Mekside VR

Mekside VR

World Launching trouble
I cant get any of the biomes to launch without the game crashing. only one I can get to load up is the flatlands. Just wondering if anyone else had this problem or a solution
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
A Wild Midlander Apr 9, 2017 @ 8:03am 
Got the other biomes to start by putting on the fov mask and the taking it off when I'm ingame but the but there's a lot of motion judder I'd love a fix for that
Ladiesman69  [developer] Apr 10, 2017 @ 4:10pm 
Hi Nico, it takes a while for a world to be generated (up to 20-30 seconds, depending on your computer), except for the flatlands as that is very easy to generate. So first, please check that it really does crash and it's not just waiting for the generation to complete (but it sounds like you indeed got it to crash!)

If it does crash, I would be glad to get a description of what happens and if it's repeatable. Like, you select "Lush Tropical" under New Game, and then it never returns to play, and this happens every time you try?

The Fov-mask on/off should not be able to affect any of this. We'll check if it could have a side-effect.

Regarding the motion-judder, could you please be more specific? There is a known issue currently when you stand still in some places, the physics engine causes you to jitter very very little.

A Wild Midlander Apr 17, 2017 @ 3:01pm 
The eyes don't sync together ,has a kind of strobe effect and the game mechanics are slower the more populated the level is. I'd love a fix for this because the landscapes look awesome
A Wild Midlander Apr 17, 2017 @ 3:02pm 
And the boot up problems with new levels have stopped so that's good
Ladiesman69  [developer] Apr 18, 2017 @ 8:26am 
Originally posted by Nico_Traylor:
The eyes don't sync together ,has a kind of strobe effect and the game mechanics are slower the more populated the level is. I'd love a fix for this because the landscapes look awesome

Right, we need to track this down. Do you have any additional info? GFX card? What did you put in the level that made it go slower, in particular?

It seems like two separate issues maybe (the issue with the strobing, does that come in a completely empty world?)

If there is a physics bug somewhere causing slowdowns with certain constructions, we could check that if we get a zip of the world folder and the name of the level that cause the trouble. If you want to do that, and if you find the world folder (open a file explorer window and Go to %AppData% and look for Roaming/mekside/world I think it is), zip it and put it on some kind of share like gdrive or dropbox and send the link to
A Wild Midlander Apr 18, 2017 @ 3:57pm 
Two crossfired gigabyte r9 290X
A Wild Midlander Apr 18, 2017 @ 4:02pm 
I didn't put anything in the worlds.they started out that way for me it's like it's trying to render too much but when I lower the view distance the judder or slowness doesn't change
Ladiesman69  [developer] Apr 19, 2017 @ 12:48am 
Originally posted by Nico_Traylor:
Two crossfired gigabyte r9 290X

I see. Actually we haven't tested on a dual AMD setup, so it might be a simple software setup issue on our side, let us check what it might be. And of course, if you want a refund in the meantime, that should be possible to arrange (but I'm confident this should be easy to fix).
Last edited by Ladiesman69; Apr 19, 2017 @ 12:50am
A Wild Midlander Apr 19, 2017 @ 11:59am 
Thank you. No need for a refund. I'm patient.
Ladiesman69  [developer] Apr 20, 2017 @ 5:11am 
Thanks for your patience :) By the way, what is your experience with other games with that setup? I assume you have the latest drivers of everything etc. I read a bunch of forum threads from halv a year back about stuttering problems with AMD cards and the Vive. Some were due to reprojection kicking in when it shouldn't - I think you can test this in the SteamVR Settings panel, under Development options, there should be a setting to disallow Reprojection - maybe something worth testing.
A Wild Midlander Apr 23, 2017 @ 10:28am 
Always allow reprojection was already off when I checked it out
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