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Do you have a spine?
If so, why did you change your review back to positive? While the devs+publisher didn´t stop to ♥♥♥♥ on you. Whats wrong with you guys? Got bribed?
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Showing 46-52 of 52 comments
people are taught by society to celebrate the small victories. and thats what the plebs did.. they refuse to look at the long game. or put it another way they are celebrating completing a side quest thinking they beat the game and havent even started the main quest yet...
negative review+refund (should)=no place in community forums with actual paying customers. All of you have been added to my in game KOS list.
Originally posted by XOLiD:
I'm genuinely confused at how people are so quick to change their minds(reviews) before any actual action has been taken...



Game is still removed from the store for those non-PSN countries.
Krieger May 8 @ 3:16am 
2 things needs to change.

1. Re-open to buy the game to the unsupported psn regions.

2. Change the wording OR remove the yellow box on the store page that says it is a requirement to have a psn account.

IF Sony actually means this and we can play this game onward without a psn account, make it known.

I don't think this will happen, but it would be right way.
Decaf bro!
Originally posted by Ishan451:
Originally posted by VladZilla:
If so, why did you change your review back to positive?
Because i can't turn a negative review more negative and to strike the iron i have to lift the hammer. You can't just strike once and call it a day.

So you turn it positive so you can review bomb again when/if they go back on their attention.

Your negative review just gets lost in the background noise of complaints... i'll be ready for the next review bomb to help make that newsworth dip happen.

This is a good point, revoking the negative just to eff them over again if they don´t do as said.
Last edited by VladZilla; May 8 @ 3:26am
Novalan May 8 @ 3:44am 
Originally posted by KomiNeko:
People have spine, and morals!

Publisher proposed to introduce a change, people voted on that through reviewing the game to make their voice heard, publisher got the message and revoked the plan to make said change.
Why would the reviews not be reverted?

Then tell us how they have revoked the plan? What has actually happened to game or Steam store page after they 'promised'? What has happened to all those restricted countries?
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Date Posted: May 8 @ 1:17am
Posts: 52