Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World

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Roland Aug 19, 2018 @ 7:46am
To those having multiplayer issues
I'm not talking about the people who've been playing fine and just started having an issue yesterday, but the people who have been "unable to play" since launch.

Let me start by saying I personally have had no issues in MP, both with randos and friends. 3 days ago I did get dropped from a quest or two and lost connection once ro twice, but I've spent most of the past couple days online.

That said, from what I've been reading, a lot of the connection complaints are reminiscent of the last 3 Assassin's Creed multiplayer launches. And I've seen very few of the suggestions that fixed it there, which I find odd cuz they're simple fixes.

1.) If you're on a wireless connection, try a wired one. You could be getting too much packet loss from signal interference, a hard line will eliminate that possibility.

2.) make sure UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) is enabled on your router. You may have forwarded ports already, but you also may have missed one. UPnP has you covered just in case, and should remove the need to forward them. (it doesn't hurt to leave em forwarded if you did already)

3.) make sure your NAT is set to Open in your router settings. Closed NATs were the leading cause of AC MP issues, and over 30% of the people who had issues no longer had issues when they Opened their NAT.

4.) Check your Windows and any other firewalls to make sure they are allowing the game access. Genrally Windows is pretty good about either asking, or just automatically applying permissions, but every once in awhile it will erroneously block an app.

If you don't have access to your router because someone else owns it and handles it, your options are pretty limited for what to try. I'm sorry and you'll just have to wait and hope there's a patch that fixes your issue.
Those that do, try these things and see if your situation improves.

And for both parties, you may want to also try force closing any software that isn't essential to you playing the game or keeping steam running. It's possible another piece of software may be occupying your ports (though if you enabled UPnP, this shouldn't happen, it doesn't hurt to test. you can always restart your computer and have it all running again)

Anyway, I just wanted to throw some of these fixes out there, since I never see anyone suggest all of them. These are things I've seen fix people's issues in numerous multiplayer games over the years, including in the Assassin's Creed games, which still hold the record for the worst multiplayer launches I've seen. (lol you guys think this is bad, we didn't have refund options in 2012)

UPDATE: I created this thread in an attempt to help people. People coming in and verbally attacking other users, or anyone really, is not helpful and won't be tolerated. I want to leave this thread open to help those that may actually come here requesting help with these options. I don't wanna lock it, and I don't want to keep waasting my time checking notifications because someone can't be civil.
If you have an issue with something I or someone else said or did, choose your words carefully before posting.

UPDATE 2: in a slightly related thread, someone provided something that may be helpful:
Originally posted by crua9:
Something to do on your end is ping
If the numbers aren't all that stable then that will tell you the issue isn't steam or the game. It could be the ISP or you (or steam giving they have a bad line, but I seriously doubt that)

If you're on windows go to CMD from the start. Type in
ping -t

The -t will keep pinging the server forever. You can do a crtl+c to stop it. (closing the CMD window will also stop it)
If you see a time out once in a long while, then I wouldn't worry about it because as I said no network has a 100% uptime. But you shouldn't see multiple time outs 1 after the other.

To figure out if it's you or the ISP. Open a few more CMD windows. Ping your router and in another ping the ISP. You can also bring up another and ping Google ( and this will tell you which side of your ISP is the problem. Like if it's between the ISP and you then you can tell them the problem could be the last mile (it's a tech term). If however it isn't between you and the ISP but the ISP and out. Then it's not the last mile.

If it isn't the last mile, you can do a tracert to trace where your packets are going to figure out where is the problem. I would still report it to the ISP because they have a bit more pull. But by doing this stuff before you call them makes everything go faster and makes their support team much happier with you

[snip] I have a video showing how to exactly use CMD to help see where the problem is. I don't think I gotten into tracert, but that's simple
Last edited by Roland; Aug 19, 2018 @ 12:14pm
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Showing 16-30 of 52 comments
Passier Reis Aug 19, 2018 @ 8:59am 
.... Sigh. Just because you're good on MP doesn't mean that everyone else is. You can't fix it because it's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ up on the other end, not ours. Any kind of connection "fix" are currently placebos. Also, just because we have so many people playing right now doesn't mean they're not facing issues as well. They probably can't be bothered to put up a review, like me.

I expect PC users to be at least this smart to understand the circumstances and where this game stands. It's a bad port and has bad issues with MP, end of story. It'll be fixed probably sooner or later anyway.
Originally posted by BlazinMonkey:
LOVE you

no really LOVE YOU

You wanna tell me to check all my inventory when every other very nice game i have installed on the computer, and every other STEAM game i have is working online with issues - to check my own popo?

10 Days of nice online service from capcom/steam and you wanna tell me to check my pretty good router.




E !
Last edited by Toothbrush Cheapwood; Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:02am
Kogan Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:03am 
Originally posted by Sax3r28:
Originally posted by Corobo:

there are currently about 15k negative reviews out of about 25k on steam.

