Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5

I don't get players preferences
I suppose I'm the cause of the problem, but so many designs I don't like, the worst far cry I played and it seems the best for many players:
- Totally absurd chains of captured, freed, and repeat ad nauseam.
- Awful story thematic, zero interest in sect junk or mental madness.
- No interesting character at all.
- Boredom limit for number of weapons and ammo just copying Duke Nuken 3D that got beat to blood for that.
- Ammo and constantly loot them on corpse hidden is so annoying, it's not even that store and constantly buy ammo fix the problem, it's even worse.
- Abuse of planes is so annoying.
- Plane and any related quest are so annoying, the commands are such a junk with few options.
- Awful save system.
- Awful way to manage inventory, never seen a so unclear inventory, unbelievable.
- Absurd UI details, example, what game requires a confirmation for a teleport? None but FC5 facepalm.
- So many quests not working properly.
- More and more crap.

Ok there's some good point, but so many crap. I suppose there's stuff so good for many players that it hides all those clear problems, but I can's see it.

I do hope the apparent popularity comes from USA location and a wide majority of white people, better that than player preferences diverged so much or are so weird.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Argylle May 11 @ 2:27am 
Jarsonne May 11 @ 3:04pm 
Lol, but I can add more:
- Many cinematic a LOT TOO LONG.
- Many cinematic with a very long monologue, not only the monologue content is just junk, but it's an awfully dated design for movies/cinematic design. Nobody believe anymore a junk monologue is good cinema.
- Artificial cinematic duration extension with forced walk slow as never seen before, but nope a crap isn't an innovation.
- Terrible lack of landscape diversity, I get it's intended to look more like the RL area that is the source, it's still a weakness in game, otherwise Montana would be full of crowd of players because Montana is so fun to play, but nope it's not.
- Terrible lack of weapons diversity, I believed it would improve as play progress but nope, it's just variation feeling more like clones of what you have already since long.
- I already quoted the planes abuse, but it's general, enemies flying vehicles, helicopters too.
- Many too obvious fillers in many quests, overall it's a same part/aspect repeated too much, there's many cases.
- The loot problem isn't just about ammo and the junk UI related, it's a lot more general, most loot is just junk even if useful to refill ammo or consumables past get some money when sold. The big problem is when you are filled with max ammo allowed and max consumable allowed a supposed good loot like treasure hunt quest becomes just junk loot, there's a clear design problem. And ot's not grind money that has anything exciting even if mysteriously dev gave up force also a max to money in inventory like anything else.
- More.

But yes, since FC3 it's probably the same comedy (never tried FC4 that was looking like a FC3 clone), I clearly remind only have fun with random exploring and a vert few activities, and on that FC5 is probablt overall better than FC3.

And ok it's possible that finally FC6 tries evolve more on weak points of the series, but it's not yet very marking or when put inside series context only. And probably FC6 is overall a bit less good on the world living lacking a bit of combats filling/density/tension (past special locations), with the dumb idea to lock max difficulty, and most often or too often lack of difficulty. At least FC6 is the very first Far Cry I ever finished as a full play, but it is clearly with multiple flaws.
GGcake May 12 @ 7:22am 
Originally posted by Jarsonne:
Lol, but I can add more:
- Many cinematic a LOT TOO LONG.
- Many cinematic with a very long monologue, not only the monologue content is just junk, but it's an awfully dated design for movies/cinematic design. Nobody believe anymore a junk monologue is good cinema.
- Artificial cinematic duration extension with forced walk slow as never seen before, but nope a crap isn't an innovation.
- Terrible lack of landscape diversity, I get it's intended to look more like the RL area that is the source, it's still a weakness in game, otherwise Montana would be full of crowd of players because Montana is so fun to play, but nope it's not.
- Terrible lack of weapons diversity, I believed it would improve as play progress but nope, it's just variation feeling more like clones of what you have already since long.
- I already quoted the planes abuse, but it's general, enemies flying vehicles, helicopters too.
- Many too obvious fillers in many quests, overall it's a same part/aspect repeated too much, there's many cases.
- The loot problem isn't just about ammo and the junk UI related, it's a lot more general, most loot is just junk even if useful to refill ammo or consumables past get some money when sold. The big problem is when you are filled with max ammo allowed and max consumable allowed a supposed good loot like treasure hunt quest becomes just junk loot, there's a clear design problem. And ot's not grind money that has anything exciting even if mysteriously dev gave up force also a max to money in inventory like anything else.
- More.

