The First Templar

The First Templar

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HandHeldGamer 2013년 9월 13일 오전 4시 38분
So how is this game?
Please be honest and don't be a fan boy ;)
< >
25개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
xsys 2013년 9월 16일 오전 6시 02분 
It's good. It's like a very linear version of Game of Thrones, but not as good in terms of story or acting (not bad, just not as good). There are puzzles and switches too, so maybe a little Tomb Raider-ish. The combat takes some getting used to, but I use a controller and it is second nature now. You do have to create an account and register the game though, so I am a little wary of how this server authentication (account log-in every time you start) will work in the future.
HandHeldGamer 2013년 9월 16일 오전 7시 19분 
xsys님이 먼저 게시:
It's good. It's like a very linear version of Game of Thrones, but not as good in terms of story or acting (not bad, just not as good). There are puzzles and switches too, so maybe a little Tomb Raider-ish. The combat takes some getting used to, but I use a controller and it is second nature now. You do have to create an account and register the game though, so I am a little wary of how this server authentication (account log-in every time you start) will work in the future.

Ok thx, I think I'll pass on this one :)
xsys 2013년 9월 16일 오전 8시 17분 
In all fairness, I am only 6 hours into it, so maybe you shouldn't discard it entirely as a possibility. The graphics are good and it can be fun. I picked it up for a bargain price, so I feel like I got my money's worth ;)

I wouldn't recommend it at $19 though (current Steam Store price).
ElfShotTheFood 2013년 9월 17일 오전 9시 14분 
It's a decent hack 'n' slash action game with a long campaign (15 -16 hours) and a fairly good story. There are some puzzles to figure out and traps to avoid along the way, but nothing terribly difficult. Combat is simple, but enjoyable.

There are a few stealth sequences too, but they're mostly optional. Sneaking around and quietly killing enemies works, although it's made easier by some dumb enemy AI.

The entire campaign can be played co-operatively, but the AI of your partner is pretty good if you can't find someone else to play with.

Graphics aren't great, but they're serviceable enough. Character models and animations are mediocre, but most of the environments look pretty good.

There are a fair amount of collectibles to find, if you're into that sort of thing. Pretty easy game for achievements too.

I'd give this game a 7/10. Wait for a sale, though.
ElfShotTheFood 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 9월 17일 오전 9시 15분
HandHeldGamer 2013년 9월 17일 오전 9시 18분 
ElfShotTheFood님이 먼저 게시:
It's a decent hack 'n' slash action game with a long campaign (15 -16 hours) and a fairly good story. There are some puzzles to figure out and traps to avoid along the way, but nothing terribly difficult. Combat is simple, but enjoyable.

There are a few stealth sequences too, but they're mostly optional. Sneaking around and quietly killing enemies works, although it's made easier by some dumb enemy AI.

The entire campaign can be played co-operatively, but the AI of your partner is pretty good if you can't find someone else to play with.

Graphics aren't great, but they're serviceable enough. Character models and animations are mediocre, but most of the environments look pretty good.

There are a fair amount of collectibles to find, if you're into that sort of thing. Pretty easy game for achievements too.

I'd give this game a 7/10. Wait for a sale, though.

Much appreciated, thank you.
Jarl of Winterhold 2013년 9월 21일 오후 10시 57분 
You can get it on the bundle stars indie jam bundle!!!

A bunch of great and not-so-great games (which u can give away to friends/others who want them) for 3.20 pounds...definitely worth it if you r looking to try this game
SlashBlack 2013년 9월 22일 오전 5시 42분 
Jarl of Winterhold님이 먼저 게시:
You can get it on the bundle stars indie jam bundle!!!

A bunch of great and not-so-great games (which u can give away to friends/others who want them) for 3.20 pounds...definitely worth it if you r looking to try this game

If anyone is interested and don't want to pay the full price for that bundle I can get you this game for 1 key + 1 ref, my friends don't want to play this (fools lol) so might as well give it to someone else
SlashBlack 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 9월 22일 오전 5시 43분
D00hickey 2013년 9월 26일 오전 4시 06분 
I'm 10 mins in and hate it, I got it for a few cents in a bundle and still feel ripped off. If you already have a decent game play it again instead of loading this steaming pile onto your HDD.
SlashBlack 2013년 9월 26일 오전 4시 52분 
d00hicky님이 먼저 게시:
I'm 10 mins in and hate it, I got it for a few cents in a bundle and still feel ripped off. If you already have a decent game play it again instead of loading this steaming pile onto your HDD.

the game is bad if you're playing it alone, but is much better in coop.
xsys 2013년 9월 26일 오전 6시 03분 
SlashBlack님이 먼저 게시:
the game is bad if you're playing it alone, but is much better in coop.
Everyone is different. I play this game alone and it is a fine game for it's genre imo. Can you expand on "bad" a little?

I'd ask "d00hicky" to expand on "steaming pile" but I think it's clear where that would lead ;)
SlashBlack 2013년 9월 26일 오전 10시 57분 
xsys님이 먼저 게시:
SlashBlack님이 먼저 게시:
the game is bad if you're playing it alone, but is much better in coop.
Everyone is different. I play this game alone and it is a fine game for it's genre imo. Can you expand on "bad" a little?

I'd ask "d00hicky" to expand on "steaming pile" but I think it's clear where that would lead ;)

I meant most of the people, i personally enjoyed the game in singleplayer but not everyone is like you or can be more fun cuz you can resolve puzzles with your friend and stuff like that

D00hickey 2013년 10월 13일 오전 2시 01분 
xsys님이 먼저 게시:
SlashBlack님이 먼저 게시:
the game is bad if you're playing it alone, but is much better in coop.
Everyone is different. I play this game alone and it is a fine game for it's genre imo. Can you expand on "bad" a little?

I'd ask "d00hicky" to expand on "steaming pile" but I think it's clear where that would lead ;)

It's been a while and I don't want to start it up again, it's not the worst game ever made but I can all but guarantee you already have something in your library worth your time more than this. The thing that I remember being the worst was little tiny rocks and plants blocking your path. You can't jump and being forced to walk all the way around because there was a pebble on your way. My example is just one thing, everything in this game is done better in other games.
GrudgeMentalist 2013년 11월 7일 오후 7시 24분 
well, it might not be the best game, but it's still worth playing.
TinSoldier 2013년 12월 11일 오후 3시 12분 
I also got this in a bundle, for the price I paid its been a good couple of hours so far and sounds like its got a decent enough lenght to the games story. Sure not the best game I have played but its far far from the worst. Get it when its cheap tho ;)
Wezilla 2013년 12월 15일 오전 2시 10분 
Very beautiful textures on clothes and armours...
< >
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게시된 날짜: 2013년 9월 13일 오전 4시 38분
게시글: 25