Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Dedicated server won't show up on internet tab or in game server browser
Been messing with this for the past 3 hours, can't get a dedicated server to work for the life of me.

Yes, I have port-forwarded. Both TCP and UDP because I found conflicting guides on which one. Have tried just TCP by itself. Also tried just UDP by itself. 25564-25566 did not work, tried changing it to another one (12001-12003) and changed it in server_config.xml accordingly. Says it's using ports 12001 & 12002.

Should be allowed through firewall, but I disabled firewall for this. Will try tomorrow anyways

Host is connected through ethernet, provider is Google Fiber if either of those are important.

server.exe displays as such:

Server Version : v1.10.10 Server Name : Jetta Server Ports : 12001 & 12002 Server Config : C:\Users\Asus-Tower\AppData\Roaming\Stormworks\server_config.xml Uptime : 00:00:13:13 | 49620 ticks Tickrate : 55 tps Network : out ~0.0B/s | in ~0.0B/s seed : 517 dlc : 7 Players : 0 connected vehicles : 10/1099 (active / inactive) objects : 4/2810 (active / inactive) tiles : 0 time : enabled, 16:15, 01/06/2032 weather : enabled

Can't see it on the host machine, a different machine on the same network, or a different machine on a different network. Friend in a different state couldn't see it either. I set up loopback on the host machine, but not on any other machines. Tried looking both in game and on the Steam server browser.

Did netstat -a in command prompt while the server is running, says only 12002 is open under UDP but that's it.

Tried both server.exe and server64.exe, both yield same results. Tried setting up a static IP on the host, makes no difference with or without one.

Have hosted Rigs of Rods and Minecraft on this machine in the past, has no issues there. Running into a roadblock here, would appreciate some kind of input. Can provide any extra necessary info I didn't mention already
Last edited by jettacar; Apr 26 @ 10:12pm
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
jettacar Apr 27 @ 1:48pm 
Tried hosting on a different computer on the same network. Same results
It’s quite strange, I had this problem too but other than setting a static ip, I can’t remember what else I did to fix it
You said you forwarded 12001 and 12003, you forwarded 12002 too right?
jettacar Apr 28 @ 8:24am 
Originally posted by RB_karalis1:
You said you forwarded 12001 and 12003, you forwarded 12002 too right?
Yes, i forwarded all 3. I tried with and without a static IP, had no luck. Just been annoying to try and get this all set up
Maybe some google fiber settings in the router?
jettacar Apr 28 @ 11:08am 
Originally posted by RB_karalis1:
Maybe some google fiber settings in the router?
I'm not sure what settings I'd change, when I made a static IP I of course reserved the IP of the server and configured it properly. If you've got any ideas I'd be happy to experiment
What I did to fix it was port forwarding my server ports(in my case 25564 and 25565) after checking they are not used.I set the port forwarding IP to my computer local ip(192.168.1.X or 192.168.0.X if you have different subnet).Then after setting the ports IP I decided to set a static IP,the same as the ports ip.Then set Microsoft loop back card to my public ip.I also momentarily set my router firewall setting to low(not the windows firewall).I don’t know if this can help,as you said most of these steps did not help you, but that is what I’ve done on my windows pc.Make sure ports are not used and you set the correct server name or else idk
jettacar Apr 28 @ 5:43pm 
Originally posted by RB_karalis1:
What I did to fix it was port forwarding my server ports(in my case 25564 and 25565) after checking they are not used.I set the port forwarding IP to my computer local ip(192.168.1.X or 192.168.0.X if you have different subnet).Then after setting the ports IP I decided to set a static IP,the same as the ports ip.Then set Microsoft loop back card to my public ip.I also momentarily set my router firewall setting to low(not the windows firewall).I don’t know if this can help,as you said most of these steps did not help you, but that is what I’ve done on my windows pc.Make sure ports are not used and you set the correct server name or else idk
Yeah, I've already tried all of that, which is why I'm confused. I've tried changing the server name, changing which ports are used, trying a different computer, but I've had no luck. I appreciate trying to help though, I need all the help I can get with trying to solve this
Im not sure what else can be done.The only thing i can think is a limitation in the Google Fiber provider
jettacar Apr 29 @ 11:53am 
That'd be my only guess, but I don't have another ISP to experiment with. Just strange to me that Stormworks would be the only game I'm having problems with regarding this, like I said I've been able to set up servers on other games just fine
I can agree stormworks is weird on setting up servers
There is a chance that you can not see the server because it is on the same network, i had this issue before as well, I couldnt see the server which i hosted, but my friend could see it. This is probably the result of some weird network protocoll or NAT settings outside your router, either in your ISP or your WAN connection (if you live in an apartment building) or somewhere in between.
To resolve that I had to set up Microsoft loop back
I have loopback set up on the server, problem is a friend couldn't see the server when it was running so I doubt that was the issue
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Date Posted: Apr 26 @ 10:04pm
Posts: 14