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Orbital Laser charges... why?
Why does the Orbital Laser only has three charges? This makes it so bad.
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can you resupply it like an eagle?
Originally posted by Zero Grim:
can you resupply it like an eagle?
No, once you use 3 its unavailable for the whole mission
Originally posted by Zero Grim:
can you resupply it like an eagle?

Not sure. It says it has three charges.. so it doesnt seem like it. I dont wanna waste 10k for a stratagem that can only be used three times per mission and also has a very long cooldown.
Kashra Fall Feb 11 @ 9:40am 
It destroys everything it touches, why wouldn't it just have charges? And makes it bad? It can wreck an entire base from a pretty far distance away and takes out a bile titan in seconds. Edited for correction, thank you Wald.
Last edited by Kashra Fall; Feb 11 @ 9:46am
funny, in HD1 the orbital laser was unlimited use unlike a lot of other stratagems.
Waldherz Feb 11 @ 9:43am 
Originally posted by Kashra Fall:
It destroys everything it touches, why wouldn't it just have charges? And makes it bad? It can wreck an entire base from a pretty far distance away and takes out a bile titan in seconds. The only other stratagem that does that is the 500kg bomb and you only get one of those.
You can use the 500kg bomb an infinite amount of times since it constantly resupplies.
Originally posted by Kashra Fall:
It destroys everything it touches, why wouldn't it just have charges? And makes it bad? It can wreck an entire base from a pretty far distance away and takes out a bile titan in seconds. The only other stratagem that does that is the 500kg bomb and you only get one of those.

Two with later upgrades. So the laser is just ♥♥♥♥♥♥ compared to the 500kg bomb.

And the bomb refills after a certain amount of time.
Last edited by Neckstabba; Feb 11 @ 9:44am
Originally posted by Neckstabba:
Originally posted by Zero Grim:
can you resupply it like an eagle?

Not sure. It says it has three charges.. so it doesnt seem like it. I dont wanna waste 10k for a stratagem that can only be used three times per mission and also has a very long cooldown.
As of now, orbitals are the weakest stratagems there are from what I can tell. The only one I use is the walking barrage as it actually seems to hit what I want it to hit, but for the most part just stick to the eagle until they buff the orbital stuff.
Kashra Fall Feb 11 @ 9:45am 
Originally posted by Waldherz彡:
Originally posted by Kashra Fall:
It destroys everything it touches, why wouldn't it just have charges? And makes it bad? It can wreck an entire base from a pretty far distance away and takes out a bile titan in seconds. The only other stratagem that does that is the 500kg bomb and you only get one of those.
You can use the 500kg bomb an infinite amount of times since it constantly resupplies.

Oh rly? It says it doesn't have a recharge time on the list, my mistake then!
Grimno Feb 11 @ 9:45am 
Originally posted by Kashra Fall:
It destroys everything it touches,

Then you watch it get stuck trying to attack a charger and waste the entire strategem killing 1
Kashra Fall Feb 11 @ 9:47am 
Originally posted by Grimno:
Originally posted by Kashra Fall:
It destroys everything it touches,

Then you watch it get stuck trying to attack a charger and waste the entire strategem killing 1

I've had no issues with it. It destroyed a bile titan+the charger+the stalkers wreaking havoc on us last night.
Grimno Feb 11 @ 9:50am 
Originally posted by Kashra Fall:
Originally posted by Grimno:

Then you watch it get stuck trying to attack a charger and waste the entire strategem killing 1

I've had no issues with it. It destroyed a bile titan+the charger+the stalkers wreaking havoc on us last night.

Then you must have a better version or something because mine will continue to just laser one charger, the charger making repeated grunting noises and locked in place, and then finally it dies with by then about 80% of the laser has been used up
SageBitey Feb 11 @ 10:17am 
The orbital laser is mid at best, on Hard difficulty it struggles to kill chargers and bile titans, it does eventually get the job done, but it wastes a lot of time doing it. So I'm not sure if that is why someone is having it be more effective is because they are playing on easier difficulties. In my opinion the 500KG bomb is way more efficient at killing bile titans, not so much chargers cause they be moving around a lot, but if aimed well you can take out multiple. For chargers the eagle rocket pods are pretty OK, or try the Spear, or the orbital railgun one taps them. It's all situational on that honestly, a well placed Autocannon Sentry can lock them down as well. The problem of course is when you have multiple chargers running around 5+, that's when it gets nutty, WE SEE YOU BAROSHI.
Kashra Fall Feb 11 @ 10:18am 
Originally posted by SageBitey:
The orbital laser is mid at best, on Hard difficulty it struggles to kill chargers and bile titans, it does eventually get the job done, but it wastes a lot of time doing it. So I'm not sure if that is why someone is having it be more effective is because they are playing on easier difficulties. In my opinion the 500KG bomb is way more efficient at killing bile titans, not so much chargers cause they be moving around a lot, but if aimed well you can take out multiple. For chargers the eagle rocket pods are pretty OK, or try the Spear, or the orbital railgun one taps them. It's all situational on that honestly, a well placed Autocannon Sentry can lock them down as well. The problem of course is when you have multiple chargers running around 5+, that's when it gets nutty, WE SEE YOU BAROSHI.

Enemy HP doesn't go up per difficulty you know. Their numbers and such do, but they are just as easy/hard to kill on any other difficulty you encounter them at.Just for the record though, it was on hard difficulty.
Last edited by Kashra Fall; Feb 11 @ 10:18am
Pwnbeard Feb 11 @ 10:28am 
Laser works well vs bots, tossed one into a large camp and it cleared the whole thing.

Other than titans bugs have too many targets and it just derps around.
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Date Posted: Feb 11 @ 9:36am
Posts: 41