AI War 2

AI War 2

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ExitInOptionsLul 15 OCT 2018 a las 9:22 p. m.
Why this over AI War 1
I've been a huge AI War fan since its first year (I think I might even be in the credits somewhere), but I'm hesitant to get the sequel outright (though I probably will at some point regardless), since there doesnt seem to be much reason to.

I dont care about the improved graphics. What does this have to offer over AI War 1? Especially considering that the first one has 6 DLC to go along with it.

I understand that this game has less content (and I read the pinned topic), and thats fine for a new release, but what exactly is the sequals selling point over 1?
Publicado originalmente por Paradox Song:
Nowadays, the big +'s are less pointless microing, every faction being impactful, and the improved design philosophy. AI war 2 also specifically has more intelligent, or at least, more interesting, game AI. Firetreams are legitmately a big deal, and having allied and enemy forces gather for dynamic attacks not tied to a wave counter (in a way more interesting than threat) can not be understated for its effect.

In the future, the plans around "Infrastructure" are very interesting - cool things to interact with that aren't game-changing, but a nice bonus with its own cons. A good example of this is the Communication Node, which already exists. Several of these are spawned, and destroying all of them causes the AIs to fight eachother -however- this also increases the income of all AIs to 100%, which could mean a huge boost in the amount of stuff on AI planets, but hey, they are killing each other so that's good... right?
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Mostrando 1-15 de 20 comentarios
colonyan 15 OCT 2018 a las 10:02 p. m. 
I played both and feels like AWclassic obviously still plays and feels better. 2 has basic mechanicsm but it lacks some balancing, visual/audio effect/feel mix.
It is said that classic has too much immunities but even with less ship type(turn off expansion and limit ship type in game setup) classic game can provide plenty.
Classic have matured well.
Crisp 15 OCT 2018 a las 10:35 p. m. 
i first i was a bit feeling off about the whole ai war 2 . It felt less complex/ gritty but after playing a bit i came back to what i enjoyed most. Some nice raiding with human radi ships :D. The addition of upgradable ships instead of having low tier ships in your high tier fleet is in my opinion a nice touch. Plus knowing that there is more in the works makes me happy knowing they will add those layers of complexity that made ai war1 so great. As for why you should play it i think it has a fresh feel to it. I felt the graphics were a bit goofy at first but now it doesn t bother me too much.Plus as hyper knight said supporting devs that have put in so much work in a game that you thoroughly enjoyed makes me want to buy the game as well.
TheVampire100 15 OCT 2018 a las 11:09 p. m. 
Why this over AIW1? Many reasons. The updated graphics are just the top of the iceberg (literally because that's what you see when you look at it).
The UI is a lot better compared to the first game, it is much better structurized and easily navigatable compared to the first one with the tabs inside of other tabs. It is also bigger, so you see more at glance AND it is configurable, so if you don't like it that big you can also change that in the settings.

Unit describtions and stats have been massively shortened to make them easier to read at glance and you can use a hotkey to show the full description at any time. This is the perfect solution to make the game understandable and convenient for both beginners and veterans.

Battle mechanics had an overhaul, units are easier to understand and more flexible in their roles than before, bombers for an example were only strong against buildings in AIW1 classic but now they are strong against anything that relies on personal shields (a new mechanic that adds another layer of HP on most units). Buildings have typical more of those but some units designed as tanks have these as well and bombers pass by the shields with their attacks by a significant amount of damage.
Hull types and attack types have been removed for a new stat system. Each unit has different amounts of engine power, hull armor and various other stuff. All ships have an attack bonus against units with specific stats, concussion missiles get a bonus against ships with low armor for an example.

The AI is now less passive when it comes to their territory and does also build structures like you when it thinks it should do that. It also recaptures planets if it gets a chance to do so. This means you have to stay more active instead of just having your planets getting stomped because you don't care about them and simply rebuild them once you cleaned the enemy units up.

The same also applies to many of the different bonus factions that you can activate. The modder "BadgerBadger" did a great job on making various factions that really FEEL like factions and not just some additional alien ships been thrown into the mix. They also conquer parts of the galaxy if they want, hinder you and the AI in both cases, can ally with you if they want or try to obliterate you. There are new factions and overhauled factions from the first game. Personally I love the new Marauders, they feel like an independant faction added to the game that exploits the weaknesses of both you and the AI, trying to get a piece of the galaxy for themselves.