But yes, since FC3 it's probably the same comedy (never tried FC4 that was looking like a FC3 clone), I clearly remind only have fun with random exploring and a vert few activities, and on that FC5 is probablt overall better than FC3.

And ok it's possible that finally FC6 tries evolve more on weak points of the series, but it's not yet very marking or when put inside series context only. And probably FC6 is overall a bit less good on the world living lacking a bit of combats filling/density/tension (past special locations), with the dumb idea to lock max difficulty, and most often or too often lack of difficulty. At least FC6 is the very first Far Cry I ever finished as a full play, but it is clearly with multiple flaws.
thats a lot
Jarsonne May 12 @ 8:36am 
Yes but some are details that myself I feel impactful but it's still a detail of an element and one more point in the list.

Per curiosity I try replay FC3 to try get the point, I clearly had forgot a lot. Some elements I dislike and listed for FC5 are already in FC3, but that FC3 refresh reminds me how different is FC3 gameplay base. There's a whole layout around hunting, crafting, scarcity, time to build a character to manage better enemies that isn't in FO5&6.

Undoubtedly it can create in first parts a thrill pressure and sort of lite survival mood nowhere in FC5&6. But on another way, shooting gameplay for hunt is quite more limited, and it's a lot about wandering and search specific animals to hunt, walks and waits, all of that eating significant time. I can understand the series wanted diverge from this.

Then I quoted that in a way FC3 achieves reproduce a design approach of progression through areas used in original Pool of Radiance. There's a pressure from respawn of enemies and you need get through to reach the key point to capture and area progress this lowering the pressure in the areas concerned.

But it works also because of a Duke Nukem 3D like approach of scarcity of ammo and amount of weapons. It also requires a rather high spawning of enemies that aren't too easy to manage or by wasting previous bullets. That's more the lack of bullet that will push go back to last contolled point but also lost most of the progression in next area. I suppose that such gameplay are hard to tune well, and it's more why it's not in FC4&5.

Do I feel FC3 better? For now from this FC3 replay, no, because if the thrill is here and higher than in FC5&6, it feels also a bit exhausting and with some repetitive and/or slow aspects. So I'd say more that FC3 first parts are more involving but less fun, so overall not better.

Moreover those chained or parallel plays of FC3&5&6, shows that FC6 tries make evolve the series significantly.
It's not better than 2 or 4 but the constant stream of gameplay action this game has makes it a lot of fun to play. Occasionally you are captured and forced to do the main story, kind of like the beginning of the game with the unskippable cutscenes but aside from those instances; the game's pace is dictated by the player. Constant open world action that doesn't lock me into doing specific tasks just to get something out of it. I enjoy the hunting and tower climbing in previous games but the lack of that in this one allows every minute of this game to be filled with shooting and exploding things, punching dudes in the throat and driving awesome cars, planes and helicopters. This game ain't great, I especially hate the characters that we are supposed to like, some borderlands esque trash writing in this game for sure, but I'd struggle not to enjoy myself if I blasted some of my own kickass music (to block out the people talking) while doing awesome action things in this game. It's cheap stupid fun. I'm sorry to break it to you but if you can't have fun playing this game that's entirely your fault, in other words you are bad at the game.
Last edited by Punished Eric; May 12 @ 9:48pm
Argylle May 13 @ 2:04am 
Please tell us more Jarsonne.
mirinda2 May 14 @ 4:16am 
Jarsonne May 14 @ 5:12am 
Originally posted by SaintMillion:
Jarsonne doesn't like successful 2018 game.

Expects people to care about his opinion.

We don't.
And who can care of such post you did? That's standard forum content, most people don't care.

Successful changes nothing to problems, and successful for what? Because location is USA and 90% of NPC are clear white?

You don't have any comment on points I listed, so ignore.

Example the junk UI with double pick loot on corpse and for weapon.

