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ApOc Jun 27, 2018 @ 12:49pm
optimization question
hey, my rig is well below the minimum requirements gpu sided! i only run a "old" gtx 960 BUT in the demo everything on high and i get stable 60 fps almost all the time :D thats surprising and really awesome but my question is: is the demo specially optimized or is the whole game optimized like the demo? best wishes and keep up the good work :)
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DeRaNgEr  [developer] Jun 27, 2018 @ 1:11pm 
Originally posted by ReaDiRekT | ApOc:
hey, my rig is well below the minimum requirements gpu sided! i only run a "old" gtx 960 BUT in the demo everything on high and i get stable 60 fps almost all the time :D thats surprising and really awesome but my question is: is the demo specially optimized or is the whole game optimized like the demo? best wishes and keep up the good work :)
Thanks, glad it runs well on your setup. The demo is part of the main game, meaning it gets the same treatment as the full game. I can't guarantee that the entire game will run as smooth, but I can surely state that the same care has gone into optimizing the rest. That said, being in Early Access any reports of any of the other levels that might not run as smooth will be given attention to try and fix that before full release.

I'm being cautious with my answer because I monitor performance as much as possible but because of the many of configurations regarding PC's I can't be 100% certain.
That said, I have and continue to put a whole lot of care into making sure the game has the best balance between visuals and performance that I am able to produce. On top of that I also have received enough reports about the game running better than I hoped in the past from other people so I am quite comfortable with saying that the rest of the game should run smooth.

I hope this helps and thank you for trying out the demo!
Last edited by DeRaNgEr; Jun 27, 2018 @ 1:12pm
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