There are more differences but these are in my opinion the key selling points of the sequel that make it superior to the first game.
uhamster9 15 OCT 2018 a las 11:18 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por TheVampire100:
Thanks for the writeup, I'm going to buy this now
Brother PaciFist 15 OCT 2018 a las 11:46 p. m. 
Your writeup is nice The Vampire100. I played AI war 1 too. You mentioned that the AI was too passive in AI War. I recalled that the AI War 1 kicked my behind pretty hard in that game. It pretty much steamrolled me if i annoyed it enough. If the AI behaves even more intelligent now, i wont stand any chance against it.

Have fun.

Última edición por Brother PaciFist; 15 OCT 2018 a las 11:47 p. m.
ExitInOptionsLul 16 OCT 2018 a las 3:11 a. m. 
Well I caved and bought it. Just cant avoid buying the Ai War sequel.
Obviously way too early to tell, but I'm pleasently surprised overall.

edit: I dont know about lack of content yet, but one thing that is very clearly lacking are the QoL improvements AW1 had gained over the years, though i assume these are planned.

edit again: having said that the objectives screen is nice, and helps maintain an overview

Última edición por ExitInOptionsLul; 16 OCT 2018 a las 3:17 a. m.
la_nague 16 OCT 2018 a las 3:47 a. m. 
it seems to play very similar to 1, but as was said under the hood there have been improvements in gameplay.

It also is using a much better engine and if this game does well enough, the devs can do more things in expansions than the old game allowed.

ExitInOptionsLul 16 OCT 2018 a las 3:49 a. m. 
Is there a list of what ship types are in 2?
DedZedNub 16 OCT 2018 a las 4:47 a. m. 
@ TheVampire100

Appreciate your longer reply to flesh out some of the differences and similarities.

Not having to remember the Hull Types and having a bit more intuitive flexibility in how things like Bombers work or the example you gave of Concussion Attacks -- that's a big plus. One of the main issues in AI War 1 was not so much that you had such detail and data in the GUI, but that the Hull Types and various Caps had to be looked up or memorized to figure out what was a good mix to use. So that sounds like a big positive, because it removes a layer of obscurity from the game and GUI.

I did not know about the independent Factions either, which will make it more clearly a bit multi-faction or 3 or more way battle for control, although we know who the big Kahuna is in the game. It isn't THAT different, but it surely will play out differently.

Those are just two highlights of your post which were very interesting, thanks much for the post.
Última edición por DedZedNub; 16 OCT 2018 a las 4:47 a. m.
ExitInOptionsLul 16 OCT 2018 a las 4:54 a. m. 
It doesnt feel any less obscure. You still need to know what works vs what, either by memory or looking into the description of both units involved
la_nague 16 OCT 2018 a las 5:28 a. m. 
i think its much less obscure to have armor thickness and shield strength instead of hull types.
Silent War 16 OCT 2018 a las 8:06 a. m. 
For me its nice that there is a bigger font. My old eyes appreciate it. Frankly the game is a lot easier on the eyes. Once the interface is locked down, I'm sure it will be both functionally much better and nicer looking. I was busy last night so I only played for an hour or so- It is hugely better than the AI War is from my perspective. I still suck at the game, but I like it.
themouthofsauron 16 OCT 2018 a las 8:21 a. m. 
The minor factions to me are a huge selling point over AIWC. The ability to say "I'd like an easier game, give me some real allies", or to watch the Nanocaust/Marauders carving out their own empires is awesome.
I love the idea of the new modern factions (what I've heard of them, anyway.), the Arks that gradually get stronger as you kill enemies in the same planet, and mod support. There were a few things I'd like to change about the original (Rebelling human colonies provide ships, but the amount doesn't change with the number of colonies you rescue) but couldn't.

That, and I'm sure there are a number of other changes. Might be a breath of fresh air.

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Publicado el: 15 OCT 2018 a las 9:22 p. m.
Mensajes: 20