Puzzle Dimension
HELP: Won't run... DirectX. stupid "Not passed Windows Logo Testing"...
When I try to run Puzzle Dimension, it says "Install Microsoft DirectX for Windows
(step 2 of 2)"

Then it gives the assinign popup:

"The software you are installing has not passed Windows
Logo testing to verify its compatibility with Windows
XP. (Tell me why this testing in important.)

This software will not be installed. Contact your
system administrator."

"Ignore Device Drivers Signatures" in Hardware setting was already off.

Everything time I hit play, it reinstalls and given that message and won't run.

I tried installing DirectX update from Microsoft directly, no help.
Rebooting... no help.


P.s. It does the same to "Beware Planet Earth." I even tried installing a
Direct X update from the microsoft.com wedsite itself, and the same
stupid "Logo Testing" thing happened!

P.p.s. Actually, Steam itself wouldn't run on this machine for about a month.
Most recent update got it working, and "Tropico Reloaded" works. But Puzzle
Dimension, Beware Planet Earth (and I'm betting a bunch more games) won't!
วันที่โพสต์: 19 พ.ค. 2015 @ 7: 42pm
โพสต์: 0