At this moment, there are 249,372 current players with a 309,108 peak today. I'd say you're wrong and the vast majority of people are enjoying this. I still agree there are glaring issues and I'm not dismissing the huge connectivity problems, but you can't say a majority of people are having issues because that's just not true.
So you're implying those 249,372 had no problems till now.
Talk abou mind reading, you should go on television.

Lol right?

Seems we have a lot of mind readers here.

On multiple occasions I've seen these people saying "oh X number of people are online, that means X number of people ar enjoying themselves".


So clueless.

There are millions of people working at Mc Donalds - does that mean all those people "enjoy" working at Mc Donalds too?

Of course not. But they're working there because they have to or there isn't any other job they can find for the time being. So they deal with it temporarily.

Same thing with players online in Monster Hunter. People are playing for one reason or the other, it's definitely a good game aside from the major connection issues so they're putting up with the issues for the time being. Or there isn't anything better for them to play right now. Lots of players are online and they hate the connection issues (myself included) but they're trying to be patient and giving Capcom some time to fix it.

Because the game does have a lot of potential.

But don't fool yourself thinking that player count will remain the same 3-6 months from now if the major issues are not resolved by then.

Now you see how ignorant people are for making statements like this. about "Oh X number of people are online, they're all enjoying themselves".
Last edited by Kogan; Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:03am
SiuPang098 Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:03am 
single play game SUXK
Vanessa Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:04am 
I do love this eternal mindset of "works on my machine :)" . It's like, oh I can play literally any other video game without any problems, but I've been unable to play multiplayer on MHW for a week now.

Even though literally tens of thousand (hundreds of thousands, even) of people have had the same problems.

Even though Capcom themselves are working on a fix.

Oh, but it works on your machine, so obviously the problem is with my connection.
Ballet Dancer Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:05am 
Originally posted by BlazinMonkey:
♥♥♥♥ you

no really ♥♥♥♥ YOU

You wanna tell me to check all my ♥♥♥♥ when every other ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game i have installed on the computer, and every other STEAM game i have is working online with out issue - to check my own ♥♥♥♥?

10 Days of terrible online service from capcom/steam and you wanna tell me to check my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ router.




K !
Jupiter Pulse Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:06am 
Originally posted by Reckless Fire:
At some point and when 50% of the player base have "issue" with the game, it's not client side.
Yeah we can do things to "improve" our chance of not gettin' disconnected, but there is a real issue.
And when MHW should have 80% (at least) rating, havin' his rating right now at 40% said enough about that sh*t they are givin' us.

It's simply disrespectful.
Where are you getting 50%? The game has 2+ million players on steam, 220k average, 300k max. There are 27k negative reviews and 10k general threads.

That would be 1.35% have given negative reviews on the game, not just about networks at that. So we can probably say 1% of the games entire playerbase has reported having the issue.
Last edited by Jupiter Pulse; Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:06am
Roland Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:07am 
Originally posted by Guybrush:
Originally posted by BlazinMonkey:
LOVE you

no really LOVE YOU

You wanna tell me to check all my inventory when every other very nice game i have installed on the computer, and every other STEAM game i have is working online with issues - to check my own ♥♥♥♥?

10 Days of nice online service from capcom/steam and you wanna tell me to check my pretty good router.




E !
The best part is, he somehow thinks 19 games is a good sample size for testing his network.
(I wonder if he has Terraria and tried MP on that. Cuz that ♥♥♥♥ didn't work for anyone out-of-the-box and needed port forwarding)

That said, I appreciate your sentiment, but let's try to refrain from these spam-like replies. He and his sympathizer were already reported for spam.
Vanessa Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:11am 
Originally posted by JupiterPulse:
Originally posted by Reckless Fire:
At some point and when 50% of the player base have "issue" with the game, it's not client side.
Yeah we can do things to "improve" our chance of not gettin' disconnected, but there is a real issue.
And when MHW should have 80% (at least) rating, havin' his rating right now at 40% said enough about that sh*t they are givin' us.

It's simply disrespectful.
Where are you getting 50%? The game has 2+ million players n steam, 220k average, 300k max. There are 27k negative reviews and 10k general threads.

That would be 1.35% have given negative reviews on the game, not just about networks at that. So we can probably say 1% of the games entire playerbase has reporting having the issue.

Yes, because every single person on the planet who's had problems with the connections has gone to the effort of leaving a negative review.

Even though a TON of the positive reviews mention connection issues as well.

Mental, isn't it? It's hard to find strong statistics on who's had problems, because obviously people who have a problem are more likely to be vocal about it.

What I can offer is a sample size of about 30-40 people in a Discord who played MHW on PS4 and bought it on PC. Of them, a grand total of five have reported no problems. And two of those five people haven't even tried the multiplayer anyway.

But we'll be as generous as we can be and say 5 out of 30 people have had no problems. That's still 5 out of 6 people with issues.

Steamspy suggests somewhere between 2 million and 5 million sales, so simply by going by my paltry sample size we can deduce that at least a million or two people have had problems.

