Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

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Hedge Apr 13, 2021 @ 8:43am
Devpost: Chaos Wastes & More

Hopefully by now you’ve seen the trailer for Chaos Wastes, the free update coming to Vermintide 2 on April 20th - but if not, then be sure to check it out!


We’re super keen to start this new chapter in Vermintide 2 with all of you in a week! Over the coming weekend you’ll be able to catch some folks streaming Chaos Wastes, and some content creators sharing their thoughts and impressions as they get hands on with this new game mode.

For us it was super important that we looked back at the past and rethink our approach to releasing this expansion. It was key for us to release this game mode for every single owner of Vermintide 2 to play with each other without a cost to entry. We feel every player, new and old, should have an opportunity to jump into the Wastes together.

Over on the Chaos Wastes webpage we’ve prepared an overview on what’s in store for you when you begin your pilgrimage. You can read the ‘Pilgrim’s Guides’ over on our Chaos Wastes website as well to give you more detailed information about the new game mode and some of the specifics of what’s in store.


Alongside the release of Chaos Wastes we’re also releasing the Forgotten Relics DLC - a pack of five new weapons - one for each of the heroes (with some expected career limitations). The pack also includes four Chaos Wastes themed paintings to hang in your keep as well as a unique portrait frame. This pack will be available to purchase the moment Chaos Wastes goes live on Steam for $5.99. The weapons included in the pack are as follows:

The Trollhammer Torpedo for Bardin. Useful for controlling crowds and busting open armor.

A new Spear & Shield for Kruber. Perhaps not the greatest at dealing with a horde (leave that to the Trollhammer), but strong in a 1v1 with it’s high damage, fast attacks and the ability to strike whilst blocking.

A Moonfire Bow for Kerillian. Its basic attack sends out an arrow capable of starting fires at the cost of energy. On right click it has great range with a zoom, and offers a charged attack - also at the cost of energy. When the energy levels in the bow deplete it can be used no further, but recharges automatically when not being used.

The Griffonfoot Pistol for Saltzpyre. We teased this one late last year - it’s a lot like a sawed-off shotgun whilst similar to the Brace of Pistols, but trading long range for a projectile volley. Handy for groups of unarmored enemies.

And finally the Coruscation Staff for Sienna. This staff can shoot a volley of fiery rocks, or summon flame geysers that erupt from the ground or any surface it is cast (geyser size depends on the length of the cast). Handy for controlling crowds.


In the weeks following the release of Chaos Wastes, we’ll also be rolling out new premium Cosmetic items, purchasable from Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders, including whole new Hero Skins and Hats. So stay tuned for those and keep an eye out for their reveals here on Steam or on Twitter at twitter.com/vermintidegame.

As mentioned above, Warhammer: Vermintide 2 will be updated on April 20, the download is a remaster and will decrease the disk space it claims. The downside to this is that the content will be a pretty large download, but the upside is that overall the game will take much less real estate on your storage device.

We’re really looking forward to seeing you journey into the Chaos Wastes, and some of the interesting builds you end up with!
Last edited by Hedge; Apr 13, 2021 @ 8:57am
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Showing 1-15 of 102 comments
v4nd4hl Apr 13, 2021 @ 8:48am 
New shield for my Footknight. *heavy breathing*
.... the ability to strike whilst blocking. ...

This is huge.

Trollhammer Torpedo is the real showstealer though. The first weeks after release gonna be fun :D All em Bardins wearin heavy artillery.

Will there be different skins for the weapons available at release? For shillings, for challenges or just for free? I imagine, you'll have to craft those weapons for red quality, right?
Last edited by v4nd4hl; Apr 13, 2021 @ 9:54am
DeepDorkFantasy Apr 13, 2021 @ 8:50am 
A new staff for Sienna, how we could even imagine that :steamhappy:
Dr. Bees Apr 13, 2021 @ 8:51am 
Bardins getting a cannon??!?! YES!! This is what I always wanted for him :)
Adelion Apr 13, 2021 @ 8:52am 
New skins for the heroes? Another thing requested by the community.
v4nd4hl Apr 13, 2021 @ 8:54am 
Originally posted by Dr. Bees:
Bardins getting a cannon??!?! YES!! This is what I always wanted for him :)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Wolfman Apr 13, 2021 @ 8:56am 
The new weapons are not for Chaos Wastes only, right?
Hedge Apr 13, 2021 @ 8:56am 
Originally posted by Wolfman:
The new weapons are not for Chaos Wastes only, right?
They are useable game-wide :)
Elthrael Apr 13, 2021 @ 8:58am 
Originally posted by Fatshark Hedge:
And finally the Coruscation Staff for Sienna. This staff can shoot a volley of fiery rocks, or summon flame geysers that erupt from the ground or any surface it is cast (geyser size depends on the length of the cast). Handy for controlling crowds.

I don't get it. Sounds a lot like the Conflagration Staff. I'm assuming the autoattack is more like the Beam staff shotgun, making this a more specialized CC staff (you can still kinda snipe with Conflag)?
Zaru Apr 13, 2021 @ 9:02am 
Originally posted by Elthrael:
Originally posted by Fatshark Hedge:
And finally the Coruscation Staff for Sienna. This staff can shoot a volley of fiery rocks, or summon flame geysers that erupt from the ground or any surface it is cast (geyser size depends on the length of the cast). Handy for controlling crowds.

I don't get it. Sounds a lot like the Conflagration Staff. I'm assuming the autoattack is more like the Beam staff shotgun, making this a more specialized CC staff (you can still kinda snipe with Conflag)?
The funny part is that Conflag is called "geyser" staff in the game's code.
Wolfman Apr 13, 2021 @ 9:02am 
Originally posted by Fatshark Hedge:
Originally posted by Wolfman:
The new weapons are not for Chaos Wastes only, right?
They are useable game-wide :)

That's great! I look forward to it! :)
Ghuldarkar Apr 13, 2021 @ 9:05am 
Nice stuff but did it seriously take you more than 2 weeks into april to tell us that by the end of april we'll start seeing content that will drop even later?
Baron Apr 13, 2021 @ 9:07am 
This all seems amazing! Wasn't expecting free, and would gladly have paid to see a chaos daemon fight included in chaos wastes, but perhaps in the future?

I guess the real question now is: How will this new game mode's progression tie back into the main game? Please tell me it isn't completely separate, the way that Weaves were.
Looongcat Apr 13, 2021 @ 9:08am 
Will Chaos Wastes be playable solo with bots?
Sakhari Apr 13, 2021 @ 9:10am 
Originally posted by Baron:
I guess the real question now is: How will this new game mode's progression tie back into the main game? Please tell me it isn't completely separate, the way that Weaves were.

Exactly what I came to ask. What are the rewards for success in this new mode and can characters freely jump between these modes with the same skill and gear sets?
Burn them all Apr 13, 2021 @ 9:12am 
Thank you blessed Fatshark. This is the update the fans wanted, YOU HAVE DELIVERED!!!
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Date Posted: Apr 13, 2021 @ 8:43am
Posts: 102