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Karrolanth Oct 21, 2018 @ 6:21pm
Possible key binding bug? (Demo)
Hi there!

First of all, thank you so much for providing a demo! First-person games have a tendency to give me motion sickness, so having the opportunity to try this out before considering purchase is great. (And for the record, apart from a little queasiness at the start I've felt pretty much okay playing it for the past couple of hours or so.)

I encountered what may be a bug with the key bindings. I changed the key for the datapad to P (for "pad" :) ) as it was easier for me to remember. It worked fine for a while, but then after I found maybe my second or third crew datapad (I think it was the one in a locker in the crew quarters) it stopped working and I could not access my own datapad. I tried assigning it again, quitting to the menu, and quitting the game completely, and nothing worked.

After I restarted the game and P was still not working, I changed it back to Q and everything was fine. Reassigning to P caused it to stop working again, so I put it back to Q and left it there. It's not a major issue - I can live with Q, I just would have preferred a different key - but it was odd that it worked for a while and suddenly stopped. I don't know if it was something to do with the particular datapad I found or if it was just a random thing, but I wanted to mention it.

The other thing that I'd like to give feedback on is the loading screens - when it suddenly goes black for a long time (probably only 10 seconds or so, but when you're waiting it always feels like forever!), it's hard to know if the game is just loading or if it's crashed. Would it be possible to have something - anything! - on screen to show that it's still working?

Otherwise, I've been enjoying the demo and wondering how much further it will let me go! :) I think I'll be adding this one to my wishlist!
< >
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DeRaNgEr♡  [developer] Oct 22, 2018 @ 1:56pm 
Originally posted by Karrolanth:
Hi there!

First of all, thank you so much for providing a demo! First-person games have a tendency to give me motion sickness, so having the opportunity to try this out before considering purchase is great. (And for the record, apart from a little queasiness at the start I've felt pretty much okay playing it for the past couple of hours or so.)

I encountered what may be a bug with the key bindings. I changed the key for the datapad to P (for "pad" :) ) as it was easier for me to remember. It worked fine for a while, but then after I found maybe my second or third crew datapad (I think it was the one in a locker in the crew quarters) it stopped working and I could not access my own datapad. I tried assigning it again, quitting to the menu, and quitting the game completely, and nothing worked.

After I restarted the game and P was still not working, I changed it back to Q and everything was fine. Reassigning to P caused it to stop working again, so I put it back to Q and left it there. It's not a major issue - I can live with Q, I just would have preferred a different key - but it was odd that it worked for a while and suddenly stopped. I don't know if it was something to do with the particular datapad I found or if it was just a random thing, but I wanted to mention it.

The other thing that I'd like to give feedback on is the loading screens - when it suddenly goes black for a long time (probably only 10 seconds or so, but when you're waiting it always feels like forever!), it's hard to know if the game is just loading or if it's crashed. Would it be possible to have something - anything! - on screen to show that it's still working?

Otherwise, I've been enjoying the demo and wondering how much further it will let me go! :) I think I'll be adding this one to my wishlist!

Thank you too for checking the demo out. :) I want people to be able to make a solid informed and by experience decision before purchasing the game. I'm glad you seem to be able to play it. I try to keep head movement to a minimum but some parts needed it for immersion.

For development I sometimes use the P and L keys inside levels, I will remove these when the game is finished. Sorry for the inconvenience and also for reporting!

I'll try to remember adding something to the screen. I know they can be a bit tedious sometimes and have been looking into ways to maybe reduce them, so far no luck.

I hope you had fun, at least, playing the demo and again, thank you for reaching out!!!
Take care.
Karrolanth Oct 22, 2018 @ 4:59pm 
Thank you for the response, and yes I did have fun! These were just minor irritations, that's all. :)

With regard to the head movement, I think the worst part for me was right at the beginning where Aryn is looking at her feet and moving her head around a bit while John is talking. That part did leave me wondering if I'd be able to play at all - but I'm glad I gave it a chance, because once I got full control it was much better!
< >
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