Rigorous? No, but it's better than going by reviews.
Sax3r28 Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:14am 
Originally posted by JupiterPulse:
Where are you getting 50%? The game has 2+ million players on steam, 220k average, 300k max. There are 27k negative reviews and 10k general threads.

That would be 1.35% have given negative reviews on the game, not just about networks at that. So we can probably say 1% of the games entire playerbase has reported having the issue.
So, over 2 million players bought the game and just 220k average are playing?
Your argument is kinda backfiring.
Last edited by Sax3r28; Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:14am
Roland Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:15am 
Originally posted by Vanessa:
I do love this eternal mindset of "works on my machine :)" . It's like, oh I can play literally any other video game without any problems, but I've been unable to play multiplayer on MHW for a week now.

Even though literally tens of thousand (hundreds of thousands, even) of people have had the same problems.
Tens of thousands of people had the same problems with the Assassin's Creed multiplayer launches. These options fixed it for many. I said this. I also said this may or may not work for everyone but essentially it's harmless to try. Did you read the first post or are you just spamming a reply?
If you read it, I don't understand your aggression over something you can harmlessly try.

Originally posted by Vanessa:
Originally posted by JupiterPulse:
Where are you getting 50%? The game has 2+ million players n steam, 220k average, 300k max. There are 27k negative reviews and 10k general threads.

That would be 1.35% have given negative reviews on the game, not just about networks at that. So we can probably say 1% of the games entire playerbase has reporting having the issue.

Yes, because every single person on the planet who's had problems with the connections has gone to the effort of leaving a negative review.

Even though a TON of the positive reviews mention connection issues as well.

Mental, isn't it? It's hard to find strong statistics on who's had problems, because obviously people who have a problem are more likely to be vocal about it.

What I can offer is a sample size of about 30-40 people in a Discord who played MHW on PS4 and bought it on PC. Of them, a grand total of five have reported no problems. And two of those five people haven't even tried the multiplayer anyway.

But we'll be as generous as we can be and say 5 out of 30 people have had no problems. That's still 5 out of 6 people with issues.

Steamspy suggests somewhere between 2 million and 5 million sales, so simply by going by my paltry sample size we can deduce that at least a million or two people have had problems.

Rigorous? No, but it's better than going by reviews.
Scaling a sample size of 30-40 people to 2-5 million does not work. This is not something anyone analyst or scientist would do. Ever.
Jupiter Pulse Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:17am 
Originally posted by Sax3r28:
Originally posted by JupiterPulse:
Where are you getting 50%? The game has 2+ million players on steam, 220k average, 300k max. There are 27k negative reviews and 10k general threads.

That would be 1.35% have given negative reviews on the game, not just about networks at that. So we can probably say 1% of the games entire playerbase has reported having the issue.
So, over 2 million players bought the game and just 220k average are playing?
Your argument is kinda backfiring.
Do you know how timezones work, do you know people have jobs. 220k for 2 million would make sense when the world is divided into gaps of time where most people may have 2-4 hours to play. If the average player played for 2 hours a day, that would allow for 12 groups of constant players, 220k times 12 is 2.6 million.

It's literally basic math man, come on.
kirkyeehee Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:17am 
Originally posted by BlazinMonkey:
♥♥♥♥ you

no really ♥♥♥♥ YOU

You wanna tell me to check all my ♥♥♥♥ when every other ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game i have installed on the computer, and every other STEAM game i have is working online with out issue - to check my own ♥♥♥♥?

10 Days of terrible online service from capcom/steam and you wanna tell me to check my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ router.




K !

Wow... this person is literally trying to help improve your chances to get online with this game and this is how you treat them. What a disrespectful child you are. People like you that only look to lash out at someone offering help, deserves the bad karma you're getting by not being to play this game online.

Get over yourself.
Vanessa Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:18am 
Originally posted by Roland:
Tens of thousands of people had the same problems with the Assassin's Creed multiplayer launches. These options fixed it for many. I said this. I also said this may or may not work for everyone but essentially it's harmless to try. Did you read the first post or are you just spamming a reply?
If you read it, I don't understand your aggression over something you can harmlessly try.

I wasn't talking about you directly, pal, just a mindset that I've seen getting more and more common.

Originally posted by Roland:
Scaling a sample size of 30-40 people to 2-5 million does not work. This is not something anyone analyst or scientist would do. Ever.

Wow it's almost like that's the whole point I was trying to make!
malask Aug 19, 2018 @ 9:19am 
Originally posted by Roland:
Originally posted by malask:
This morning (8/19) MP has been down for a lot of people, who get the same error: 5028f-MW1 when searching for SoS requests (even with a no preference setting). This screams server side issues, not client. I appreciate your effort in offering some possible things for people to look at, but I hope you can see that it isn't on our side.
I specifically addressed this in my opening. That is obviously server side. I am not talking about those people.
Well, your suggestions are good, but they do not really apply to the issue the game is having, since it is all server-side. Having people check everything you listed is simply placebo.
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Date Posted: Aug 19, 2018 @ 7:46am
Posts: 52