either he couldn't read the savegame, or the language setting is not correct and crashes or crashes right away.
NoWai! Jan 9, 2020 @ 2:30pm 
None of the solutions here worked for me either. I had an old backup file for when there was that gamebreaking bug scare when it first came out and I even downloaded whatever was on the cloud and none of them worked. What's worse is that I found a save editor online and I can literally see all my old stuff on it.
Adaon Jan 9, 2020 @ 2:48pm 
Originally posted by nomotg:
I recovered my character by unofficial way.
I am not responsible for any problems that may arise from following this method.

1. backup and copy your old save data from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[????]\582010\remote or
2. download MHWSaveTransfer from
3. download normal save data from
I will move my character to this file.
4. run MHWSaveTransfer
5. File - Open SaveData - Select normal save data in step 3
6. Change SteamID to yours. The number in your profile page address url is your SteamID.
7. File - Import Save Data - Select your old save data
8. Use drag and drop to move your character to the left.
9. File - Save SaveData - Save file to any directory and copy to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[????]\582010\remote
10. run game
11. Since the settings have been initialized, and errors related to keyboard settings may occur. You need to reset the settings. Change language setting first and reset the settings.
12. done.

I followed these steps, and got my character to show up under Iceborne, so at the very least I can confirm this worked for me. I was having the same problem where I hadn't played recently enough so the game data didn't want to load properly. Whether or not this will work for anyone else - can't vouch for that, but I'm gold now.
Traff Jan 9, 2020 @ 3:13pm 
The nomotg procedure works for me. Painful to lose your hero and have a full stuff, but it's better than nothing. Thank you
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Date Posted: Jan 9, 2020 @ 10:52am
Posts: 112