This UI was more or less ok in JA3 because:
- It happens very rarely, probably the weapon exchange isn't offered when you have already the weapon.
- It's auto for ammo refill.

JA5 made it a junk UI because:
- It happens constantly and it's a junk UI because of the double command and requesting some absurd micro move to get a command or another.
- There isn't even auto pick ammo refil and the lost of fluidity adds nothing only degrade the design.
tank2 May 27 @ 5:12pm 
I don't like this game for many of the same reasons. I hate driving down the road, then for some reason I'm in a cut scene that I can't pass, and then takes your to some time limited quest before you can continue. I wish that I could return it, but I played over the time limit.
Jarsonne May 27 @ 11:22pm 
Just finished my second play of FC6 and playing a bit the Game+ (play after the end). It hasn't junk like the FC5 forced missions and time limited you evoke.

But late game FC6 still has one quest you need finish once started, but you get big warning on that, otherwise FC series tend have an option to cancel current mission so not make any a forced block point but you lost intermediate save points of the mission if you cancel it, but it's understandable. Another missions problems is those quests removing all inventory, FC5 abuses of it too, for FC6 first part of the forced late mission does the same but once combats start (before it's infiltration, stealth), you get back all your inventory.

But for a lot of driving on read it's more a common in the series. In FC6 the only way to make driving fun, is try be constantly on borders of max speed, or make a lot of off road, and exploit teleport as much than possible, and eventually exploit teleport jump from high sky to just use parachute and wingsuit to land close to a destination. You can also use a tank to vary a bit travels, but it's deeply different then. Also try the different vehicle can make quite different on road and off road.

It's a sort of constant in all those open world games done by Ubisoft, the exploration is mainly only tourism value and driving/horse rush. What you find is triggered by proximity and added on map automatically, it leads quickly players to limit exploration to tourism and rush, but that's a quite difficult design topic for wide open world games. FC6 shows some attempts to do more:
- A quest is about degrading many statues in the big town, but that one is more or less a screw up and doesn't work well without getting the map Ubisoft gives on their web site and showing locations of each statue.
- A quest requires you degrade many radio jammer inside a region, you get the first 3 markers to ensure player can make the mandatory part and destroy more will shorter later pirating times during some missions. That one is very well done because you can quote targets from far and a green light, moreover at each target location you can quote multiple other and know it's not done yet if there's the green light. And if you find enough, other are shown by markers which is a nice design touch because in such cases last ot find are always hard and tedious.
- A quest shows a series of photography to locate NPC, perhaps my visual memory or attention isn't good enough, but I found it too difficult, the only I found was indirectly, one NPC calling for help, another in middle of some other puzzling and text clear hint to find a special NPC close.
- A simple activity is about statues to find and a sound clues you if you are close enough, simple but well done, but also added automatically on map by proximity.
- Another quite more complex and interesting activity is chest requesting two keys an symbols spread will give clues and there's a special sound done by the chest and the two key. But it's also added automatically on map, it's all the problem of wide open world, if the player is involved in another activity most won't remind where he heard the sound not searched and solved.
- Otheriwse in general the game is very strong on hints, most often visual, but a few time sound related, and some cases text related, that creates many good exploration parts but all directly linked to an activity shown on map, so not really involved in global exploration of the world.
Last edited by Jarsonne; May 27 @ 11:26pm
Hooman Jun 2 @ 8:30am 
Ohhh that's why he's a loser, he's a farcry 6 enjoyer, the literal worse one.
Originally posted by Hooman:
Ohhh that's why he's a loser, he's a farcry 6 enjoyer, the literal worse one.
How "loser" is pertinent? Or you are one more of those kids that prove themselves through games? You should try for your studies or job instead.

FC6 enjoyer is exaggerate, more fun than FC5 yes, but after two plays, Normal difficulty and hard difficulty (only one for FC5), it's only a game with fun parts and aspect but not one I would even tag very good, more half good but much better than FC5 and less good than FC1&3 that is clear.
Hooman Jun 2 @ 11:51pm 
Guys nobody tell him what "goading" is it'll be funnier
Jarsonne Jun 2 @ 11:55pm 
Originally posted by Hooman:
Guys nobody tell him what "goading" is it'll be funnier
Provocation reported.
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